3 research outputs found

    Behaviour and the role of family institutions in assisting the economy and sustainable society

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    Sustainability illustrates something with the tendency to maintain one's existing quality. To guarantee the sustainability of the world, nature, stays in a good condition, the attitude of the people of earth is very related. To achieve the sustainability of the earth and nation, positive and active engagement from the smallest community unit, which is family, is very important. Ideally, families are the first teachers for children. The family or parents are their role models. They give the greatest impact for the growth of personality, attitude, value, characteristic and skills for the young generation. The family unit are the main source in understanding and giving understandings one's meaning and philosophy. Then, this concept paper will highlight the concept of sustainability in general and the sustainability concept from the Islamic perspective as well as the relationship between the family unit behaviour in guaranteeing a life where a family with harmony and sustainability could give an impact to the universal well-being

    The Role of Fiqh Ikhtilaf in the Implementation of Congregational Prayers During COVID-19

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    Fiqh Ikhtilaf is the diversity of views on fiqh as a result of the differences in the methodology of mujtahids in issuing laws that are understood from the Islamic nas. These differences are influenced by the background of thinking, the level of mastery of knowledge and the current needs. In this phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, society is faced with new issues that require a re-evaluation of Islamic law. The main objective of this concept paper is to explain the role of Fiqh Ikhtilaf in the implementation of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) of Congregational Prayer in the COVID-19 pandemic. The literature review methodology was used to answer the research questions by analysing the debate on Fiqh Ikhtilaf and SOP of Congregational Prayers. The findings of the study showed that Fiqh Ikhtilaf facilitates the affairs of human life, becomes the basic reference for the Ulama in ijithad, opens the minds of the community towards the expanse of fiqh and helps realize Hifz Al-Din and Hifz Al-Nafs in Maqasid Shariah. Keywords: Fiqh Ikhtilaf, Maqasid Sharia, COVID-1

    Polimik ibadah harian di Malaysia

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    Polemik adalah perdebatan yang panjang mengenai sesuatu isu kontroversi. Dalam realiti di Malaysia, isu amalan ibadah harian telah menjadi polemik yang hangat dari sudut pegangan mazhab fiqh dan mengalami perkembangan tertentu mengikut keperluan dan keadaan masyarakat semasa. Artikel ini dihasilkan bertujuan untuk meninjau realiti polemik amalan ibadah harian di Malaysia dari awal kemunculannya hingga kini. Kajian ini menggunakan metod kepustakaan menerusi karya-karya yang berbentuk buku-buku ilmiah, tesis, artikel jurnal dan prosiding seminar. Hasil kajian mendapati polemik ini masih mendapat perhatian masyarakat dan perbincangan tentangnya tersebar luas dengan kemudahan internet dan media sosial. Antara punca yang dikenalpasti bagi polemik ini ialah kelemahan dari sudut ilmu pengetahuan seperti persoalan taklid, ijtihad, mazhab, bid’ah serta perbezaan pendekatan yang diambil. Beberapa cadangan penyelesaian diusulkan pada tiga unsur utama iaitu ilmu, akhlak dan pendekatan. Ilmu mengenai hakikat ikhtilaf dan mazhab serta budaya dialog secara ilmiah wajar diadakan. Unsur akhlak mementingkan keikhlasan sebagai asas keharmonian dan mencontohi adab ikhtilaf salafussoleh. Pendekatan wasatiyyah dan dakwah dapat memacu perubahan umat ke tahap yang tinggi