38 research outputs found

    UMP perkasa Agenda Transformasi Digital Program TVET melalui kerjasama strategik bersama AspenTech

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    Mendepani era digitalisasi, kerajaan telah melancarkan pelbagai inisiatif bagi memacu transformasi digital negara. Dasar Negara Mengenai Industri 4.0 (Industry4WRD) misalnya menyasarkan peningkatan jumlah tenaga mahir daripada 18 peratus kepada 35 peratus menjelang 2025. Manakala, Pelan Tindakan Ekonomi Digital Malaysia menggariskan matlamat negara untuk berubah menjadi negara maju dipacu teknologi digital dan menjadi peneraju serantau dalam ekonomi digital menjelang 2030. Malah, ekonomi digital ini diunjurkan menyumbang 22.6 peratus kepada keluaran kasar dalam negara dan mewujudkan 500,000 pekerjaan baharu menjelang 2025

    UMP lecturers assist in design of air pollution control modular system for clinical waste incineration

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    PAYA BESAR, 14 June 2022 - Since the World Health Organization (WHO) announced COVID-19 as a pandemic in March 2020, the outbreak has been spreading rapidly around the world

    Fractionation of oleochemical fatty acid using vacuum dividing wall column : A controllability analysis

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    Dividing wall column (DWC) provides a good alternative for oleochemical fractionation. However, the internal configuration and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system of DWC leads to complexity in operation and control. This work aims to analyze the controllability of fractionating oleochemical fatty acid using vacuum dividing wall column (VDWC). To achieve this, Aspen Plus and Aspen Dynamics were used to develop a rigorous steady state and dynamic model of the column. Five manipulated variables (MVs) were considered namely reflux flowrate (L), distillate flowrate (D), bottom flow rate (B), side-stream flowrate (S) and vapor boilup (V) while controlled variables (CVs) were the product compositions. Pairing of MV and CV to determine the best 3×3 control configuration was performed using relative gain array (RGA) and singular value analysis (SVA). The selected control structure was tested on PID controllers for several regulatory and servo problem. The results of RGA and SVA shows that DSV was the best control configuration. Performance analysis was found to be successful in rejecting the disturbances as well as obtaining good set point tracking. However, distillate and bottom composition shows poor controllability compare to middle composition

    Pensyarah UMP bantu reka bentuk sistem modular kawalan pencemaran udara bagi pembakaran sisa klinikal

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    PAYA BESAR, 14 Jun 2022 - Sejak Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) mengumumkan COVID-19 sebagai pandemik pada Mac 2020, wabak ini merebak pantas ke seluruh dunia

    Industri nadir bumi dari sudut pandang pembangunan lestari

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    Artikel ini terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian. Bahagian pertama membincangkan konsep pembangunan lesteri secara umum diikuti dengan apa itu nadir bumi dan impaknya kepada ekonomi negara. Bahagian kedua artikel ini pula akan mengupas impak industri nadir bumi dari perspektif alam sekitar dan sosial. Dalam bahagian terakhir penulis akan kaitkan industri ini dengan konsep maqasid syariah

    An Analysis of Dust Explosion Incidents in Industries and Mitigation Best Practices within Malaysia

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    The trends of process safety incident have been put in the statistical research and development in order to prevent and mitigate the phenomenon. One of the incident are known as dust explosion that represent a constant hazard to industries including any manufacturing using and handling of combustible dust materials. Lack of sharing and know how on best practices in managing the workplace to avoid this phenomenon happening throughout the industries. The severity and the consequences of not practicing it before it happens were not been fore seen by the process team until it too late. This present paper discusses the best practices in managing the hazards from the catastrophes to be happening again. In addition, the mitigation response was also being explored thoroughly by database of best practices. The work summarizes in Microsoft Access database related to incident were tabulated according to the types of industries involved in dust explosion, the equipment that involved, the types of combustible dust, the sources of ignition points, and also the impact from the incident. All incident being summarized from the literature review and also documentation review respectively. Triangulation method was used in managing the data and verified with industries by having interview session, observation and documentation review

    Environment and economic assessment of hydrogen production from methane and ethanol

