60 research outputs found


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    During the last decade of the 20th century, modeling the macro-economic evolutions and implicitly modeling the evolutions in the social insurance systems, including and especially the pension systems, gained a very strong “anchor”, which allowed and allows at present the realization of multiple evolution scenarios, with a pretty big probability of achievement. This anchor, or better said this anchor-variable is the “inflation rate”, usually calculated as the consumption price index, respectively as its percentage variation from one period of time to another. The last decades of the 20th century and the first five years of the 21st century were characterized by an extremely accelerated rhythm of innovation, as well as by an acceleration and a multiplication of capital flows, which practically led to the phenomenon known as “economy globalization” or simply as “globalization”, as it extended outside the economical sphere towards all the spheres and sectors of the social life. This process has been accelerated by the “transition from plan to market” of the economies from Central and Eastern Europe, as a consequence of the fall of the totalitarian communist system, which dominated this part of Europe half a century, and of the end of the era known as “the Cold War”. The economic globalization movement, together with the transition from plan to market as well as with China’s entering into the international economic circuits, grew enormously the investment possibilities and thus the possibilities of placing the capital accumulated in the western countries during the autarchy period which characterized the Cold War era.labor market, pension system, globalization

    The theoretical-methodological basis of the model of macro-economic forecast, of labor market and population

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    During the last decade of the 20th century, modeling the macro-economic evolutions and implicitly modeling the evolutions in the social insurance systems, including and especially the pension systems, gained a very strong “anchor”, which allowed and allows at present the realization of multiple evolution scenarios, with a pretty big probability of achievement. This anchor, or better said this anchor-variable is the “inflation rate”, usually calculated as the consumption price index, respectively as its percentage variation from one period of time to another.The last decades of the 20th century and the first five years of the 21st century were characterized by an extremely accelerated rhythm of innovation, as well as by an acceleration and a multiplication of capital flows, which practically led to the phenomenon known as “economy globalization” or simply as “globalization”, as it extended outside the economical sphere towards all the spheres and sectors of the social life.This process has been accelerated by the “transition from plan to market” of the economies from Central and Eastern Europe, as a consequence of the fall of the totalitarian communist system, which dominated this part of Europe half a century, and of the end of the era known as “the Cold War”. The economic globalization movement, together with the transition from plan to market as well as with China’s entering into the international economic circuits, grew enormously the investment possibilities and thus the possibilities of placing the capital accumulated in the western countries during the autarchy period which characterized the Cold War era


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    After careful consideration, we can say that in evolution, human society was and isthreatened by a number of factors that can be generally divided into internal, external andnatural. Currently, it is difficult to assess which are the most dangerous threats to acommunity, requiring a rather complex analysis that ultimately will reveal that each threat asminor should be duly untreated immediate reaction in terms of society, can become a realthreat as less than or greater. The unprecedented development of international relations incontemporary society has been accompanied by an increase also unprecedented,international crime, the proliferation of forms of organized crime in several states

    Main Modifications of Law No. 263/2010 on the Universal Pension System

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    One of the phenomena with a direct effect on the social insurance system is the decrease in the number of employees, from 8.1 in 1990 to 4.5 million at present. This is mainly due to emigration and black work. Although the active population is 10.5 million, only 4.5 mentioned above have pension insurance, which will generate long-term problems. Over 25-35 years, those working illegally or do not work at all (significant number) will reach retirement age without being insured and will burden the social welfare system, requiring public money guaranteed minimum income or other support social. At that time, the working-age population (which pays these costs through taxes and contributions to insurance funds) will be less numerous, which will lead to a significant increase in taxes. If internally this trend can be countered by creating conditions for securing private pensions, raising the retirement age, discouraging early retirement and encouraging labor regime of part and policies targeted by age and by raising the employment rate of the population (in particular, the population aged over 45 and females), the issue of emigration needs to be treated differently

    A Study of a Collaborative Task Management Application Built on React Native using the BASIC UX Framework

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    Many times it can be difficult to accomplish all this is proposed in a meeting. This project aimed to build a simple planner application using React Native that allows groups of people to collaborate and stay organized. The application was built using the BASIC Framework as a guide, and featured a collaboration feature that enabled users to share tasks, projects, and communicate with one another in order to stay coordinated and productive. The user interface was designed for easy use, allowing for quick and efficient task management within a group. The goal of the application was to provide a useful and practical tool for groups to stay on top of their tasks and goals, and to streamline communication and coordination among team members. The project aimed to make the management of group tasks simpler and more efficient, and differentiate from other planner app by its simplicity and collaboration feature. Additionally, the application was also tested by users to be able to get the best feedback for a user-friendly application

