2,254 research outputs found


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    Since the establishment of the International GNSS Service (IGS) stations, they have been used as control stations for assigning the Precise point positioning (PPP) positions using one Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, which has increased from day-to-day. There are some factors affecting the accuracy of PPP positioning. This research aims to investigate the relation between the IGS distance and observed field points as well as to attempt to describe that relation mathematically/statically. For the realization of that aim, two field points are fixed inside the Assiut University campus and observed successively for a session of 24 hour observation. The position of each field point is assigned with the help of each one of the available IGS station products. It must be known that these products are found after observations in three files (IGU, IGR, and final IGS), whereas IGU is used directly as real-time data (ultra-rapid), IGR (rapid) is used through (17-41 hours) after observation, and (final IGS) used after 12 – 18 days. Coordinates and point errors of each field points are computed and represented. It has been found that the errors have a positive relation with the available IGS stations distances. The relation between these distances and point positioning errors have been represented and described according to a model. The accuracy of the presented model is (R ≅ .98, x2 ≅ 2.5 × 10-3).Od uspostave postaja Međunarodnoga GNSS servisa (IGS) iz dana u dan povećava se korištenje kontrolnih stanica za dodjelu položaja precizne točke (PPP) pomoću jednoga prijamnika Globalnoga satelitskog navigacijskog sustava (GNSS). Postoje neki čimbenici koji utječu na točnost PPP pozicioniranja. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja istražiti odnos između IGS udaljenosti i promatranih točaka polja te opisati taj odnos matematički i statički. Za realizaciju toga cilja dvije terenske točke fiksirane su unutar kampusa Sveučilišta Assiut i promatrane sukcesivno tijekom sesije promatranja od 24 sata. Položaj svake točke polja dodjeljuje se uz pomoć svakoga od dostupnih proizvoda IGS stanica. Bitno je napomenuti da se ti produkti nalaze u tri datoteke (IGU, IGR i konačni IGS) nakon promatranja, dok se IGU koristi izravno kao podatci u stvarnome vremenu (ultra-rapid), IGR (rapid) kroz 17 – 41 sat nakon promatranja, a konačni IGS nakon 12 – 18 dana. Koordinate i pogreške točaka svake točke polja izračunane su i prikazane. Utvrđeno je da su pogreške u pozitivnom odnosu s dostupnim udaljenostima IGS postaja. Odnos između tih udaljenosti i pogrešaka pozicioniranja točke prikazan je i opisan prema modelu. Točnost je prikazanoga modela R ≅ .98, x2 ≅ 2.5 × 10-3

    Sensing Under Uncertainty for Mobile Robots

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    The final publication is available at www.springerlink.comIn this work we present a control strategy under uncertainty for mobile robot navigation. In particular, we implement a server-client model, where the server executes the commands and the clients run in parallel, each performing its tasks. Tolerance analysis is performed to incorporate sensing uncertainties into the proposed model. The sensory system is depicted with a framework that allows different levels of data representation, based on the robust modeling of the sensing uncertainties.http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A100801722539

    Fluorescence Spectrometric Determination of Drugs Containing α-Methylene Sulfone/Sulfonamide Functional Groups Using N1-Methylnicotinamide Chloride as a Fluorogenic Agent

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    A simple spectrofluorometric method has been developed, adapted, and validated for the quantitative estimation of drugs containing α-methylene sulfone/sulfonamide functional groups using N1-methylnicotinamide chloride (NMNCl) as fluorogenic agent. The proposed method has been applied successfully to the determination of methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM) (1), tinidazole (2), rofecoxib (3), and nimesulide (4) in pure forms, laboratory-prepared mixtures, pharmaceutical dosage forms, spiked human plasma samples, and in volunteer's blood. The method showed linearity over concentration ranging from 1 to 150 μg/mL, 10 to 1000 ng/mL, 1 to 1800 ng/mL, and 30 to 2100 ng/mL for standard solutions of 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and over concentration ranging from 5 to 150 μg/mL, 10 to 1000 ng/mL, 10 to 1700 ng/mL, and 30 to 2350 ng/mL in spiked human plasma samples of 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The method showed good accuracy, specificity, and precision in both laboratory-prepared mixtures and in spiked human plasma samples. The proposed method is simple, does not need sophisticated instruments, and is suitable for quality control application, bioavailability, and bioequivalency studies. Besides, its detection limits are comparable to other sophisticated chromatographic methods

    Analysis of RC Continuous Beams Strengthened with FRP Plates: A Finite Element Model

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    Strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams with externally bonded fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) plates/sheets technique has become widespread in the last two decades. Although a great deal of research has been conducted on simply supported RC beams, a few studies have been carried out on continuous beams strengthened with FRP composites.  This paper presents a simple uniaxial nonlinear finite-element model (UNFEM) that is able to accurately estimate the load-carrying capacity and the behaviour of RC continuous beams flexurally strengthened with externally bonded FRP plates on both of the upper and lower fibres. A 21-degree of freedom element is proposed with layer-discretization of the cross-sections for finite element (FE) modelling. Realistic nonlinear constitutive relations are employed to describe the stress-strain behaviour of each component of the strengthened beam. The FE model is based on nonlinear fracture mechanics. The interfacial shear and normal stresses in the adhesive layer are presented using an analytical uncoupled cohesive zone model with a mixed-mode fracture criterion. The results of the proposed FE model are verified by comparison with various selected experimental measurements available in the literature. The numerical results of the plated beams (beams strengthened with FRP plates) agreed very well with the experimental results. The use of FRP increased the ultimate load capacity up to 100 % compared with the non-strengthened beams as occurred in series (S). The major objective of the current model is to help engineers’ model FRP-strengthened RC continuous beams in a simple manner

    AI Techniques for Combating Electronic Crimes and Enhancing Cybersecurity: Kuwaits Security Services as a Model

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    The research aimed to examine the security agencies use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in combating cybercrime and its reflection on enhancing cyber security. The study used the survey method in its descriptive and analytical levels. The interview tool was used to collect information from the research sample, the size of which was 12 items. The research found a set of results where the respondents declared the presence of an anti- cybercrime team comprised of specialists in police sciences, engineering, information systems, and network engineering. They added that using AI enables specialists in security agencies to benefit from its enormous potential in analyzing data, tracking cybercrime perpetrators through social networking sites, managing, and using information, following up on complaints, publications, and other messages, preparing security reports, and submitting them to the competent authorities, completing many general daily tasks and monitoring all the information that may affect the public opinion. The study recommended setting up industries related to AI technology to produce smart knowledge and unifying Arab capabilities in the information technology and communication field to protect Arab national security by combating foreign technical intrusions and virtual hegemony, representing the most advanced form of futuristic weapons

    Logical Control for Mobile Robots

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    In this work we present a distributed sensor-based control strategy for mobile robot navigation. We investigate a server-client model, where the clients are executing their tasks in parallel. The logical sensor approach is used as a hybrid framework to model and implement the sensory system for control of the mobile robot. The framework allows for a hierarchical data representation scheme, where sensory data and uncertainty is modeled and used at different levels, depending on the nature of the requested control command