2 research outputs found

    An Overview of The Causes of Work Accidents in the Komodo's Bite Workers in Komodo National Park

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    Work accident which occurred in workers at Komodo National Park is a Komodo dragon bite work accident. According to Genesis, the Komodo dragon's bite of the year 2009-2014 12 cases had occurred in the Komodo dragon bite of the Komodo National Park. The conditions of the lack of fences between komodo with humans aimed at maintaining the authenticity of the wildlife habitat of the Komodo dragon komodo can lead to attacking and biting the workers. This research aims to find out the cause of the accident bite komodo. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach. Informant this research consisted of workers who had ever been bitten by Komodo dragon and the Head of the Section Management of Komodo National Park. This research was conducted during January 2015 in Resort Loh Buaya Komodo National Park. Results of the study known direct cause of unsafe behavior i.e. a wayward workers in the use of the personal protection equipment (PPE) and wayward against SOP rules and regulations as well as the condition is not as safe as the condition of the guard post in the absence of a security door and the condition of the track is still natural. In addition the existence of indirect causes, namely the provision of PPE that has not been adequate, the lack of a work safety and health training, supervision has not been effective, as well as a communications SOP that has not been effective. Keywords: Unsafe act, unsafe condition, Komodo National Park.

    Analisis Manajemen Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja Di Balai Taman Nasional Komodo (Studi Kasus Serangan Komodo Pada Pekerja Di Taman Nasional Komodo Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur)

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    Komodo National Park is the original habitat of the Komodo dragon that almost of the area are opened for the natural tourism and direct observation activities about the komodo dragons. Working in Komodo National Park as an officer is very dangerous because the safety of its workers are not guaranteed. They work in the middle of the large number of the dragon without any barrier between the dragons and human activities. It can cause the dragons are able to attack the workers when they feel hungry or feel disturb. This was a descriptive and qualitative approach in January 2015. The objective of this research was to analyze the Occupational Health and Safety Management to prevent accidents was by komodo�bitten of the workers who work in Komodo National Park. The data collecting was conducted in-depth interviews with informants, direct field observation and document review. The informants were taken by purposive sampling. The informants workers who were by komodo�s bitten, The Head of Komodo National Park Region I, The Head of Komodo National Park Region II, and The Head of Koperasi Serba Usaha Taman Nasional Komodo. The research result showed that was not adequate OHS program, such as safety training program, supervision, PPE and first aidfacilities and workplace circumstance was not secure. Although there have the operational standards, regulations, and the danger symbol or sign placed around the area, the komodo�s bitten was happened. There still have the workers who were non-compliant with the regulation in using the standard and appropriate PPE. Workplace accidents caused by the dragon bites could be prevented or minimized by monitoring and managing the good OHS programs, such as, hazard identification, safety training program, routine inspection, technical control of the work environment and PPE providing the and first aid�s facilities which adequate and the appropriate with the safety standards