4 research outputs found

    A paraduodenal hernia revealed by bowel obstruction: case report and literature review

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    Internal hernias are defined as the protrusion of abdominal viscera through an aperture in the intraperitoneal recesses, they are considered as a rare cause of intestinal obstruction. The paraduodenal hernias are the most common type of congenital hernia especially the left-sided ones. We report a case of a 46 year-old man presenting a left paraduodenal hernia with acute small bowel obstruction, which was firstly (preoperatively) assigned to a tumoral cause

    Colocolic Intussusception in an Adult Patient Secondary to Caecal Adenocarcinoma

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    Acute intestinal invagination is the pathology of infants and small children. Its occurrence in adults is rare, and it represents 1 to 5% of intestinal occlusions often leading to the discovery of an organic cause that may be tumor. We report the case of a 72-year-old patient admitted to the emergency room of Ibn Sina Rabat, Morocco, for intestinal occlusion. The abdominal CT scan showed a voluminous intestinal invagination on a very probable heterogeneous digestive mass. The treatment was an open right hemicolectomy. The histopathological examination of the surgical specimen concluded a colonic well-differentiated adenocarcinoma with a 30% mucinous component. By review of literature, we discuss diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in emergency