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    Hydrogen is an interesting energy source alternative to fossil fuel which commonly produced from a non-renewable resource such as methane. Alternatively, ethanol is an attractive resource option for producing hydrogen because of its renewability. Assessing both alternatives is important for selection of better and sustainable option. In this work, we perform an environmental and economic assessment of both hydrogen production pathways and compare its performance. In doing that, both processes were modelled and simulated in Aspen Plus V8.6. Sensitivity analysis were performed as well. Life cycle assessment (LCA) ReciPe method was performed to evaluate the environmental performance using GaBi sotware. Overall, 16 categories impact assessment were evaluated. Economic assessment was based on capital expenditure (CAPEX) of all main equipment and operating expenditure (OPEX) of utilities. From LCA results, three categories were identified as highly significant namely climate change, fossil depletion and water depletion. Methane shows a higher impact on climate change. In contrary, ethanol shows a higher impact on fossil fuel resource depletion and water resources. Economic assessment shows that in term of capital expenditure (CAPEX) methane is 5.2% less compared to ethanol. Whereas, for operating expenditure (OPEX) methane is 12.8% less compared to ethanol. Overall, our findings show that methane outwit ethanol despite the latter uses a renewable source for hydrogen production

    A review of heat integration system in dividing wall column for oleochemicals separation

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    The dividing wall column (DWC) alone is exclaimed to be energy-efficient compared to typical distillation column (DC). However, as with DC, there is further potential energy saving can be made in the DWC through heat integration. This article reviews the recent developments of heat integrated DWC technologies including heat pump assisted distillation and internally heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC) as well as its applications. Yet, none of these discoveries have been applied to oleochemicals separation. The underlying reasons other than limited familiarity and flexibility, are higher requirements on operation as well as design and controllability problems. This uncovered topic is of great interest and the existing literatures on the heat integration technology of the DWC would be beneficial in the attempt of designing and simulating the intensified heat integration DWC for oleochemical distillation

    Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Prioritizing HAZOP Analysis for Pilot Plant

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    Injuries, accidents or even fatalities while working in pilot plant are reported worldwide. The implementation of process hazards analysis (PHA) in pilot plant is expected to further reduce the risks of accidents. Hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis is one of the most widely used methods for PHA. Generally, the outcome of HAZOP analysis could results in identifying large number of hazards thus poses a challenge for assessors to take actions in dealing with all the hazards. The common practice in prioritizing the critical hazards is based on assessors’ experience through deductive judgment using rating scale, taking into consideration safety and the associated costs. However the novel operations and process used, unproven or changing technology, and lack of safety information due to developmental stages have led to poor hazards prioritization and difficulty in selecting actions. This paper presents an application of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in prioritizing HAZOP analysis for pilot plant. Through this approach, the significant hazards identified using HAZOP will be quantitatively weighted and ranked based on their priority along with the appropriate counter measures to be taken. Application of this approach at the high pressure CO2-hydrocarbon absorption system pilot plants as case study showed that the proposed methodology is capable of identifying and ranking the significant hazards in the process following HAZOP analysis. This is particularly useful as a leading indicator to process designers/engineers/researcher in prioritizing their efforts and resources on more significant hazards, hence prevent accidents of the pilot plant

    Life cycle assessment of simulated hydrogen production by methane steam reforming

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    Hydrogen has attracted global attention as alternative energy carrier in the future. Typically, hydrogen is produced through methane steam reforming (MSR) followed by water gas shift (WGS) reaction. Although considered as clean energy, it is essential to assess the environmental impact of hydrogen production process which could help to compare and improve existing technology. Thus, the objective of this study is to conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) of hydrogen production from natural gas (NG) as feedstock. In order to gain detail and extensive process inventory, a rigorous flowsheet simulation of hydrogen production was developed in Aspen Plus 8.6. The goal of LCA is to evaluate the environmental impact of all processes involved in hydrogen production from natural gas. The environmental assessment was carried out using GaBi based on ReCiPe method. The system boundaries considered for this assessment were natural gas feedstock, hydrogen production, process steam, process water plant and solvent absorption. The LCA system function is the production of hydrogen from methane while the functional unit chosen is 1 kg of hydrogen. Overall, ten life cycle impact assessment categories were carried out. Our findings show that the most contributing impact categories were climate change and resource depletion which include fossil and water