271 research outputs found

    Word Affect Intensities

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    Words often convey affect -- emotions, feelings, and attitudes. Lexicons of word-affect association have applications in automatic emotion analysis and natural language generation. However, existing lexicons indicate only coarse categories of affect association. Here, for the first time, we create an affect intensity lexicon with real-valued scores of association. We use a technique called best-worst scaling that improves annotation consistency and obtains reliable fine-grained scores. The lexicon includes terms common from both general English and terms specific to social media communications. It has close to 6,000 entries for four basic emotions. We will be adding entries for other affect dimensions shortly

    Generating Music from Literature

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    We present a system, TransProse, that automatically generates musical pieces from text. TransProse uses known relations between elements of music such as tempo and scale, and the emotions they evoke. Further, it uses a novel mechanism to determine sequences of notes that capture the emotional activity in the text. The work has applications in information visualization, in creating audio-visual e-books, and in developing music apps

    The Effect of Negators, Modals, and Degree Adverbs on Sentiment Composition

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    Negators, modals, and degree adverbs can significantly affect the sentiment of the words they modify. Often, their impact is modeled with simple heuristics; although, recent work has shown that such heuristics do not capture the true sentiment of multi-word phrases. We created a dataset of phrases that include various negators, modals, and degree adverbs, as well as their combinations. Both the phrases and their constituent content words were annotated with real-valued scores of sentiment association. Using phrasal terms in the created dataset, we analyze the impact of individual modifiers and the average effect of the groups of modifiers on overall sentiment. We find that the effect of modifiers varies substantially among the members of the same group. Furthermore, each individual modifier can affect sentiment words in different ways. Therefore, solutions based on statistical learning seem more promising than fixed hand-crafted rules on the task of automatic sentiment prediction.Comment: In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA), San Diego, California, 201

    Using Nuances of Emotion to Identify Personality

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    Past work on personality detection has shown that frequency of lexical categories such as first person pronouns, past tense verbs, and sentiment words have significant correlations with personality traits. In this paper, for the first time, we show that fine affect (emotion) categories such as that of excitement, guilt, yearning, and admiration are significant indicators of personality. Additionally, we perform experiments to show that the gains provided by the fine affect categories are not obtained by using coarse affect categories alone or with specificity features alone. We employ these features in five SVM classifiers for detecting five personality traits through essays. We find that the use of fine emotion features leads to statistically significant improvement over a competitive baseline, whereas the use of coarse affect and specificity features does not.Comment: In Proceedings of the ICWSM Workshop on Computational Personality Recognition, July 2013, Boston, US

    Distributional Measures of Semantic Distance: A Survey

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    The ability to mimic human notions of semantic distance has widespread applications. Some measures rely only on raw text (distributional measures) and some rely on knowledge sources such as WordNet. Although extensive studies have been performed to compare WordNet-based measures with human judgment, the use of distributional measures as proxies to estimate semantic distance has received little attention. Even though they have traditionally performed poorly when compared to WordNet-based measures, they lay claim to certain uniquely attractive features, such as their applicability in resource-poor languages and their ability to mimic both semantic similarity and semantic relatedness. Therefore, this paper presents a detailed study of distributional measures. Particular attention is paid to flesh out the strengths and limitations of both WordNet-based and distributional measures, and how distributional measures of distance can be brought more in line with human notions of semantic distance. We conclude with a brief discussion of recent work on hybrid measures
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