797 research outputs found

    Gaussian Free Field in the background of correlated random clusters, formed by metallic nanoparticles

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    The effect of metallic nano-particles (MNPs) on the electrostatic potential of a disordered 2D dielectric media is considered. The disorder in the media is assumed to be white-noise Coulomb impurities with normal distribution. To realize the correlations between the MNPs we have used the Ising model with an artificial temperature TT that controls the number of MNPs as well as their correlations. In the T→0T\rightarrow 0 limit, one retrieves the Gaussian free field (GFF), and in the finite temperature the problem is equivalent to a GFF in iso-potential islands. The problem is argued to be equivalent to a scale-invariant random surface with some critical exponents which vary with TT and correspondingly are correlation-dependent. Two type of observables have been considered: local and global quantities. We have observed that the MNPs soften the random potential and reduce its statistical fluctuations. This softening is observed in the local as well as the geometrical quantities. The correlation function of the electrostatic and its total variance are observed to be logarithmic just like the GFF, i.e. the roughness exponent remains zero for all temperatures, whereas the proportionality constants scale with T−TcT-T_c. The fractal dimension of iso-potential lines (DfD_f), the exponent of the distribution function of the gyration radius (τr\tau_r), and the loop lengths (τl\tau_l), and also the exponent of the loop Green function xlx_l change in terms of T−TcT-T_c in a power-law fashion, with some critical exponents reported in the text. Importantly we have observed that Df(T)−Df(Tc)∼1ξ(T)D_f(T)-D_f(T_c)\sim\frac{1}{\sqrt{\xi(T)}}, in which ξ(T)\xi(T) is the spin correlation length in the Ising model

    Seat Belt Usage in Injured Car Occupants: Injury Patterns, Severity and Outcome After Two Main Car Accident Mechanisms in Kashan, Iran, 2012

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    Background: Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are the main public health problems in Iran. The seat belts, which are vehicle safety devices, are imperative to reduce the risk of severe injuries and mortality. Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate injury patterns, severity and outcome among belted and unbelted car occupants who were injured in car accidents. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional prospective study was performed on all car occupants injured in RTAs (n = 822) who were transported to hospital and hospitalized for more than 24 hours from March 2012 to March 2013. Demographic profile of the patients, including age, gender, position in the vehicle, the use of seat belts, type of car crashes, injured body regions, revised trauma score (RTS), Glasgow coma score (GCS), duration of hospital stay and mortality rate were analyzed by descriptive analysis, chi-square and independent t-test. P < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: A total of 560 patients used seat belts (68.1%). The unbelted occupants were younger (28 years vs. 38 years) and had more frequently sustained head, abdomen and multiple injuries (P = 0.01, P = 0.01 and P = 0.009, respectively). Also, these patients had significantly lower GCS and elongated hospitalization and higher death rate (P = 0.001, P = 0.001 and P = 0.05, respectively). Tendency of severe head trauma and low RTS and death were increased in unbelted occupants in car rollover accident mechanisms (P = 0.001, P = 0.01 and P = 0.008, respectively). Conclusions: During car crashes, especially car rollover, unbelted occupants are more likely to sustain multiple severe injuries and death. Law enforcement of the seat belt usage for all occupants (front and rear seat) is obligatory to reduce severe injuries sustained as a result of car accidents, especially in vehicles with low safety

    Relationship of Respiratory Diseases and the Lead Level in Tiran & Karvan Region, Iran

