287 research outputs found

    Reporting and methodologic quality of Cochrane Neonatal review group systematic reviews

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Cochrane Neonatal Review Group (CNRG) has achieved a lot with limited resources in producing high quality systematic reviews to assist clinicians in evidence-based decision-making. A formal assessment of published CNRG systematic reviews has not been undertaken; we sought to provide a comprehensive assessment of the quality of systematic reviews (both methodologic and reporting quality) published in CNRG.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We selected a random sample of published CNRG systematic reviews. Items of the QUOROM statement were utilized to assess quality of reporting, while items and total scores of the Oxman-Guyatt Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire (OQAQ) were used to assess methodologic quality. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed quality. A Student t-test was used to compare quality scores pre- and post-publication of the QUOROM statement.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixty-one systematic reviews were assessed. Overall, the included reviews had good quality with minor flaws based on OQAQ total scores (mean, 4.5 [0.9]; 95% CI, 4.27–4.77). However, room for improvement was noted in some areas, such as the title, abstract reporting, a <it>priori </it>plan for heterogeneity assessment and how to handle heterogeneity in case it exists, and assessment of publication bias. In addition, reporting of agreement among reviewers, documentation of trials flow, and discussion of possible biases were addressed in the review process. Reviews published post the QUOROM statement had a significantly higher quality scores.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The systematic reviews published in the CNRG are generally of good quality with minor flaws. However, efforts should be made to improve the quality of reports. Readers must continue to assess the quality of published reports on an individual basis prior to implementing the recommendations.</p


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    Managing Transformers Risk through Failure Codification

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    The fast development and expansion of any service organizations which followed by increases in the asset numbers that’s need to have a proper maintenance strategy which should be cost effective. The aim of any strategy is to have a plan that contribute to improve asset performance by reducing downtime of asset failures. The aim of this paper is to set plan that determine the processes of creating failure code that can create a library of failure modes with its consequences and risk. This allow service provider to quickly understand the problem and any action that can be taken which have already proven by failure mode effect analysis. Also it’s identify most of the functional failures that might happened in the critical asset in the OETC’s network. In this study the transformer asset class was taken into the consideration for full failure mood and fault tree analysis. Defining failure codes can give specific instructions to complete a task to reduce the main time to wait in any failure from the total main time to repair, and any smiler failure mode from other assets the corrective action will remain consistent. The selective processes of creating a failure code give the organization a more holistic view of transformers risk which will be used to improve maintenance strategy by integrate those codes into work order system like CMMS

    Vascular Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

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    Two distinct terms are used to describe vascular thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) depending on which structure is predominantly affected: venous TOS (due to subclavian vein compression) and arterial TOS (due to subclavian artery compression). Although the venous and arterial subtypes of TOS affect only 3% and <1% of all TOS patients respectively, the diagnostic and management approaches to venous and arterial TOS have undergone considerable evolution due to the recent emergence of minimally invasive endovascular techniques such as catheter-directed arterial and venous thrombolysis, and balloon angioplasty. In this review, we discuss the anatomical factors, etiology, pathogenesis and clinical presentation of vascular TOS patients. In addition, we use the most up to date observational evidence available to provide a contemporary approach to the diagnosis and management of venous TOS and arterial TOS patients


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    Objectives: Polyphenols are vital micronutrients, in our diet, which have a role in the prevention of progressive cancer and cardiovascular diseases developing. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the hemopreventive effects of some polyphenols of Phoenix dactylifera pits on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary cancer of female albino rats.Methods: The phenolics of P. dactylifera pits (Zahidi cultivar) were prepared by successive steps; extraction by ethanol:methanol:HCl:H2O, adsorption chromatography using a silica gel column and preparative high performers chromatography. The cytotoxic activity of the phenolics was detected against human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). The acetone phenolic fraction, 50 female albino rats, and DMBA carcinogen were used to study the preventive effects.Results: The acetone phenolic fraction contained considerable amounts of the total phenolics and having antioxidant activity, which inhibit cancer cell line MCF-7 growth, and the inhibitory concentration 50% of cells (IC50) at 24 hrs was 202 μg/ml for MCF-7 and 480 μg/ml for WRL-68. The purified phenolic compounds may be related to genistein and quercetin derivatives that inhibited MCF-7 cell line growth and IC50 were 1030 and 203.9 μg/ml, respectively, compared with negligible effects on normal cell line. The acetone phenolic fraction prevented mammary cancer formation in the DMBA-induced rat model.Conclusions: The phenolics of date palm had chemopreventive effects against DMBA-induced mammary cancer, and they required further research to clarify the possible mechanisms that might have contributed to the preventive effects against mammary cancer

    Concise Review: Cell Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia: An Integrated Review of Preclinical and Clinical Studies

