612 research outputs found

    Linguistic Deviation in Literary Style

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    This paper is an attempt to shed light on linguistic deviation in literary style. Literary language, with its three main genres; poetry, drama and prose, is a situational variety of English that has specific features which belong to the literary and elevated language of the past. Literary language has been assigned a special status since antiquity, and is still used nowadays by some speakers and writers in certain situations and contexts. It has been considered as sublime and distinctive from all other types of language; one which is deviant from ordinary use of language in that it breaks the common norms or standards of language. A basic characteristic of literary style is linguistic deviation which occurs at different levels; lexical, semantic, syntactic, phonological, morphological, graphological, historical, dialectal and register. All these types of deviations are thoroughly investigated and stylistically analyzed in this paper so as to acquaint readers, students of English, researchers, and those interested in the field, with this type of linguistic phenomenon whose data is based on selected samples from major classical works in English literatur

    Use of intravenous anti-D in patients with refractory and relapsed immune thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Objective: To determine the response to IV anti-D and its comparison with splenectomy as second line therapy in refractory and relapsed cases of ITP, in the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. Methods: A total of 23 patients with chronic ITP were treated with either anti-D or splenectomy as second line treatment. The patients were assessed for time to achieve a response to second line treatment, duration ofresponse and adverse events. Results: There were 12 patients in the anti-D group and 11 in the splenectomy group. The mean platelet count at presentation was 9,000/cumm. The mean age was 8.9 years and 13.0 years and the male to female ratio was 1:1 and 1:1.2 in anti-D and splenectomy group respectively. 54.5% of the patient in the anti-D group responded compared to 81.8% in the splenectomy group. Median time to achieve a response was 7 days in the anti-D group and 1 day in the splenectomy group. Mean time to relapse was 87.8 days in the anti-D group and 55.4 days in the splenectomy group. No adverse events were recorded for any of the infusions of anti-D and none of the patients had more than 0.5 gm /dl fall in the hemoglobin level following anti-D infusion. Conclusion: It was thus concluded that Anti-D is a relatively safe, convenient and effective therapy for chronic ITP and can be used as a splenectomy sparing agent when treatment is clinically indicated

    Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi "Wawasan Islami" Untuk Anak Usia Dini Menggunakan Unity 3D

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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perancangan game edukasi untuk anak usia 4-12 tahun di desa Candikuning II, pembangunan aplikasi ini dilakukan untuk berfokus pada media pembelajaran agama berbasis Android, game edukasi “Wawasan Islami” ini dibangun untuk dijadikan sebagai metode pembelajaran agama untuk anak usia dini di desa Candikuning II. Metode penelititan yang diterapkan untuk pengembangan aplikasi adalah metode Waterfall dengan melalui 5 tahapan yaitu Analisis Kebutuhan (Requirement), Perancangan (Design), Penerapan (Impelementation), Pembuktian (Verification) dan Pemeliharaan (Maintenance). Dalam merancang game edukasi ini menggunakan Blender untuk perancangan karakter dan pembuatan gerakan animasinya dan menggunakan Unity untuk game engine. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan google forms dengan subjek penelitian untuk anak usia 4-12 tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini, ialah: (a) Game edukasi “Wawasan Islami” adalah metode pembelajaran agama yang menggunakan Unity 3D. (b) Pengujian kepada ahli media guna menilai tingkat kelayakan game didapatkan hasil sangat layak dengan presentasi kelayakan 89% dan dari hasil pengujian pengguna dengan rentang usia 4-12 tahun didapatkan hasil sangat layak dengan presentasi kelayakan 93,5%. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian ahli media dan pengguna dapat disimpulkan bahwa game edukasi “Wawasan Islami” ini layak dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran agama untuk anak-anak di desa Candikuning II

    Increased expression of HLA DR2 in acquired aplastic anemia and its impact on response to immunosuppressive therapy

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    Objective: To study the frequency of HLA DR2 status of patients with aplastic anemia and their response to immunosuppressive therapy at a tertiary care hospital. Methods: Thirty eight consecutive patients of acquired aplastic anemia were evaluated with respect to demographic features, severity of HLA DR2 status and response outcome to immunosuppressive therapy. Results: The mean age of the patients was 24.6 years + 16.4 with a male to female ratio of 2.8:1. Positivity of HLA DR2 was markedly high in acquired aplastic anemia patients. Twenty four (65%) out of 38 patients as compared to 45 (15%) of 300 healthy controls (p\u3c0.0001) were positive for HLA DR2. Response to immunosuppressive therapy, which included antilymphocyte globulin, cyclosporin and methylprednisolone, was available in sixteen HLA DR2 positive patients and was found satisfactory in 12/16 (75%) patients. Conclusion: HLA DR2 was significantly higher in patients with acquired aplastic anemia and favourable response to immunosuppressive therapy was also associated with HLA DR2 positivity (JPMA 54:251;2004)