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    Abstract Aims: Lead is emerged as one of the most hazardous elements, existing in the air and soil, which can create irreparable outcomes in the human body due to its highly severe damages. the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between Lead level and the respiratory diseases in Tiran &amp; Karvan Region, Iran. Instrument &amp; Methods: The research methodology was analytical based on the documents and evidence, and library studies and was performed during 2011 to 2015 in Tiran &amp; Karvan Region, Isfahan Province, Iran. The respiratory diseases statistics regarding the studied area was gathered from the information and statistics of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Iran Management Center for Diseases during 2007 to 2009 documents (3215 cases). 110 soil samples and 55 water samples were collected from different positions at Summer 2011, randomly. The variation map of the respiratory diseases and lead spatial distribution for research area were drawn by Arc GIS 10.2 software. Findings: The concentration of lead was 59.4&plusmn;7.9ppm in soil and 48.2&plusmn;4.1ppm in water of the region. The lead variation map showed that the soil in the eastern, northern and western areas consists of a relatively high portion of lead. Also special distribution of the respiratory diseases in Tiran &amp; Karvan showed that the disease variation is in a cluster manner and that the disease follows a special centralization. Conclusion: There is a direct relation between respiratory diseases distribution and the existence of lead in Tiran &amp; Karvan Region, Isfahan Province, Iran

    Comparing diagnosis of depression in depressed patients by EEG, based on two algorithms :Artificial Nerve Networks and Neuro-Fuzy Networks

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    Background and aims: Depression disorder is one of the most common diseases, but the diagnosis is widely complicated and controversial because of interventions, overlapping and confusing nature of the disease. So, keeping previous patients’ profile seems effective for diagnosis and treatment of present patients. Use of this memory is latent in synthetic neuro-fuzzy algorithm. Present article introduces two neuro-fuzzy and artificial neural network algorithms as an aid for psychologists and psychiatrists to diagnose and treat depression. Methods: Neuro-fuzzy has been carried out using data evaluated by psychiatrists and scholars in Tabriz city with the convenience sampling method. Sixty-five patients were studied from whom 40 patients were taught feed forward, back propagation by artificial neural network algorithm and 14 patients were tested. An inductive neuro-fuzzy intervention created neuro-fuzzy rules to decide about depression diagnosis. Results: The proposed neuro-fuzzy model created better classifications. Reaching maximum accuracy of 13.97is appropriate in diagnosis prediction. The results of the present study indicated that neuro-fuzzy is more powerful than artificial neural network with accuracy 76.88. Conclusion: Findings of the research showed the depression scores of beck inventory can be predicted and explained with the accuracy of 87 using EEG in F4 and alpha peak frequency. It can be said that such accuracy in predicting can’t be obtained by any regression or route analysis method. The research can be the first step to predict and even identify depression using taking the data directly from the brain. So, there is no need for inventory and even a specialist diagnosis

    Determining the relationship between depression and brain waves in depressed subjects using Pearson correlation and regression

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    Background and aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between brain waves and Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) score in clinical cases with depression. Methods: In this study, EEG was taken using neurofeedback device at the point F4 of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of the brain of 60 depressed patients referred to psychiatric clinic. At the same time, Beck Depression Inventory was performed to assess the severity of depression. With the condition of artifact lower than 50, fourty one EEG related to the 41 subjects were remained after eliminating artifact. Results: The findings of this study confirm the mean decrease in alpha and theta waves and increase beta wave in the brain waves of depressed patients. Comprehensive analysis of the data with a multi-regression indicates a predictable BDI score at F4, based on two variables (mean beta and mean alpha) which reflects the depression increase by increased mean beta and decreased mean alpha according to the following equation: Depression based on Beck at F4 point is equal to: Beck’s depression score= mean beta (0.532)+mean Alpha (0.412). Conclusion: Due to rapid growth of the elderly population in the country as well as Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, considering the needs of this age group is an important necessity

    Governance of Agricultural Water Management:How Does the EPSI Model Explain Iranian Farmers' Satisfaction? An Experience from Northwestern Iran

