7 research outputs found

    Directed Self-Assembly of sub-10 nm Particles: Role of Driving Forces and Template Geometry in Packing and Ordering

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    By comparing the magnitude of forces, a directed self-assembly mechanism has been suggested previously in which immersion capillary is the only driving force responsible for packing and ordering of nanoparticles, which occur only after the meniscus recedes. However, this mechanism is insufficient to explain vacancies formed by directed self-assembly at low particle concentrations. Utilizing experiments, and Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations, we developed a theoretical model based on a new proposed mechanism. In our proposed mechanism, the competing driving forces controlling the packing and ordering of sub-10 nm particles are (1) the repulsive component of the pair potential and (2) the attractive capillary forces, both of which apply at the contact line. The repulsive force arises from the high particle concentration, and the attractive force is caused by the surface tension at the contact line. Our theoretical model also indicates that the major part of packing and ordering of nanoparticles occurs before the meniscus recedes. Furthermore, utilizing our model, we are able to predict the various self-assembly configurations of particles as their size increases. These results lay out the interplay between driving forces during directed self-assembly, motivating a better template design now that we know the importance and the dominating driving forces in each regime of particle size

    Directed Self-Assembly of Densely Packed Gold Nanoparticles

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    Directing the self-assembly of sub-10-nm nanoparticles has been challenging because of the simultaneous requirements to achieve a densely packed monolayer and rearrange nanoparticles to assemble within a template. We met both requirements by separating the processes into two steps by first forming a monolayer of gold nanoparticles on a suitable liquid subphase of anisole and then transferring it edgewise onto a silicon substrate with a prepatterned template comprising nanoposts and nanogratings. Doing so resulted in nanoparticles that assembled in commensuration with the template design while exhibiting appreciable template-induced strain. These dense arrays of nanostructures could either be directly applied or used as lithographic masks in applications for light collection, chemical sensing, and data storage

    Template-Induced Structure Transition in Sub-10 nm Self-Assembling Nanoparticles

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    We report on the directed self-assembly of sub-10 nm gold nanoparticles confined within a template comprising channels of gradually varying widths. When the colloidal lattice parameter is mismatched with the channel width, the nanoparticles rearrange and break their natural close-packed ordering, transiting through a range of structural configurations according to the constraints imposed by the channel. While much work has been done in assembling ordered configurations, studies of the transition regime between ordered states have been limited to microparticles under applied compression. Here, with coordinated experiments and Monte Carlo simulations we show that particles transit through a more diverse set of self-assembled configurations than observed for compressed systems. The new insight from this work could lead to the control and design of complex self-assembled patterns other than periodic arrays of ordered particles

    Large Area Directed Self-Assembly of Sub-10 nm Particles with Single Particle Positioning Resolution

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    Directed self-assembly of nanoparticles (DSA-n) holds great potential for device miniaturization in providing patterning resolution and throughput that exceed existing lithographic capabilities. Although nanoparticles excel at assembling into regular close-packed arrays, actual devices on the other hand are often laid out in sparse and complex configurations. Hence, the deterministic positioning of single or few particles at specific positions with low defect density is imperative. Here, we report an approach of DSA-n that satisfies these requirements with less than 1% defect density over micrometer-scale areas and at technologically relevant sub-10 nm dimensions. This technique involves a simple and robust process where a solvent film containing sub-10 nm gold nanoparticles climbs against gravity to coat a prepatterned template. Particles are placed individually into nanoscale cavities, or between nanoposts arranged in varying degrees of geometric complexity. Brownian dynamics simulations suggest a mechanism in which the particles are pushed into the template by a nanomeniscus at the drying front. This process enables particle-based self-assembly to access the sub-10 nm dimension, and for device fabrication to benefit from the wealth of chemically synthesized nanoparticles with unique material properties

    Large Area Directed Self-Assembly of Sub-10 nm Particles with Single Particle Positioning Resolution

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    Directed self-assembly of nanoparticles (DSA-n) holds great potential for device miniaturization in providing patterning resolution and throughput that exceed existing lithographic capabilities. Although nanoparticles excel at assembling into regular close-packed arrays, actual devices on the other hand are often laid out in sparse and complex configurations. Hence, the deterministic positioning of single or few particles at specific positions with low defect density is imperative. Here, we report an approach of DSA-n that satisfies these requirements with less than 1% defect density over micrometer-scale areas and at technologically relevant sub-10 nm dimensions. This technique involves a simple and robust process where a solvent film containing sub-10 nm gold nanoparticles climbs against gravity to coat a prepatterned template. Particles are placed individually into nanoscale cavities, or between nanoposts arranged in varying degrees of geometric complexity. Brownian dynamics simulations suggest a mechanism in which the particles are pushed into the template by a nanomeniscus at the drying front. This process enables particle-based self-assembly to access the sub-10 nm dimension, and for device fabrication to benefit from the wealth of chemically synthesized nanoparticles with unique material properties

    Second-Harmonic Generation from Sub‑5 nm Gaps by Directed Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles onto Template-Stripped Gold Substrates

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    Strong field enhancement and confinement in plasmonic nanostructures provide suitable conditions for nonlinear optics in ultracompact dimensions. Despite these enhancements, second-harmonic generation (SHG) is still inefficient due to the centrosymmetric crystal structure of the bulk metals used, e.g., Au and Ag. Taking advantage of symmetry breaking at the metal surface, one could greatly enhance SHG by engineering these metal surfaces in regions where the strong electric fields are localized. Here, we combine top-down lithography and bottom-up self-assembly to lodge single rows of 8 nm diameter Au nanoparticles into trenches in a Au film. The resultant “double gap” structures increase the <i>surface-to-volume</i> ratio of Au colocated with the strong fields in ∼2 nm gaps to fully exploit the surface SHG of Au. Compared to a densely packed arrangement of AuNPs on a smooth Au film, the double gaps enhance SHG emission by 4200-fold to achieve an effective second-order susceptibility χ<sup>(2)</sup> of 6.1 pm/V, making it comparable with typical nonlinear crystals. This patterning approach also allows for the scalable fabrication of smooth gold surfaces with sub-5 nm gaps and presents opportunities for optical frequency up-conversion in applications that require extreme miniaturization

    Direct Patterning of Zinc Sulfide on a Sub-10 Nanometer Scale <i>via</i> Electron Beam Lithography

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    Nanostructures of metal sulfides are conventionally prepared <i>via</i> chemical techniques and patterned using self-assembly. This poses a considerable amount of challenge when arbitrary shapes and sizes of nanostructures are desired to be placed at precise locations. Here, we describe an alternative approach of nanoscale patterning of zinc sulfide (ZnS) directly using a spin-coatable and electron beam sensitive zinc butylxanthate resist without the lift-off or etching step. Time-resolved electron beam damage studies using micro-Raman and micro-FTIR spectroscopies suggest that exposure to a beam of electrons leads to quick disappearance of xanthate moieties most likely <i>via</i> the Chugaev elimination, and further increase of electron dose results in the appearance of ZnS, thereby making the exposed resist insoluble in organic solvents. Formation of ZnS nanocrystals was confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction. This property was exploited for the fabrication of ZnS lines as small as 6 nm and also enabled patterning of 10 nm dots with pitches as close as 22 nm. The ZnS patterns fabricated by this technique showed defect-induced photoluminescence related to sub-band-gap optical transitions. This method offers an easy way to generate an ensemble of functional ZnS nanostructures that can be arbitrarily patterned and placed in a precise way. Such an approach may enable programmable design of functional chalcogenide nanostructures