28 research outputs found

    Towards a practitioner-centered approach to the design of e-learning competence editors

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    Girardin, F., Ayman, M., & Josep, B. (2007). Towards a practitioner-centered approach to the design of e-learning competence editors. In T. Navarrete, J. Blat & R. Koper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd TENComptence Open workshop 'Current Research on IMS Learning Design and Lifelong Competence Development Infrastucture' (pp. 99-104). June, 20-21, 2007, Barcelona, Spain: TENCompetence.This article reports on the background research on requirements and current approaches to editors for learning curriculum designers. First we take a critique look at the state of the art in the domain of learning activity editors. We then look back in the information visualization and interaction literature to discuss the design challenged of such tools. From these current theories and applied works we define a set a rules that are crucial for the design of CDP editors based developed on top of complex e-learning models. Finally, we exemplify the set of design rules with a prototype integrating tightly coupled map-based and Gantt chart views.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Writing Consistent Stories based on Structured Multi-Authored Narrative Spaces

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    Modifying Entity Relationship Models for Collaborative Fiction Planning and its Impact on Potential Authors

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    We propose a modified Entity Relationship (E-R) model, traditionally used for software engineering, to structure, store and share plot data. The flexibility of E-R modelling has been demonstrated by its decades of usage in a wide variety of situations. The success of the E-R model suggests that it could be useful for collaborating fiction authors, adding a certain degree of computational power to their process. We changed the E-R model syntax to better suit the story plans, switching the emphasis from generic types to instanced story entities, but preserving relationships and attributes. We conducted a small-scale basic experiment to study the impact of using our modified E-R model on authors when understanding and contributing into a pre-existing fiction story plan. The results analysis revealed that the E-R model supports authors as effectively as written text in reading comprehension, memory, and contributing. In addition, the results show that, when combined together, the written text and the E-R model help participants achieve better comprehension--always within the frame of our experiment. We discuss potential applications of these findings

    UNFOLD Deliverable D12. Project showcase.

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    This is the cover sheet for the UNFOLD project deliverable D12, the Project Showcase. The deliverable itself is available at http://www.unfold-project.net/. Readers who would like greater detail on the policy for sustainability which informs the Project Showcase will find it useful to consult D12, the Sustainability Plan

    D4.2 Evaluation of cycle 1 pilots

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    This report describes the efforts in cycle 1 pilots to evaluate the concept of TENCompetence and its first-release system implementation. Cycle 1 pilots are framed in two different domains: Digital Cinema and ICT Teacher Training. Both pilots are preceded by two preliminary experiences, which are very useful for planning the actual cycle 1 implementation, deployment and evaluation. The first results from cycle 1 pilots are encouraging and indicate that learners using the first-release of the TENCompetence infrastructure feel more in control of their own learning.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    ID2.1 Initial Requirements Report

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    This internal deliverable contains two main parts: 1. Functional Requirements for the TENCompetence integrated system (which includes the descriptions of the high level use cases and the main components of the system) 2. Non Functional Requirements for the TENCompetence inte-grated systemThe work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    MindSpaces:Art-driven Adaptive Outdoors and Indoors Design

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    MindSpaces provides solutions for creating functionally and emotionally appealing architectural designs in urban spaces. Social media services, physiological sensing devices and video cameras provide data from sensing environments. State-of-the-Art technology including VR, 3D design tools, emotion extraction, visual behaviour analysis, and textual analysis will be incorporated in MindSpaces platform for analysing data and adapting the design of spaces.</p