1 research outputs found

    Spatial and seasonal variations of heavy metal concentration in sediment, Musa estuary (Persian Gulf)

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    849-857Total concentration of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Fe, as well as geo-accumulation indicator and Enrichment factor were determined in Musa estuary in winter and summer. A GBC flam atomic absorption spectrometer was applied to measure the heavy metals concentration. Jafari and Ghazale creeks were the most polluted creeks among the other creeks. Geoaccumulation indicator shows that Zangi creek is moderately polluted by Pb element in winter. Enrichment factor indicated that Co inJafari, Ahmadi and Zangi creeks have moderately enrichment in summer and winter while Pb in Zangi creek has significant enrichment in winter. Relationship amongst the metals demonstrated that Co-Pb, Fe-Cu and Fe-Pb in summer and Cd-Co, Co-Cu and Ni-Fe have significant correlations