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    MSMEs play an important role in driving the economy, even though they are small scale, thesebusinesses are able to help the wheels of a country's economy. MSMEs are a large and diversesector, and their contribution to economic growth and job creation is very significant. One of thepopular MSME sectors is the snack food industry, including the production of taro chips. Theobstacle in running this MSME is that it only looks at previous demand without using a productionplanning strategy. The non-implementation of production planning strategies is motivated byvarious factors. In this research, we will discuss the optimal production amount for Keladi ChipsMSMEs so that profits can be maximized by using the Linear Programming method. The datarequired to use the Linear Programming method is collecting data such as product type, productyield data, number of working days data, and sales data. This research produces a monthlyproduction profit of Rp. 7,584,000 of them with a production output of taro chips products of 900packs in one month.UMKM memainkan peran penting dalam menggerakkan perekonomian, meskipun berskalakecil, bisnis tersebut mampu membantu roda perekonomian suatu negara. UMKM merupakansektor yang besar dan beragam, dan kontribusinya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penciptaanlapangan kerja sangat signifikan. Salah satu sektor UMKM yang populer adalah indsutri makananringan, termasuk produksi keripik keladi. Kendala dalam menjalan UMKM ini ialah hanya melihatdari permintaan sebelumnya tanpa menggunakan strategi perencanaan produksi. Tidakditerapkannya strategi perencanaan produksi dilatarbelakangi oleh berbagai faktor. Dalampenelitian ini hendak dibahas yaitu jumlah produksi yang optimal pada UMKM Keripik Keladiagar keuntungan yang didapat lebih maksimal dengan menggunakan metode Linear Programming.Data yang diperlukan dalam penggunaan metode Linear Programming yaitu dengan pengumpulandata seperti jenis produk, data hasil produk, data jumlah hari kerja, dan data penjualan. Penelitianini menghasilkan keuntungan produksi pada setiap bulan sebesar Rp. 7.584.000 diantaranya denganoutput produksi produk keripik keladi sebanyak 900 bungkus dalam satu bulan

    Militancy And State-Dialogue On Insecurity In Africa: The Case Of Nigeria's Boko Haram

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    Abstract: The unprecedented emergence of violence and insecurity in Nigeria is a replication of the occurrences in the Middle East and what is glaringly obtainable in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other places in the world. The paper captures the concept of militancy and how it relates to the government of a state in maintaining security and protection of the civilians and their properties. The paper analyzes some of the fundamental ways through which militancy may emanate and how the state can halt or foil the militant activities. It tries to choose among all possible approaches of arresting violence using the best alternative method in the state. The paper is a result of criticaldescriptive research which adopts content instrument of analysis for scientific submissions. The paper discovers that militancy is not the creation of the militants per se, but the creation of conglomerated forces that result in the militancy. The paper however, concludes that the Boko Haram uprising has not been properly addressed by the Nigerian government and only the wrong way has been taken, which is the refusal to hold discussions with members of the sect, due to some intervening variables. The paper also recommends proper dialogue with the Boko Haram members, amnesty and rehabilitation be considered