6 research outputs found
Pattern of utilization of healthcare in the last three months.
<p>Pattern of utilization of healthcare in the last three months.</p
The service package of the CBHI scheme.
<p>The service package of the CBHI scheme.</p
Propensity score distribution in the insured and uninsured groups before propensity score matching application and after matching.
<p>Propensity score distribution in the insured and uninsured groups before propensity score matching application and after matching.</p
Medically trained providers utilization between insured and uninsured groups by self-reported illness or symptoms.
<p>Medically trained providers utilization between insured and uninsured groups by self-reported illness or symptoms.</p
Estimated effect of CBHI scheme enrolment on utilization of medically trained healthcare providers.
<p>Estimated effect of CBHI scheme enrolment on utilization of medically trained healthcare providers.</p
Healthcare seeking behaviour of CBHI scheme enrolees and uninsured group before matching.
<p>Healthcare seeking behaviour of CBHI scheme enrolees and uninsured group before matching.</p