9 research outputs found

    Konsep keaslian dalam undang-undang hakcipta

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    Artikel ini akan membincangkan satu prinsip utama dalam Undang-undang Hakcipta . Perlindungan hakcipta hanya diberikan kepada karya asli (original). Perbincangan dimulakan dengan merujuk kepada sejarah perkembangan pemakaian undang-undang hakcipta di Malaysia. Menurut Akta Hakcipta 1987, sesuatu karya sastera, muzik atau seni layak mendapat hakcipta jika terdapat usaha yang mencukupi dilakukan menjadikan karya itu bersifat asli dan karya itu telah ditulis, direkod atau dijadikan dalam bentuk bahan. Prinsip keaslian akan diperjelas melalui kes-kes yang telah diputuskan oleh mahkamah. Perbandingan akan diberikan kepada perbezaan diantara idea dengan pernyataan idea itu sendiri. Seterusnya, penekanan akan dijuruskan kepada kedudukan konsep keaslian dalam dikotomi di atas

    Penggunaan undang-undang jenayah dalam jangkitan HIV/AIDS secara seksual di United Kingdom: suatu cabaran [The use of criminal law in sexually transmitted HIV/AIDS in United Kingdom: a challenge]

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    United Kingdom telah menggunapakai undang-undang jenayah bagi menangani isu jangkitan HIV/AIDS secara seksual yang dilakukan dengan niat dan gopoh. Penggunaan undang-undang jenayah ini telah mengundang beberapa isu dari segi pembuktian. Justeru itu, objektif utama artikel ini ialah untuk membincangkan latar belakang penggunaan undangundang jenayah dalam preventasi kelakuan yang merebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual dan juga cabaran dari segi pembuktian bahawa telah berlakunya jangkitan HIV/AIDS. Bagi penulisan artikel yang berbentuk konsepsual ini kajian perpustakaan telah digunakan. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan, bagi menangani isu rebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual di United Kingdom, Offences Against Person Act (OAPA) 1861 telah digunapakai. Justeru itu, tidak wujud satu akta yang spesifik bagi rebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual. Bagi membuktikan telah berlaku jangkitan HIV terdapat beberapa cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pihak pendakwaan. Antara cabaran yang timbul ialah dari segi pembuktian mens rea, kecederaan, jangkitan atau penyebab, kematian mana-mana pihak sebelum kes selesai dan kerelaan

    The right of compensation to the HIV victim in Malaysia: an analysis from the case of Abd Rahim bin Abd Rahman v public prosecutor

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    In a criminal trial, the stature of the victim is only limited to being a witness or purveyor of evidence. Issues concerning the victim of a crime normally concern the punishment of criminals. Inevitably, the victim’s interest as the aggrieved party has not been properly taken care of. For instance, the court in seeking justice would award the appropriate punishments or sentences to the accused whilst neglecting or overlooking the aspect of ‘curing’ or ‘relieving’ the victim’s pain and suffering from the criminal act. In relation to HIV transmission in sexual offences, one may suffer a lifetime ‘pain’ mentally, physically and emotionally. In addition, economically one would further have to bear medical costs and expenses. Thus, the court in carrying out justice may both compensate the victim and punish the offender simultaneously. In line with the above scenario, this paper seeks to analyse the case of Abd Rahim Bin Abd Rahaman v Public Prosecutor with regard to the Court’s effort in affirming the seriousness of the HIV transmission in sexual offences. The finding shows that section 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code allows the court to make an order for the payment of compensation to the victims subject to the application made by the Public Prosecutor. The case of Abd Rahim however did not discuss the issue of compensation in depth. As a concluding suggestion, the Public Prosecutor in assisting the Court to delivering justice should also address the issue of compensating the victim by invoking section 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Act 593)

    Equality vis-a-vis affirmative action from different perspectives

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    With regard to the position of the Malays, the rationale behind their preferential treatment is more complex. The justification generally is their need for protective discrimination based on the ground that the Malays form an economically depressed community, and that if positive steps are not taken to advance their economic status, it may result in communal strife. The Government faces a daunting task in deciding how to deal with this issue: both continuity and reform carry great dangers, and no solution will gain complete acceptance. This article applies doctrinal legal research and interview where the theory of equality and affirmative action were intensely examined. This article provides an insight to the concept of equality and the operation of affirmative action as provided under the Federal Constitution from different perspectives

