203 research outputs found

    The molecular investigation of celiac disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated disorder resulting in nutrient malabsorption now thought to have a prevalence of 1:100 in the Iranian population.Symptoms of CD are included diarrhea, abdominal pain, steatorrhea, bloating, cramps, flatulence, weight loss, weakness and short stature. In addition to presenting symptoms, patients are also at increased risk of metabolic bone disease, lymphoma (enteropathy-associated with T-cell) and other malignancies in different parts of the body such as gastric, esophageal, bladder, breast and brain. There appears to be a strong genetic component to this disease. In this short review we provided the historical, clinical and genetic aspects of this disease and highlight numerous findings from recent molecular immunology studies.

    New Molecular Aspects of Cardiac Arrest; Promoting Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Approaches

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    Introduction: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a method to improve survival of patients with cardiac arrest. This study aimed to identify the key genes affected five minutes after cardiac arrest, hoping to elevate the efficacy of CPR.Methods: In this bioinformatics study differentially expressed genes of six pigs were downloaded from GEO and screened. The significant and characterized genes were analyzed via calculating fold change and protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. The crucial nodes were determined based on centrality parameters and their related biological processes were investigated via ClueGO.Results: 17 significant up-regulated (LogFC ≥ 2) and 22 down-regulated (LogFC < -0.5) genes were detected. Transthyretin (TTR logFC = 4.59) and Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR logFC = 3.84) had higher logFC among up-regulated and down-regulated genes, respectively. The critical genes including four up-regulated and five down-regulated genes were detected from network analysis. GNRHR and Prolactin precursor (PRL) were among the most important down res 5 minutes after cardiac arrest and Beta-2 adrenergic receptor and Cadherin-1 were among the most important up regulated gens. Conclusion: The introduced potential biomarkers could reveal a new molecular aspect for CPR performance and pituitary gland protection was highlighted in this respect.  

    Assessment of the microbiological safety of salad vegetables from different Restaurants in Ilam

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    Vegetables, used in preparing salads, are most important part of the diet. These materials are often irrigated by untreated urban wastewater. Wastewater, contaminated with ova of parasites, bacteria and protozoa, are used as fertilizers and it can cause a variety of infectious diseases. The purpose of this study is detection of microbial contamination of salad used in Ilam’s restaurants.In this study, 42 samples were collected from all restaurants placed in Ilam city and transferred to the laboratory. Brilliant Green Medium, Trypton water and Coax reagent used for detection of Escherichia coli. Water broth, Selenit systein, Tetrationat, Salmonella-shigella agar and Briliant green was used for identification of salmonella. For detection of Enterococcus, KF agar medium containing a diphenyl Tetrazolium chloride was used. Sabro dextrose agar medium (SDA) was used for detection of mold and yeast and wet mount and concentration methods used for parasitology investigations. The results of this study indicate that about 66.66% of samples were infected with Enterococcus, 69% had E. coli contamination and 83.33% of samples were contaminated with yeast. Samples were negative for presence of Salmonella and mold (mold not more than 103). Parasites contamination of samples was (4 cases) 9.5% for Giardia lamblia, (10 cases) 23.8% for Taenia eggs, 31% (13 cases) for Hymenolepis nana 16.6% (7 cases) for Entamoeba coli. The results of this study showed that salads are contaminated with infectious agent and the use of appropriate disinfectants and washing the vegetables used in salad preparation is essential for controlling infectious diseases

    Effect of eight weeks endurance exercise on liver enzymes in stopping drug women with methadone

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    Previous studies indicated that endurance exercise decreases levels of liver enzymes. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of endurance exercise on liver enzymes in eight weeks in Iranian women who are stopping the drug with methadone. sixty Iranian women prisoners including 30 cases as experimental group and 30 volunteers served as control. The mean age, height, weight, percent of BF, BMI and vo2max of experimental group was 33/8 years, 162/2 cm, 62/2 kg, 33/10, 24/22 and 16/18 ml/kg respectively. Experimental group was should run with 65%vo2max for 2 weeks (3 sessions in a week and for 25 minutes), with 65-75% vo2max for 3 weeks (3 sessions in a week for 35 minutes) and with 75-85% vo2max for 3 weeks (3 sessions in a week for 40 minutes). The blood samples were collected in amount of 5 ml 48 hours before the first session and after the last session of the protocol. Other causes of abnormal liver enzymes such as hepatitis and autoimmune disorders etc. were excluded. The level of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) between experimental group and control group in post-test was not significant. But it was significantly differenced for level of AST (aspartate aminotransferase) when we compared the groups. On the other hands, the level of ALT and AST in post-test in contrast with pre-test in experimental group was not significant. The result of this study showed that endurance exercise for eight weeks did not normalize the level of ALT and AST of the study group. Therefore more investigation such as diet habits, demographic and other risk factors is recommended for these types of patients

