4 research outputs found


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    Al-dhikr (remeberance of God) is regarded as an effective disciple of sufi order (tariqa institution) in approaching God and seeking His Pleasure. Although the practice of al-dhikr is common among ordinary Muslims, the sufis differentiate the concept of al-dhikr into two categories namely as dhikr darajah and dhikr hasanah. Facts which were gathered from scholars’ pieces  and other relevant sources were analysed through inductive and deductive  method. The finding result shows that, there are differences between dhikr darajah and dhikr hasanah practices. Dhikr darajah has its own practices  which involves the mursyid guidance, prior recitation of dhikr, specific rules, specific exercises, syeikhs’ silsila,bayͨah, talqin and irsyād. Hence, this article reveals the differs.Keywords: dhikr, mursyid, silsila, bayͨah and talqin

    [Lust Elements Analysis in Sigmud Freud Psychoanalysis Theory and The Book of Cures for Heart by Al-Mandilii ] Analisis Elemen-Elemen Nafsu dalam Teori Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud dan Kitab Penawar bagi Hati Al-Mandili

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    Sigmund Freud in his psychoanalysis theory states that human is a sexual creature (Ann et al, 2013; Neil et al, 2010; Corey, 2009; Abdul Syakur, 2007; Maghfur, 2011) who craves merely for fun and to minimize pain because lust is basic of mankind (Gregory & Erika, 2012; Azlina, 2005; Freud, 1965). Freud’s psychoanalysis theory is the best reference (Maghfur, 2011; Kamarulzaman, 2009; Yatimah & Mohd Tajudin, 2008; Abdul Syakur, 2007; Mahmood Nazar, 1990) and copied blindly among Muslim psychologists (Malik, 1979). Though, there are some elements in psychoanalysis theory have raised confusions among them (Yatimah & Mohd Tajudin, 2008). Some Muslim psychologists have superficial knowledge about content of Kitab Penawar Bagi Hati (KPBH) by al-Mandili make them exclude lust elements in KPBH which equivalent to Freud’s psychoanalysis theory. Thus, a library research is conducted in form of analisis kandungan  to study the lust elements from both Freud’s psychoanalysis theory and KPBH by al-Mandili which are similar and practically applicable for Muslim psychologists. This research limits to lust elements only from both Freud’s psychoanalysis theory and KPBH by al-Mandili. The research involves data validation by interviewing the experts, member checking and data cross checking. The finding states that there are some lust elements from Freud that equivalent to KPBH by al-Mandili which are id and libido from unconcious mind and sexual desire from qalb that offers potential of fun and joy. Therefore, there is high expectation that this research could clarify the confusions on Freud’s psychoanalysis theory that have been practiced among Muslim psychologists then to convey the works of Nusantara scholars to society in Malaysia as well. Key words: Freud’s psychoanalysis, KPBH by al-Mandili, Id, Sexual Desire   Sigmund Freud dalam teori psikoanalisisnya menyatakan bahawa manusia adalah makhluk seksual (Ann et al, 2013; Neil et al, 2010; Corey, 2009; Abdul Syakur, 2007; Maghfur, 2011) yang mengidam semata-mata untuk keseronokan dan mengurangkan kesakitan kerana nafsu adala asas manusia (Gregory & Erika, 2012; Azlina, 2005; Freud, 1965). Teori psikoanalisis Freud adalah rujukan yang terbaik (Maghfur, 2011; Kamarulzaman, 2009; Yatimah & Mohd Tajudin, 2008; Abdul Syakur, 2007; Mahmood Nazar, 1990) dan diambil secara membuta tuli dalam kalangan ahli psikologi Islam (Malik, 1979). Walaupun begitu, terdapat beberapa elemen-elemen yang menimbulkan kekeliruan (Yatimah & Mohd Tajudin, 2008). Sesetengah ahli psikologi Islam mempunyai pengetahuan cetek tentang kandungan Kitab penawar Hati (KPBH) oleh al-Mandili menyebabkan mereka mengasingkan teori nafsu al-Mandili yang bersamaan dengan teori psikoanalisi Freud. Oleh itu, satu kajian penyelidikan perpustakaan dalam bentuk analisis kandungan untuk mengkaji elemen-elemen nafsu dari teori psikologi Freud dan KPBH yang sama dan sesai dipakai oleh ahli psikologi Islam. Penyelidikan ini mengehadkan kepada elemen-elemen nafus dari teori psikoanalisis Freud dan KPBH oleh al-Mandili. Penyelidikan ini melibatkan pengsahan data dengan menemuduga pakar, pemeriksaaan ahli, dan juga pemeriksaan silang data. Penemuan kajian adalah terdapat beberapa elemen nafsu dari Freus yang bersamaan dengan KPBH al-Mandili iaitu id dan libido dari minda bawah sedar dan keinginan seks dari qalb yang menawarkan keseronokan dan kegembiraan. Oleh itu, terdapat harapan yang tinggi bahawa kajian ini dapat menjelaskan kekeliruan mengenai teori psikologi Freud yang telah diamalkan di kalangan ahli psikologi Islam seterusnya dapat menyampaikan karya-karya ulama-ulama Nusantara kepada masyarakat Malaysia juga. Kata kunci: Psikolanalisis Freud, KPBH oleh al-Mandili, Id, Keinginan Seksual