    The Legal Order of the European Community - A New Legal Typology

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    In order to fit the new European legal order on the legal map of the world, we intend to focus on the legal order of the European Union. The paper seeks to answer the questions: is the law of the European Union a new type of law with specific qualitative determinations?, can it be about integration into a supra-national legal order?, how can the national values be interwoven with those of the European Union? We are witnessing great challenges in the European Union - we are talking about integrating into a supra-national legal order, about joining supranational interests. Although it is based on international treaties, the Community legal order has characteristics that are fundamentally different from the international legal order. In this paper we have analyzed how the relations of the Community law interact with the national law. These do not reduce to a single model, but we can distinguish several situations depending on the role assigned to the Community provisions and the consequences on the existence of the content of national law. We appreciate that only insofar as the European Union is founded on an autonomous legal will and on common legal principles and values, both for individuals and for nations, the “unity in diversity” is possible

    Managerial Convergence in Evolution Public Institutions in the European Union

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    Although public management is a new management science, there are already convinced that the extension of the principles and specific approaches, not just a relative thing, it becomes imperative that determines the coordinates of major public sector reform. Otherwise there is the risk of slipping into a formalism stressed, changing some generally accepted fundamental and essential to the detriment of , meeting the new management public. Consequently , it is absolutely necessary to give the perception and treatment of the old administrative system in general and public institutions in particular as bureaucratic administrative apparatus are developed rules , regulations, and laws by which they are applied and the transition to new general management principles and legitimate public that the administrative system as a whole and each public by public managers seeking a specified level of performance management , reflected in increasing public interest and satisfaction of specific social needs. Communication is one of effective management tools of change in the organization. It can help to adjust the attitude of the "way of looking at things” and to change behaviors. Mission and objectives managerial communication are closely related to organizational changes and environmental characteristics in which the organization functions. Public relations are essentially communication activities if relationships public management of communication between an organization and its public interest based on public, effective public relations manager must be in permanent contact with the public organization to be able to differentiate any time their communication needs, formulate and convey the message to the characteristics of each of them and track their response to receiving each of the messages

    The Marketing of River Forwarding and Freight Services

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    River forwarding and freight contain, on the one hand, the movement of goods on the river and on the other hand, services related to handling, storage, issuance of documents and payment of all rendered services. Currently, inland navigation in Europe and on other continents has an increasing share of the overall transport of goods. From the statistical published data it results, for example, that in Central Europe the inland waterway has nearly 1/3 of all traffic, with a constant growth tendency.The volume of goods handled on the river is directly related to the degree of development of material and technical base of the river transportation system, respectively, it depends on the number and capacity of the used vessel, size and level of equipment of ports, and the navigability of the waters

    La Nécessite de la Reforme du Système de Retraites dans le Contexte de L’économie Politique de Transition

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    The changes that occur in an economy and, implicitly, in a society by striking a key threshold, that cannot be repeated objectively, as they are the expression of a unique process in the history of the universal economy that is “the transition from plan to market”. The only element worthy to be taken into consideration is the number of years until achieving the critical mass, that is able to give indications on the nature of the transitional process and consequently on the state where the recovery of the trend towards savings / investment, at the moment of attaining the critical mass. The economic measure, both historical and paradigmatic accomplished in the article in question, proves that there are several steps that an economy has to cross, in order to come back, and that is, on the one hand at the level of institutional development (in terms of institutions of a free market), and on the other hand, for coming gradually closer to the current level of development of industrialized countries (colloquial Western being implied both Western Europe the U.S. and Canada)

    The Right of Access to Its Own File

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    Abstract: The right of access to its own file represents a principle of administrative law as defined in the legislation and jurisprudence of the European Union which constitutes a guarantee of the right to defence. Generally, in matters of access to files, the Court of Justice of the European Union was quite cautious. It was decided in the case of Consten & Grundig v Commission [1966] that they have no right of access to Commission records, only the case of Hercules Chemicals since 1991 the Court of First Instance ruled that the access to documents and “accusing and non-accusing” the person of the applicant must be respected by the institutions of the Union. After this point, the jurisprudence has been constant, while guaranteeing the protection of the right of accessing its own file. However, not all European Union institutions documents may be available to the public. On the possibility of the Commission to bring to the attention the parties of its internal documents, the Court made it clear that this is allowed only if exceptional circumstances of the case require so, given that there are strong grounds for believing to be provided by the parties. Also, regarding access to documents held by public authorities, the Court ruled that access to these documents can be justifiably limited in the case of grounds relating to the protection of public or private interest. As regards the institutions covered by the access to its file, it should motivate its decision.  The present research aims not only at analysing the legislation in matters of access to its own file, but also experiencing such requests for access. It will be highlighted in the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union that the institution is limited to just a simple examination of the information, without having the decision motivated by an interest or reason
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