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    Farmers’ satisfaction with agricultural water management can be used as a measure of the fairness of water distribution and the performance of an irrigation scheme. Therefore, the assessment of farmers’ satisfaction in this respect could provide useful insights contributing to the sustainable governance of irrigation water. In this study, the population of interest consisted of residents in district of Lajan using the public irrigation network in Piranshahr Township, Iran. Using Krejcie and Morgan’s table and following a simple random sampling method, 110 individuals were selected as the research sample. Questionnaire [based on the European Performance Satisfaction Index (EPSI)] was the main tool for data gathering. The validity of the questionnaire was verified by a panel of experts. To assess its reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was calculated for the main scales of the questionnaire (α= 0.74 to 0.86). According to the obtained data, the main factors influencing farmers’ satisfaction included the perceived image of irrigation governance, expectations of farmers from irrigation governance, and the perceived quality and value of irrigation. According to the results, farmers believed that irrigation management by the government was a solution for reducing local conflicts in relation to agricultural water use and justice in the distribution of irrigation water. However, they were not satisfied with the irrigation scheme governance

    Simple and Safe Packing Method for High-Grade Liver Injuries

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    Background: Injury to the liver is a commonly encountered problem in trauma cases and is a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality. Because gauze packing is easy to use and has the potential for rapid hemorrhage control, it is the most commonly used method for patients with severe liver injuries, particularly those with coagulopathy. Objectives: In this study, OpSite sheets were used to make three-layer packs for decreasing the complication associated with removing gauze packing. Patients and Methods: Twenty male patients with grade IV or V liver injuries that required laparotomy were enrolled in the study. Ten patients were treated using conventional packing, while the other 10 were treated using the three-layer pack. In the case group, the liver was mobilized as much as possible. The three-layer pack was then placed at the site of liver damage and extended onto the liver surface, and the other pads were placed on top of this pad. After 72 h, reoperation was performed, the packs were removed, and the packs causing injury were recorded. Additionally, if rebleeding due to the adhesive bands of the pack was observed, the blood was suctioned and bleeding volume was measured. Data were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney test. Results: Patients in the case and control groups were similar in age and admission vital signs. During the second operation, the bleeding volumes measured in the case and control groups were 66 ± 27.01 mL and 152 ± 85.4 mL, respectively. There was some pad-induced damage after the removal of the pad in the control group. Conclusions: Our study has provided a simple and safe packing method for high-grade liver injuries

    Epidemiology of Urban Traffic Accident Victims Hospitalized More Than 24 Hours in a Level III Trauma Center, Kashan County, Iran, During 2012-2013

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    Background: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder occurred due to past adverse experiences. Several researches have demonstrated that PTSD is quite common among patients discharged from critical care unit. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of PTSD and its related factors among patients discharged from critical care units in Kashan, Iran, during 2014. Patients and Methods: A descriptive prospective study was performed on 332 patients admitted to critical care units of Kashan Shahid Beheshti Hospital using a convenience sampling method. Data were collected in wards during hospitalization and one month after their discharge from hospital using questionnaires on demographic, medical information and PTSD Checklist (PCL). The PCL scores of 45 or more were considered as PTSD. Data were analyzed using chi-square, t-test, Mann-Whitney U and logistic regression. Results: From a total of 332 patients, 160 cases (48.2%) had PTSD and the mean total PCL score in participants was 44.24 ± 19.89. There was a significant difference between the total score of PTSD and its domains in patients with and without PTSD. the univariate analysis showed a significant association between PTSD and increasing age, increased length of hospital stay, more children, having additional comorbidities, unemployed, use of mechanical ventilation (P < 0.001), drug abuse (P = 0.003) and single patients (P = 0.028). However, there was no significant association between PTSD and gender, type of the critical care unit, level of education and admission due to trauma. However, in multivariate analysis using logistic regression, factors associated with PTSD were older age of the participants, use of mechanical ventilation having additional comorbidities, unemployed (P<0.001) and being single (P=0.04) Conclusions: Prevalence of PTSD is high among patients discharged from ICUs and some medical individual factors such as elderly, unemployed, being single, using mechanical ventilation and pre-existing diseases are risk factors. Therefore, it is recommended to perform appropriative educational plan for these patients to reduce the risk of PTSD
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