12 research outputs found

    Homology of the Fex predicted exons with cDNA sequences of EST database

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Comparative analysis of various gene finders specific to genome"</p><p></p><p>Bioinformation 2006;1(6):203-207.</p><p>Published online 7 Oct 2006</p><p>PMCID:PMC1891687.</p><p></p> Sequences were compared by TBLASTN computer-based sequence analysis. [] Hypothetical gene name designated by sequencing consortium is given in bold letters and amino acid sequence predicted by Fex is given next to the hypothetical gene name in bracket. Newly predicted exons were compared with cDNA sequences separately. Numbers on the left and right side of amino acid sequences indicate the position of these amino acid residues in the exons predicted by Fex (query) and cDNA hits (yk series) during TBLASTN search. Names of each cDNA clone are mentioned on the left side and their EMBL accession numbers are given on the right side of the aligned sequences

    Molecular docked structure of 6MP complex with DNA.

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    <p>Dodecamer duplex sequence (CGCGAATTCGCG)<sub>2</sub> (PDB ID: 1BNA) was used in the docking studies. The binding energy of the complex system was found to be −116.97 kJ/mole.</p

    KI quenching experiment.

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    <p>Stern-Volmer plot for fluorescence quenching of 6MP (50 μM) by KI in absence and presence of CT-DNA (100 μM). Quenching of 6MP fluorescent intensity was done using KI in absence and presence of CT-DNA and quenching constant was calculated in both the case. Difference in Ksv value was further used to investigate the binding mode of 6MP and DNA.</p

    Stern-Volmer plot for interaction of 6MP with CT-DNA.

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    <p>The fluorescent intensity was found to be directly proportional to DNA concentration. Binding constant of 7.8×10<sup>3</sup>M<sup>−1</sup> was obtained from the slope.</p

    Effect of increasing the concentration of 6MP on the viscosity of CT-DNA.

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    <p>The concentration of CT-DNA was kept constant (100 μM) with increasing amount of 6MP. Values reported are mean of three independent experiments.</p

    Interaction of 6MP with CT-DNA.

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    <p>UV-visible absorption spectra of 6MP (25 μM) in presence of increasing concentrations of CT-DNA in Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.2). Hyperchromism was observed with increasing concentration of CT-DNA confirming the interaction of 6MP and DNA. Structure of 6 Mercaptopurine is shown in the inset.</p

    6MP induced generation of superoxide anion.

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    <p>Concentration dependent photo generation of superoxide anion by 6MP. Indicated concentration of 6MP was exposed to white light for 1h at RT and absorbance was measured at 560±SEM of three independent experiments. *<i>p</i> value <0.01 when compared to control.</p

    Interaction of 6MP with CT-DNA studied using fluorescence spectroscopy.

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    <p>Fluorescence emission spectra of 6MP (50 μM) in the presence of increasing concentrations of CT-DNA. Increase in the fluorescent intensity was observed with increasing DNA concentration. Excitation wavelength was 280 nm and emission was recorded as shown in figure.</p

    Role of ionic strength.

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    <p>To study the role of electrostatic effect on 6MP-DNA binding, NaCl was used. Maximum emission intensity plot of 6MP-DNA was plotted with increasing concentration of NaCl (0–70mM). Excitation wavelength was 280 nm. Increase in fluorescence intensity suggests for a possible electrostatic interaction between 6MP and CT-DNA.</p

    Protective and Flame-Retardant Bifunctional Epoxy-Based Nanocomposite Coating by Intercomponent Synergy between Modified CaAl-LDH and rGO

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    Extensive utilization in various settings poses extra requirements of coatings beyond just anticorrosion properties. Herein, 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ) intercalated CaAl-based layered double hydroxide (CaAl-8HQ-LDH) was loaded on reduced GO (rGO) through a one-pot hydrothermal reaction, which was employed as the nanofiller endowing the epoxy (EP/CaAl-8HQ LDH@rGO) with excellent flame-retardancy while ensuring efficient protection for mild steel. Results of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) demonstrated the durability of the EP/CaAl-8HQ LDH@rGO-coated specimen, with the impedance at the lowest frequency (|Z|0.01Hz) maintained as 1.84 × 1010 Ω cm2 after 120 days of immersion in a 3.5 wt % NaCl solution. Even for the scratched EP/CaAl-8HQ LDH@rGO system, only a slight decline in |Z|0.01Hz was observed during 180 h of exposure to the NaCl solution, indicating a self-healing feature supported by salt spray tests. UL-94 burning tests revealed the V-0 rating for EP/CaAl-8HQ LDH@rGO with improved thermostability. Strong physical barrier from two-dimensional rGO and the release of 8-HQ from LDH interlayers accounted for the anticorrosive and self-healing properties. However, O2-concentration dilution and charring-layer promotion governed the flame-retardant behavior of the nanocomposite coating. The intercomponent synergy of nanofillers achieved in this work may provide a useful reference for designing multifunctional coatings