    TAREKAT NAQSHABANDIYYAH KHALIDIYYAH IN MALAYSIA: A Study on the Leadership of Haji Ishaq bin Muhammad Arif

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    Abstrak: Tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah di Malaysia: Suatu Studi Kepemimpinan Haji Ishaq bin Muhammad Arif. Tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah pimpinan Haji Ishaq memilik banyak pengikut juga terkenal di kalangan tarekat di Malaysia. Artikel ini akan menelusuri kepemimpinan Haji Ishaq bin Muhammad Arif, muncul dan berkembangnya tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah di Malaysia. Data dikumpulkan tidak hanya melalui manuskrip tulisan Haji Ishaq, akan tetapi juga karya-karya muridnya. Observasi lapangan juga dilakukan di beberapa situs yang diidentifikasi sebagai pusat pergerakan. Untuk memperkuat argumen-argumen data manuskrip, beberapa murid senior Haji Ishaq juga diwawancarai. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah pimpinan Haji Ishaq merupakan komunitas besar yang memiliki banyak pengikut dari latar belakang yang berbeda termasuk para akademisi dan profesional. Kekuatan kelompok ini tercermin dari terciptanya pusat-pusat jaringan luas di berbagai negara bagian Malaysia.Abstract: The Tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah lead by Haji Ishaq has many followers and is also known especially among other tarekat followers in Malaysia. This article is navigating through the leadership of Haji Ishaq Bin Muhammad Arif, the emergence of tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah  he lead and its evolution in Malaysia. Beside the data collected through the manuscript written by Haji Ishaq, his murids works were also studied. Field observations were also performed at several sites that are identified to be the centers of the movement. Also, some senior students of Haji Ishaq were interviewed to strengthen the arguments of the manuscript data. This study had discovered that tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah lead by Haji Ishaq was large group with many followers, made up of diverse backgrounds, including academicians and professionals. The power of this group is reflected in the extensive network of centers that are located in several states in Malaysia.Key Words: Tarekat, Haji Ishaq bin Muhammad Arif, Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyya

    TAREKAT NAQSHABANDIYYAH KHALIDIYYAH IN MALAYSIA: A Study on the Leadership of Haji Ishaq bin Muhammad Arif

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    The Tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah lead by Haji Ishaq has many followers and is also known especially among other tarekat followers in Malaysia. This article is navigating through the leadership of Haji Ishaq Bin Muhammad Arif, the emergence of tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah he lead and its evolution in Malaysia. Beside the data collected through the manuscript written by Haji Ishaq, his murids works were also studied. Field observations were also performed at several sites that are identified to be the centers of the movement. Also, some senior students of Haji Ishaq were interviewed to strengthen the arguments of the manuscript data. This study had discovered that tarekat Naqshabandiyyah Khalidiyyah lead by Haji Ishaq was large group with many followers, made up of diverse backgrounds, including academicians and professionals. The power of this group is reflected in the extensive network of centers that are located in several states in Malaysia