    Relationships between the Salivary Microbial Composition and Gastrointestinal Diseases

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    Abstract   Background and Objective: Salivary microbiota, including bacteria shed from oral surfaces, is individualized, temporally stable and affected by the environmental factors such as diet, lifestyle and oral hygiene. Salivary microbiota is nonpathogenic and commensal; however, if microbiota colonizes into the intestines, they could alter gastrointestinal microbiota and result in development of several chronic inflammatory diseases, foremost autoimmune diseases and gastrointestinal cancers. There are few studies that assessed salivary microbiota in autoimmune gastrointestinal disorders. This may help researchers find novel personalized therapeutic approaches for the gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, the aim of this review was to discuss alterations of salivary microbiota composition in gastrointestinal disease progress, including celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and gastrointestinal cancers. Results and Conclusion: This study suggested that oral microbiota composition is linked to chronic inflammatory diseases by changing the immune system responses through increasing the production of inflammatory cytokines and mediators. Investigation of saliva microbiota is becoming an important part of diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases and changes in the composition of oral microbiota can predict risks of disorder progression in high-risk individuals. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    A concentration of serum selenium in multiple sclerosis patients compare to healthy subject in Tehran

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         Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease which the exact etiology is still are far to be clear. Reasons for this autoimmune disease are unknown origin. The aim of present study was to evaluate serum levels of selenium in patient with MS compare to healthy subjects. A total of 46 subjects were enrolled in the study, Sera of 23 MS cases and 23 healthy normal cohorts as control group were obtained. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer was employed for estimating serum selenium level. Serum selenium levels were significantly lower in MS than in control cohorts (60.87±13 compared with 85.74±12, P-value < 0.0001). Serum selenium levels may thus be a marker of MS; the decreasing levels of serum selenium may be host defense strategies of body

    Pathway and Network Analysis in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma

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    Glaucoma, a group of multifactor ocular diseases, is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. Primary open angle (POA) is the most common type of glaucoma, characterized by progressive optic nerve degeneration. Numerous genes and proteins have been revealed to be associated with POAG, but the pathologic mechanisms of the disease are still poorly understood. Proteomics, the collective study of proteins in an organism at a given condition, has extensively been used for the high-throughput identification of proteins related to POAG. A significant obstacle in proteomics studies is the data variability which makes it hard to interpret the results. Pathway analysis and network topological information can help address the challenge and provide a greater appreciation of the disease mechanism and progression. The purpose of this paper is to determine POAG biological and network information to further understand the mechanisms associated with POAG. PANTHER classification system was used, including classification with gene ontology, protein class and pathway. 474 gene/protein IDs were extracted from previous proteomic studies. Among pathways found by PANTHER classification, apoptosis signaling pathway was the most significant pathway (with the p-value of 5.54E-12). Other PANTHER categories results demonstrated that developmental processes, receptor binding, extracellular region and extracellular matrix proteins were the most significant biological process, molecular function, cellular component and protein class respectively. Pathway analysis aids to find probable mechanisms involved in POAG. A network analysis on proteins was also performed using STRING database and cytoscape software. From network analysis, candidate biomarkers for the disease were introduced.

    The Potential of Algae in Treating Celiac Disease

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    Compounds found in algae, such as bioactive substances, sulfated polysaccharides, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, have been found to have positive effects on the immune system. Previous research has shown that algae can also benefit digestive system disorders. They possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can influence the balance of gut microbiota and maintain the integrity of the intestinal lining. Celiac disease (CD), a disorder caused by an abnormal immune response to gluten, results in inflammation and damage to the intestinal lining, leading to problems with nutrient absorption. Although a lifelong gluten-free diet is the only treatment option for this disease, it is challenging to adhere to. Therefore, recent studies have focused on finding supplementary or alternative therapies for celiac disease patients. Traditional medical treatments, like anti-inflammatory and biological drugs, are associated with significant side effects and are not suitable for supplementary therapy for this group of patients. Algae shows promise as a potential research area for treating CD; however, their specific effects on this condition have not been widely studied. The aim of this study was to gather current information and draw attention to the potential use of algae extracts in treating CD to encourage further research in this field
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