    Issues in implementing affirmative action in Malaysia

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    Equality is equity. In other words, equality can be associated with being equal in status, rights or opportunities. Article 8 (1) and (2) of the Malaysian Federal Constitution address the concept of equality in Malaysia. However, the equality provision in Article 8(1) is not absolute. This can be seen, for example, under Article 136 of the Federal Constitution which requires all federal employees shall be treated impartially regardless of their races. However, it is important to note that Article 153 of the Federal Constitution did provide special privileges, quotas and reservations for Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, and this provision has been challenged legally and politically. The late Tun Suffian managed to reduce the gap between Articles 136 and 153 by introducing the concept of ‘affirmative action’ whereby the reservations and quotas are permissible under the Federal Constitution. The objective of this paper is to identify the issues in implementing affirmative action in Malaysia. Doctrinal legal research methodology has been used to achieve the objective. It was found that there are many issues have been posed on the implementation of affirmative action and the sustainability of the concept is another challenge yet to be determined

    Hak selebriti di era digital: penguatkuasaan di bawah undang-undang Malaysia

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    Selebriti bermaksud menjadi terkenal. Golongan selebriti juga merangkumi sesiapa sahaja yang menarik perhatian awam termasuk pelakon, penulis, ahli politik, peragawan, ahli sukan, pemuzik, penyanyi, personaliti televisyen, eksekutif perniagaan. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan hak dan perlindungan undang-undang terhadap selebriti dalam era digital. Sebagai contoh, hak selebriti untuk hidup, reputasi, maruah serta identiti (termasuk nama dan imej). Dapatan akhir merumuskan bahawa tidak terdapat undang-undang khusus untuk melindungi hak selebriti di Malaysia. Secara kesimpulannya, hak selebriti boleh dikuatkuasakan menerusi beberapa cabang undangundang sedia ada seperti undang-undang harta intelek, undang-undang berkaitan privasi dan undang-undang siber

    Peaceful Assembly Act 2012: A comparison with Suhakam's recommendations

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    In Malaysia, a provision on peaceful assembly is stipulated under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution which combines the freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and association.However, these freedoms have restrictions which are usually justified under the broad stroke of maintaining racial harmony and public order.Prior to 23 April 2012, section 27 of the Police Act was implemented to govern a public assembly, and the enactment of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA 2012), then, gives some light to the right of assemble peacefully.The objective of this article is to examine by comparing SUHAKAM‟s recommendations with the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012. To achieve the objective, the doctrinal legal research has been used, specifically the analytical and comparative methods

    Suhakam's recommendations and its application in the peaceful assembly act 2012

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    Prior to the enactment of Peacefucul Assembly Act 2012, SUHAKAM did make some recommendations to improve the quality of individual rights pertaining to peaceful assembly. In Malaysia, a provision on peaceful assembly is stipulated under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution which combines the freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and association. However, these freedoms have restrictions which are usually justified under the broad stroke of maintaining racial harmony and public order. Prior to 23 April 2012, section 27 of the Police Act was implemented to govern a public assembly, and the enactment of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA 2012), then, gives some light to the right of assemble peacefully. The objective of this article is to examine the SUHAKAM’s recommendations on peaceful assembly which later on lead to the enactment of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012. To achieve the objective, the doctrinal legal research has been used, specifically the analytical method

    Prinsip undang-undang di bawah Akta Syarikat 2016

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    Akta Syarikat 2016 diperkenalkan hasil cadangan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia dan Jawatankuasa Semakan Semula Undang-undang Korporat untuk mewujudkan satu akta yang bersifat maju ke hadapan dan membantu komuniti perniagaan terutamanya industri kecil dan sederhana untuk lebih berdaya saing tanpa berkompromi dengan keperluan tadbir urus korporat yang teguh dan tulus.Oleh sebab Akta Syarikat 2016 baru diterima pakai, maka buku-buku rujukan tidak banyak di pasaran.Justeru, buku ini ditulis bagi membantu ahli akademik, para pelajar dan juga profesional untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan dengan Akta Syarikat 2016.Buku ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan perubahanperubahan yang diketengahkan oleh Akta Syarikat 2016 dalam membincangkan beberapa aspek penting dalam undang-undang syarikat, pensyarikatan dan pengurusan perniagaan. Aspek-aspek penting yang dibincangkan ialah sejarah perundangan, undang-undang perkongsian dan juga klasifikasi syarikat. Tumpuan juga diberikan kepada aspek pemerbadanan syarikat, konsep modal syer, pinjaman, keahlian dan mesyuarat syarikat.Selain daripada itu perbincangan juga difokuskan kepada kuasa pengarah dan pegawai syarikat dan yang terakhir bagaimana proses sesuatu syarikat digulung.Perbincangan mengenai kedudukan Undang-undang syarikat di Malaysia dilakukan berdasarkan sumber undangundang yang utama Akta Syarikat 2016. Selain daripada itu Akta Kontrak 1950, Akta Perkongsian 1961, Akta Perkongsian Liabiliti Terhad 2012 dan juga garis panduan terpakai bagi Akta Syarikat 2016 juga dirujuk.Buku ini akan menjadi satu teks yang tidak ternilai bagi rujukan ahli akademik, pelajar dan juga profesional untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan dengan Akta Syarikat 2016