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    Critical limb ischemia (CLI), the most severe form of peripheral artery disease, is characterized by pain at rest and non-healing ulcers in the lower extremities. For patients with CLI, where the extent of atherosclerotic artery occlusion is too severe for surgical bypass or percutaneous interventions, limb amputation remains the only treatment option. Thus, cell-based therapy to restore perfusion and promote wound healing in patients with CLI is under intense investigation. Despite promising preclinical studies in animal models, transplantation of bone marrow (BM)-derived cell populations in patients with CLI has shown limited benefit preventing limb amputation. Early trials injected heterogenous mononuclear cells containing a low frequency of cells with pro-vascular regenerative functions. Most trials transferred autologous cells damaged by chronic disease that demonstrated poor survival in the ischemic environment and impaired function conferred by atherosclerotic or diabetic co-morbidities. Finally, recent preclinical studies suggest optimized blood vessel formation may require paracrine and/or structural contributions from multiple progenitor cell lineages, angiocrine-secretory myeloid cells derived from hematopoietic progenitor cells, tubule-forming endothelial cells generated by circulating or vessel-resident endothelial precursors, and vessel-stabilizing perivascular cells derived from mesenchymal stem cells. Understanding how stem cells co-ordinate the myriad of cells and signals required for stable revascularization remains the key to translating the potential of stem cells into curative therapies for CLI. Thus, combination delivery of multiple cell types within supportive bioengineered matricies may represent a new direction to improve cell therapy strategies for CLI. Stem Cells 2018;36:161–171

    A survey on video segmentation for real-time applications

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    Video object segmentation is to extract moving and static objects from consecutive video frames. It is a prerequisite for visual content retrieval (e.g., MPEG-7 related schemes), objectbased compression and coding (e.g., MPEG-4 codecs), object recognition, object tracking, security video surveillance, traffic monitoring for law enforcement, and many other application

    Potential benefits of cell therapy in coronary heart disease

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    AbstractCardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest both in basic and clinical research regarding the field of cell therapy for coronary heart disease (CHD). Several preclinical models of CHD have suggested that regenerative properties of stem and progenitor cells might help restoring myocardial functions in the event of cardiac diseases. Here, we summarize different types of stem/progenitor cells that have been tested in experimental and clinical settings of cardiac regeneration, from embryonic stem cells to induced pluripotent stem cells. Then, we provide a comprehensive description of the most common cell delivery strategies with their major pros and cons and underline the potential of tissue engineering and injectable matrices to address the crucial issue of restoring the three-dimensional structure of the injured myocardial region. Due to the encouraging results from preclinical models, the number of clinical trials with cell therapy is continuously increasing and includes patients with CHD and congestive heart failure. Most of the already published trials have demonstrated safety and feasibility of cell therapies in these clinical conditions. Several studies have also suggested that cell therapy results in improved clinical outcomes. Numerous ongoing clinical trials utilizing this therapy for CHD will address fundamental issues concerning cell source and population utilized, as well as the use of imaging techniques to assess cell homing and survival, all factors that affect the efficacy of different cell therapy strategies

    Shunt Hybrid Active Power Filter Based on Two Compensation Strategies with PI and Fuzzy Logic Controllers

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    Industrial designs have tremendously changed within the last decade, with its time and nonlinear variation loads in power frameworks spectrum expanding widely. This revolution has resulted in increased quality control problems such as current unbalance, current and voltage harmonics, flicker and poor power factor in control frameworks. The aim of this paper is to address this problem through the development of Synchronous Reference Frame and Reactive Power (SRF and P-Q) control methods. The DC voltage was regulated to its set reference for providing the current reference using proportional-Integral (PI) and fuzzy logic controllers. From the results, Fuzzy logic control was shown to achieve an adequate DC capacitor energy storage optimization, the sinusoidal type of the current and the change of the power factor. A low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) that met the suggestions of IEEE- 519 standard on symphonious levels was achieved with the proposed method

    Quality of life of Sudanese Patients with Benigan Prostatic Hyperplasia. The Oblivious Problem

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    Background: Although the IPSS and QOL index are universally used, they can only quantify the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and evaluate treatment efficacy, but cannot fully reflect the overall quality of life. Moreover, because QOL scale depends on the culture background, it is necessary to develop a Sudanese version of the scale. Objective: To evaluate the impact of BPH on the quality of life by assessing the physical, mental and stress states among patients of BPH. Methodology: This study was conducted on 424 patients with BPH in Gezira Hospital for Renal Disease and Surgery (GHRDS), Sudan. The study was cross-sectional, prospective small-scale hospital based study using simple random sampling technique. The subjects were limited to the Sudanese patients, who could hear and answer the questions of the questionnaire independently and that was done for accuracy and privacy. Taking the patient's educational level into account, all items were expressed in spoken language. The data collection tool was a questionnaire which was modified to twelve items from the BPH Quality of Life Index. Results: The majority 386 patients, 91% were physically fit. The pattern of urination was bothering to their daily life of around 320 patients/75.5%, 225 patients/53.1% of patients were worried about the outcome of the disease, 259 patients/61.1% were not concerned of having prostate cancer and 332 patients/78.2% were satisfied with their sleep. The sexual life had been affected in 201 patients/47.4%. The physical state was assessed by the ability of the patient to pray Friday Jomaa at the mosque which was 85.8% and also by attending important Sudanese obliging social activities like condolence which was (91.9%) of the patients. Conclusion: The impact of BPH on quality of life was obviously significant in the three domains; physical, mental and stress state among patients of BPH in GHRD&amp;S.There should be a validated scale for the BPH Quality of Life Index addressing the traditional strata for Sudanese patients.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp