375 research outputs found

    Application of geostatistical simulation models in the charac- terization of complex geological structures

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    Η χρήση μεθόδων προσομοίωσης στη γεωστατιστική μπορεί να οδηγήσει στην ανάπτυξη αριθμητικών μοντέλων χωρικής κατανομής συνεχών γεωλογικών μεταβλητών (περιεκτικότητα, πάχος, πυκνότητα, κλπ) ή κατηγορικών μεταβλητών (γεωλογικοί σχηματισμοί και λιθολογικές φάσεις ή τύποι πετρωμάτων). Στην παρούσα εργασία, η ανασκόπηση των κλασικών μεθόδων προσομοίωσης, όπως η Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS), αναδεικνύει ένα σημαντικό μειονέκτημα που προκύπτει από τις θεωρητικές δυσκολίες στην ανάπτυξη ενός έγκυρου μοντέλου συνδιασποράς. Αντιθέτως, ένα παρόμοιο μοντέλο μπορεί να οριστεί αυτόματα στο πλαίσιο της Truncated Gaussian Method (TGS). Η μέθοδος αυτή βασίζεται στη δημιουργία κατηγορικών μεταβλητών μέσω της αποκοπής μίας πολλαπλά κανονικής τυχαίας μεταβλητής σε διάφορα όρια. Η Plurigaussian Simulation Method (PGS) αποτελεί επέκταση της προηγούμενης με τη διαφορά στην ταυτόχρονη αποκοπή περισσότερων της μίας τυχαίων μεταβλητών. Στη συνέχεια της εργασίας παρουσιάζεται μία εφαρμογή αυτής της μεθόδου στην πεδιάδα της Δυτικής Θεσσαλίας. Τα αποτελέσματα δείχνουν ότι η μέθοδος είναι αποτελεσματική στην αναπαραγωγή των χωρικών χαρακτηριστικών των διαφόρων λιθολογικών σχηματισμών και της κατανομής τους στο χώρο.Geostatistical simulation methods are able to generate numerical models or relations of the spatial distribution of a continuous geologic variable (grade, thickness, density, etc.) or a categorical variable (geological units and lithofacies or rock types). In this work, a review of traditional simulation techniques, as the Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS), reveals a major pitfall that comes from theoretical difficulties in the development of a valid cross covariance model. On the contrary, a valid indicator cross covariance model is automatically defined in the framework of the Truncated Gaussian Simulation Method (TGS). This method is based on the concept that the categorical variables are obtained by truncating one standard multigaussian random variable at different thresholds. Plurigaussian Simulation Method (PGS) is an extension of the TGS Method but based on the simultaneous truncation of several multigaussian variables. An application of Plurigaussian method to simulate the lithofacies in the alluvial formations of the West Thessaly Basin is finally presented. This method was shown to be effective in reproducing the spatial characteristics of the different lithofacies and their distribution across the studied area

    Characterization of a dengue type-specific epitope on dengue 3 virus envelope protein domain III

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    Dengue virus (DENV) is a mosquito-borne disease caused by four genetically and serologically related viruses termed DENV-1, -2, -3 and -4. The DENV envelope (E) protein ectodomain can be divided into three structural domains designated ED1, ED2 and ED3. The ED3 domain contains DENV type-specific and DENV complex-reactive antigenic sites. To date, nearly all antigenic studies on the E protein have focused on DENV-2. In this study, the epitope recognized by a DENV-3 type-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb 14A4-8) was mapped to the DENV-3 ED3 domain using a combination of physical and biological techniques. Epitope mapping revealed that amino acid residues V305, L306, K308, E309, V310, K325, A329, G381 and I387 were critical for the binding of mAb 14A4-8 and amino acid residues T303, K307, K386, W389 and R391 were peripheral residues for this epitope. The location of the mAb 14A4-8 epitope overlaps with the DENV complex-reactive antigenic site in the DENV-3 ED3 domain

    An unexpected link between fatty acid synthase and cholesterol synthesis in proinflammatory macrophage activation

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    Different immune activation states require distinct metabolic features and activities in immune cells. For instance, inhibition of fatty acid synthase (FASN), which catalyzes the synthesis of long-chain fatty acids, prevents the proinflammatory response in macrophages; however, the precise role of this enzyme in this response remains poorly defined. Consistent with previous studies, we found here that FASN is essential for lipopolysaccharide-induced, Toll-like receptor (TLR)-mediated macrophage activation. Interestingly, only agents that block FASN upstream of acetoacetyl-CoA synthesis, including the well-characterized FASN inhibitor C75, inhibited TLR4 signaling, while those acting downstream had no effect. We found that acetoacetyl-CoA could overcome C75's inhibitory effect, whereas other FASN metabolites, including palmitate, did not prevent C75-mediated inhibition. This suggested an unexpected role for acetoacetyl-CoA in inflammation that is independent of its role in palmitate synthesis. Our evidence further suggested that acetoacetyl-CoA arising from FASN activity promotes cholesterol production, indicating a surprising link between fatty acid synthesis and cholesterol synthesis. We further demonstrate that this process is required for TLR4 to enter lipid rafts and facilitate TLR4 signaling. In conclusion, we have uncovered an unexpected link between FASN and cholesterol synthesis that appears to be required for TLR signal transduction and proinflammatory macrophage activation

    Capturing a Flavivirus Pre-Fusion Intermediate

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    During cell entry of flaviviruses, low endosomal pH triggers the rearrangement of the viral surface glycoproteins to a fusion-active state that allows the release of the infectious RNA into the cytoplasm. In this work, West Nile virus was complexed with Fab fragments of the neutralizing mAb E16 and was subsequently exposed to low pH, trapping the virions in a pre-fusion intermediate state. The structure of the complex was studied by cryo-electron microscopy and provides the first structural glimpse of a flavivirus fusion intermediate near physiological conditions. A radial expansion of the outer protein layer of the virion was observed compared to the structure at pH 8. The resulting ∼60 Å-wide shell of low density between lipid bilayer and outer protein layer is likely traversed by the stem region of the E glycoprotein. By using antibody fragments, we have captured a structural intermediate of a virus that likely occurs during cell entry. The trapping of structural transition states by antibody fragments will be applicable for other processes in the flavivirus life cycle and delineating other cellular events that involve conformational rearrangements

    Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Dengue-Virus Entry

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    Flavivirus envelope protein (E) mediates membrane fusion and viral entry from endosomes. A low-pH induced, dimer-to-trimer rearrangement and reconfiguration of the membrane-proximal “stem" of the E ectodomain draw together the viral and cellular membranes. We found stem-derived peptides from dengue virus (DV) bind stem-less E trimer and mimic the stem-reconfiguration step in the fusion pathway. We adapted this experiment as a high-throughput screen for small molecules that block peptide binding and thus may inhibit viral entry. A compound identified in this screen, 1662G07, and a number of its analogs reversibly inhibit DV infectivity. They do so by binding the prefusion, dimeric E on the virion surface, before adsorption to a cell. They also block viral fusion with liposomes. Structure-activity relationship studies have led to analogs with submicromolar IC90s against DV2, and certain analogs are active against DV serotypes 1,2, and 4. The compounds do not inhibit the closely related Kunjin virus. We propose that they bind in a previously identified, E-protein pocket, exposed on the virion surface and although this pocket is closed in the postfusion trimer, its mouth is fully accessible. Examination of the E-trimer coordinates (PDB 1OK8) shows that conformational fluctuations around the hinge could open the pocket without dissociating the trimer or otherwise generating molecular collisions. We propose that compounds such as 1662G07 trap the sE trimer in a “pocket-open" state, which has lost affinity for the stem peptide and cannot support the final “zipping up" of the stem

    A Therapeutic Antibody against West Nile Virus Neutralizes Infection by Blocking Fusion within Endosomes

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    Defining the precise cellular mechanisms of neutralization by potently inhibitory antibodies is important for understanding how the immune system successfully limits viral infections. We recently described a potently inhibitory monoclonal antibody (MAb E16) against the envelope (E) protein of West Nile virus (WNV) that neutralizes infection even after virus has spread to the central nervous system. Herein, we define its mechanism of inhibition. E16 blocks infection primarily at a post-attachment step as antibody-opsonized WNV enters permissive cells but cannot escape from endocytic compartments. These cellular experiments suggest that E16 blocks the acid-catalyzed fusion step that is required for nucleocapsid entry into the cytoplasm. Indeed, E16 directly inhibits fusion of WNV with liposomes. Additionally, low-pH exposure of E16–WNV complexes in the absence of target membranes did not fully inactivate infectious virus, further suggesting that E16 prevents a structural transition required for fusion. Thus, a strongly neutralizing anti–WNV MAb with therapeutic potential is potently inhibitory because it blocks viral fusion and thereby promotes clearance by delivering virus to the lysosome for destruction

    Structural Optimization and De Novo Design of Dengue Virus Entry Inhibitory Peptides

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    Viral fusogenic envelope proteins are important targets for the development of inhibitors of viral entry. We report an approach for the computational design of peptide inhibitors of the dengue 2 virus (DENV-2) envelope (E) protein using high-resolution structural data from a pre-entry dimeric form of the protein. By using predictive strategies together with computational optimization of binding “pseudoenergies”, we were able to design multiple peptide sequences that showed low micromolar viral entry inhibitory activity. The two most active peptides, DN57opt and 1OAN1, were designed to displace regions in the domain II hinge, and the first domain I/domain II beta sheet connection, respectively, and show fifty percent inhibitory concentrations of 8 and 7 µM respectively in a focus forming unit assay. The antiviral peptides were shown to interfere with virus:cell binding, interact directly with the E proteins and also cause changes to the viral surface using biolayer interferometry and cryo-electron microscopy, respectively. These peptides may be useful for characterization of intermediate states in the membrane fusion process, investigation of DENV receptor molecules, and as lead compounds for drug discovery

    Differential recognition of HIV-stimulated IL-1? and IL-18 secretion through NLR and NAIP signalling in monocyte-derived macrophages

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    Macrophages are important drivers of pathogenesis and progression to AIDS in HIV infection. The virus in the later phases of the infection is often predominantly macrophage-tropic and this tropism contributes to a chronic inflammatory and immune activation state that is observed in HIV patients. Pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system are the key molecules that recognise HIV and mount the inflammatory responses in macrophages. The innate immune response against HIV-1 is potent and elicits caspase-1-dependent pro-inflammatory cytokine production of IL-1β and IL-18. Although, NLRP3 has been reported as an inflammasome sensor dictating this response little is known about the pattern recognition receptors that trigger the “priming” signal for inflammasome activation, the NLRs involved or the HIV components that trigger the response. Using a combination of siRNA knockdowns in monocyte derived macrophages (MDMs) of different TLRs and NLRs as well as chemical inhibition, it was demonstrated that HIV Vpu could trigger inflammasome activation via TLR4/NLRP3 leading to IL-1β/IL-18 secretion. The priming signal is triggered via TLR4, whereas the activation signal is triggered by direct effects on Kv1.3 channels, causing K+ efflux. In contrast, HIV gp41 could trigger IL-18 production via NAIP/NLRC4, independently of priming, as a one-step inflammasome activation. NAIP binds directly to the cytoplasmic tail of HIV envelope protein gp41 and represents the first non-bacterial ligand for the NAIP/NLRC4 inflammasome. These divergent pathways represent novel targets to resolve specific inflammatory pathologies associated with HIV-1 infection in macrophages

    Peptide Inhibitors of Dengue-Virus Entry Target a Late-Stage Fusion Intermediate

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    The mechanism of membrane fusion by “class II” viral fusion proteins follows a pathway that involves large-scale domain rearrangements of the envelope glycoprotein (E) and a transition from dimers to trimers. The rearrangement is believed to proceed by an outward rotation of the E ectodomain after loss of the dimer interface, followed by a reassociation into extended trimers. The ∼55-aa-residue, membrane proximal “stem” can then zip up along domain II, bringing together the transmembrane segments of the C-terminus and the fusion loops at the tip of domain II. We find that peptides derived from the stem of dengue-virus E bind stem-less E trimer, which models a conformational intermediate. In vitro assays demonstrate that these peptides specifically block viral fusion. The peptides inhibit infectivity with potency proportional to their affinity for the conformational intermediate, even when free peptide is removed from a preincubated inoculum before infecting cells. We conclude that peptides bind virions before attachment and are carried with virions into endosomes, the compartment in which acidification initiates fusion. Binding depends on particle dynamics, as there is no inhibition of infectivity if preincubation and separation are at 4°C rather than 37°C. We propose a two-step model for the mechanism of fusion inhibition. Targeting a viral entry pathway can be an effective way to block infection. Our data, which support and extend proposed mechanisms for how the E conformational change promotes membrane fusion, suggest strategies for inhibiting flavivirus entry