5 research outputs found

    Emotional and Psychological Experiences of Transplanted Patients in Communicating with Families of Brain-dead Donors

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    Introduction: Transplanted patients’ communication with the families of brain-dead donors is a new experience, which provokes different reactions in both sides due to its different dimensions. The aim of this study was to clarify emotional and psychological experiences of transplanted patients in communicating with brain-dead donors’ families. Method: This study was a qualitative research conducted using the phenomenology approach. The experiences of transplanted patients were studied using unstructured and in-depth interviews. Data saturation was reached by interviewing 8 transplanted patients who communicated with the brain-dead patients’ families. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis based on Colaizzi’s method. Results: The findings of this survey can be classified into two general concepts of anxiety, and psychological and mental disturbances after receiving the organ. These two concepts consist of smaller concepts. Anxiety consists of concepts such as complicated therapy, regret due to relationship problems, stress and worry, and stress after the incident. Mental and psychological disturbances after receiving the organ consist of the recipient’s mental challenges with her/himself, and increase in blood pressure due to stress. Conclusion: Transplantation is an important event occurring in the life of these patients. The anxiety of the possible failure of transplantation is a problem that these patients are exposed to after transplantation. Communication and familiarity with the donor’s family also increase this anxiety. If the brain-dead donor’s family wishes to communicate with the organ recipient, it is better to start this relationship under special conditions and the supervision of a psychologist. Keywords: Emotional experience, Psychological experience, Organ transplantation, Communication, Family, Brain deat

    Prediction of antigenic sites on ALS1 and HWP1 protein sequences in vaginal isolated C. albicans of using bioinformatics analysis

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    Background and Aim: The ability to predict antigenic sites on proteins is of major importance for medication. The aim of this study was to predict the antigenic sites on Agglutin in Like Sequence (ALS1) and Hyphal Wall Protein Sequences (HWP1) in Candida albicans isolated of vaginal infections using Physico-Chemical Profiles server. Materials and Methods: 7 isolates were obtained from women with vaginal infection which were collected from various medical centers of Tehran in 2011 and 2012. At the first,DNA was extracted  by Phenol-Chloroform method. Multiplex PCR was performed by using specific primers. In order to do bioinformatic studies, the genes were sequenced and then translated. Antigenic sites of protein sequences were identified by Physico-Chemical Profiles program. Results: The results showed that the presence of two genes als1 and hwp1 in isolates. In ALS1 and HWP1, respectively 2 and 1 antigenic site with the most antigenicity were identified. Conclusions: According to previous studies, Serine and Threonine phosphorylation is an important mechanism in pathogenesis of ALS1 and HWP1 proteins. Results in this study showed that serine and threonine are the most amino acids in the antigenic sites with high antigenicity property

    Prediction of antigenic sites on ALS1 and HWP1 protein sequences in vaginal isolated C. albicans of using bioinformatics analysis

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    Background and Aim: The ability to predict antigenic sites on proteins is of major importance for medication. The aim of this study was to predict the antigenic sites on Agglutin in Like Sequence (ALS1) and Hyphal Wall Protein Sequences (HWP1) in Candida albicans isolated of vaginal infections using Physico-Chemical Profiles server. Materials and Methods: 7 isolates were obtained from women with vaginal infection which were collected from various medical centers of Tehran in 2011 and 2012. At the first,DNA was extracted  by Phenol-Chloroform method. Multiplex PCR was performed by using specific primers. In order to do bioinformatic studies, the genes were sequenced and then translated. Antigenic sites of protein sequences were identified by Physico-Chemical Profiles program. Results: The results showed that the presence of two genes als1 and hwp1 in isolates. In ALS1 and HWP1, respectively 2 and 1 antigenic site with the most antigenicity were identified. Conclusions: According to previous studies, Serine and Threonine phosphorylation is an important mechanism in pathogenesis of ALS1 and HWP1 proteins. Results in this study showed that serine and threonine are the most amino acids in the antigenic sites with high antigenicity property

    The efficacy of topical Royal Jelly on diabetic foot ulcers healing: A case series*

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    Background: Foot ulcers and infections are the major sources of morbidity in individuals with diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of topical Royal Jelly (a worker honey bee product) on healing diabetic foot ulcers. Methods: Diabetic patients with foot ulcers that were referred to our clinic at Khorshid Hospital, Isfahan, Iran; were evaluated three times a week and treated according to standard treatments consisted of offloading, infection control, vascular improvement and debridement if required. In addition, all ulcers were measured and then topical sterile 5% Royal Jelly was applied on the total surface area of the wounds. Eventually, they were covered with sterile dressings. Each patient was followed for a period of three months or until the complete healing. Results: A total of eight patients were enrolled in this study. Of these, two had two ulcers and, therefore, ten ulcers were evaluated. Two ulcers were excluded. Seven of the remained eight ulcers healed. Mean duration of complete healing was 41 days. One ulcer did not completely heal but improved to 40% smaller in length, 32% in width and 28% in depth. The mean length, width and depth reduction rates were 0.35 mm/day, 0.28 mm/day and 0.11 mm/day, respectively. Conclusions: Royal Jelly dressing may be an effective method for treating diabetic foot ulcers besides standard treatments