    Violence Against Nurses’ in Critical Units at Governmental Hospitals in Jordan

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    The propose of this study was to explore the prevalence of work place violence against nurses’ committed by patient, family member or other health care provider in Jordanian hospitals. Method: Descriptive correlation study will be conducted in Jordan. The data will collect through (self-administered questionnaires). Result: 62 subject involved in the study, 26 (41.9%) person were male, 36(58.1%) were female. The most respondent age located between 20 to 24 years old, The majority of  sample were single 80.6%, most of the sample experience in practice in between 6 months to five years 56(90.3%), the most subject work in ICU 26(41.9%), emergency 19 (30.6%) & CCU 17(27.4%). Most of the participant marked that violence against nurse is important issues were whom working in the ICU’s 26(45.6%), most of violated participant nurses in the critical units were whom working in emergency departement14 (43.8%), also ER participant stated that the violence against nurses increase in the last year 13 (39.4%) , the ICU participants have the most experience about witnessed violence against nurses 23(40.4%), ER nurses 19 (100%) that participate in this study marked that there is one or more violence per week toward nurses. Conclusion: As appeared from this study, there is violence against nurses male or female in all critical care area (ICU, CCU, ER) in hospitals settings, therefore, it should be national policy & laws to protect the nurses from the violence and reserve their dignity. Nursing students considered one of violence subjects, it is (from point of view of the researchers) very beneficial for educational purposes to study the prevalence and effects of violence on nursing students during their training periods. From all the statistical analysis that done in this study the  researcher stated that increasing  age among nurses who working in critical care give him experience how to deal with stressful situations because minimal nurses above 30 exposure to violence whatever physically or verbally according these result. Keywords: Violence against nurse, physical violence, psychological violence and critical care nurse

    Hematologic and cytogenetic findings in eleven chronic myelogenous leukemia patients treated with imatinib mesylate at a tertiary care hospital

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    Objective: To evaluate the response of Imatinib mesylate in patients with myeloid leukemia in chronic ,accelerated and blast phase. Methods:Eleven patients with established diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia were treatedwith Imatinib mesylate. Adverse events were documented with regular follow ups. Hematological and cytogeneticresponses were assessed according to established criteria. Patients with zero percent Philadelphia positivemetaphases were labeled as complete cytogenetic response while patients with 1% to 35% Philadelphia positive metaphases were termed as partial responders. Results: Of 11 cases there were 7 males and 4 females with a mean age of 39.5 years and median age 51 years(range 21-69). Male to female ratio was 7:4. Median follow-up was 34 weeks (range 8-78). Four patients werein blast crisis, 1 in accelerated phase and remaining six patients were in chronic phase. All patients achieved hematological response. Cytogenetic response was present in six patients, 3 were responders and the remainingwere non responders. Two patients achieved complete cytogenetic response and one patient had partial cytogenetic response. Both patients with complete cytogenetic response relapsed in twelve weeks time. Conclusion: Imatinib mesylate is a drug with curative potential and can be used as a first line drug in the management of CML, however at present the cure rate is unknow

    Significance of cytogenetic abnormalities in acute myeloid leukaemia

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    Objective: To evaluate the role of karyotype in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) as a predictor of response to induction chemotherapy. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out at the department of Pathology and Oncology, Aga Khan University Karachi from January 2003 to January 2005. Newly diagnosed patients with denovo AML admitted to the hospital were included in the study. Diagnosis of AML was based on FAB criteria, immunophenotyping and cytogenetic studies. They were treated according to standard protocols (combination of anthracycline and cytarabine -3+7) and those who had acute promyelocytic leukaemia additionally received all- trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Results: A total of 56 patients were enrolled, 4 were excluded due to inadequate cytogenetic analysis and the remaining patients entered the study protocol. There were 32 males and 20 females with mean age of 31.3 years (range 9 months to 73 years). Thirty-five (67.3%) patients had normal karyotype while 17 (32.7%) were found to have cytogenetic abnormalities. Eleven patients did not receive treatment at our hospital. Half of the (51.2%) patients out of remaining 41 achieved complete remission on bone marrow examination after receiving induction chemotherapy. In favourable risk group 3/3 (100%) achieved complete remission (CR) while 15/32 (46.9%) in intermediate risk group and 3/6 (50%) in unfavourable risk group. There was low CR rate in patients with high white cell counts. Conclusion: The frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities in AML and response to induction chemotherapy was low when compared with international data possibly due to the small sample size. However, there was a clear difference in CR rates between favourable and unfavourable risk group

    Role of ICT malaria immunochromatographic test for rapid diagnosis of malaria

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    Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of immunochromatographic test (ICT) malaria p.f/p.v using microscopy as the gold standard diagnosis. Methods: Five hundred and sixty patients of both sexes and all age groups with clinical suspicion of malaria were studied. Venous blood was collected for microscopy and ICT. Thick and thin films prepared and stained with Leishman\u27s stain were examined. ICT malaria test was performed and interpreted according to manufacturer\u27s instructions. Data was analyzed using Epi-6. Results: A total of 560 cases were studied, 339 males and 221 females with age ranges between 2 to 73 years. Seventy two (12.85%) cases had parasitaemia (with or without sexual forms). On microscopy 65 (11.6%) cases had asexual-stage parasitaemia and 7 (1.25%) cases had P. falciparum gametocytes only. Thirty two cases were infected with P. falciparum, 29 with P. vivax and 4 had mixed infection. For P. falciparum the ICT was 97.0% sensitive, 98.3% specific, with positive predictive value (PPV) of 78.0% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 99.8%. For P. vivax the sensitivity was only 89.7%, specificity 97.9%, PPV was 70.3% and NPV 99.4%. Conclusion: Our results are in concordance with previous studies. Rapid tests though expensive are simple to perform and effective diagnostic tools of malaria. They can be used selectively, though microscopy remains the gold standard diagnosis, economical and accurate if performed by skilled technologist

    Deep learning classification of chest x-ray images

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    We propose a deep learning based method for classification of commonly occurring pathologies in chest X-ray images. The vast number of publicly available chest X-ray images provides the data necessary for successfully employing deep learning methodologies to reduce the misdiagnosis of thoracic diseases. We applied our method to the classification of two example pathologies, pulmonary nodules and cardiomegaly, and we compared the performance of our method to three existing methods. The results show an improvement in AUC for detection of nodules and cardiomegaly compared to the existing methods.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, conference , SSIAI 202