18,450 research outputs found

    The time-evolution of bias

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    We study the evolution of the bias factor b and the mass-galaxy correlation coefficient r in a simple analytic model for galaxy formation and the gravitational growth of clustering. The model shows that b and r can be strongly time-dependent, but tend to approach unity even if galaxy formation never ends as the gravitational growth of clustering debiases the older galaxies. The presence of random fluctuations in the sites of galaxy formation relative to the mass distribution can cause large and rapidly falling bias values at high redshift.Comment: 4 pages, with 2 figures included. Typos corrected to match published ApJL version. Color figure and links at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~max/bias.html or from [email protected]

    Accurate determination of the Lagrangian bias for the dark matter halos

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    We use a new method, the cross power spectrum between the linear density field and the halo number density field, to measure the Lagrangian bias for dark matter halos. The method has several important advantages over the conventional correlation function analysis. By applying this method to a set of high-resolution simulations of 256^3 particles, we have accurately determined the Lagrangian bias, over 4 magnitudes in halo mass, for four scale-free models with the index n=-0.5, -1.0, -1.5 and -2.0 and three typical CDM models. Our result for massive halos with M≄M∗M \ge M_* (M∗M_* is a characteristic non-linear mass) is in very good agreement with the analytical formula of Mo & White for the Lagrangian bias, but the analytical formula significantly underestimates the Lagrangian clustering for the less massive halos $M < M_*. Our simulation result however can be satisfactorily described, with an accuracy better than 15%, by the fitting formula of Jing for Eulerian bias under the assumption that the Lagrangian clustering and the Eulerian clustering are related with a linear mapping. It implies that it is the failure of the Press-Schechter theories for describing the formation of small halos that leads to the inaccuracy of the Mo & White formula for the Eulerian bias. The non-linear mapping between the Lagrangian clustering and the Eulerian clustering, which was speculated as another possible cause for the inaccuracy of the Mo & White formula, must at most have a second-order effect. Our result indicates that the halo formation model adopted by the Press-Schechter theories must be improved.Comment: Minor changes; accepted for publication in ApJ (Letters) ; 11 pages with 2 figures include

    An Analytical Approach to Inhomogeneous Structure Formation

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    We develop an analytical formalism that is suitable for studying inhomogeneous structure formation, by studying the joint statistics of dark matter halos forming at two points. Extending the Bond et al. (1991) derivation of the mass function of virialized halos, based on excursion sets, we derive an approximate analytical expression for the ``bivariate'' mass function of halos forming at two redshifts and separated by a fixed comoving Lagrangian distance. Our approach also leads to a self-consistent expression for the nonlinear biasing and correlation function of halos, generalizing a number of previous results including those by Kaiser (1984) and Mo & White (1996). We compare our approximate solutions to exact numerical results within the excursion-set framework and find them to be consistent to within 2% over a wide range of parameters. Our formalism can be used to study various feedback effects during galaxy formation analytically, as well as to simply construct observable quantities dependent on the spatial distribution of objects. A code that implements our method is publicly available at http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~evan/GeminiComment: 41 Pages, 11 figures, published in ApJ, 571, 585. Reference added, Figure 2 axis relabele

    The cosmological light-cone effect on the power spectrum of galaxies and quasars in wide-field redshift surveys

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    We examine observational consequences of the cosmological light-cone effect on the power spectrum of the distribution of galaxies and quasars from upcoming redshift surveys. First we derive an expression for the power spectrum of cosmological objects in real space on a light cone, PR,linLC(k)P^{\rm LC}_{\rm R,lin}(k), which is exact in linear theory of density perturbations. Next we incorporate corrections for the nonlinear density evolution and redshift-space distortion in the formula in a phenomenological manner which is consistent with recent numerical simulations. On the basis of this formula, we predict the power spectrum of galaxies and quasars on the light cone for future redshift surveys taking account of the selection function properly. We demonstrate that this formula provides a reliable and useful method to compute the power spectrum on the light cone given an evolution model of bias.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    An excursion set model of the cosmic web: The abundance of sheets, filaments and halos

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    We discuss an analytic approach for modeling structure formation in sheets, filaments and knots. This is accomplished by combining models of triaxial collapse with the excursion set approach: sheets are defined as objects which have collapsed along only one axis, filaments have collapsed along two axes, and halos are objects in which triaxial collapse is complete. In the simplest version of this approach, which we develop here, large scale structure shows a clear hierarchy of morphologies: the mass in large-scale sheets is partitioned up among lower mass filaments, which themselves are made-up of still lower mass halos. Our approach provides analytic estimates of the mass fraction in sheets, filaments and halos, and its evolution, for any background cosmological model and any initial fluctuation spectrum. In the currently popular Λ\LambdaCDM model, our analysis suggests that more than 99% of the cosmic mass is in sheets, and 72% in filaments, with mass larger than 1010M⊙10^{10} M_{\odot} at the present time. For halos, this number is only 46%. Our approach also provides analytic estimates of how halo abundances at any given time correlate with the morphology of the surrounding large-scale structure, and how halo evolution correlates with the morphology of large scale structure.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Scaling properties of the redshift power spectrum: theoretical models

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    We report the results of an analysis of the redshift power spectrum PS(k,ÎŒ)P^S(k,\mu) in three typical Cold Dark Matter (CDM) cosmological models, where ÎŒ\mu is the cosine of the angle between the wave vector and the line-of-sight. Two distinct biased tracers derived from the primordial density peaks of Bardeen et al. and the cluster-underweight model of Jing, Mo, & B\"orner are considered in addition to the pure dark matter models. Based on a large set of high resolution simulations, we have measured the redshift power spectrum for the three tracers from the linear to the nonlinear regime. We investigate the validity of the relation - guessed from linear theory - in the nonlinear regime PS(k,ÎŒ)=PR(k)[1+ÎČÎŒ2]2D(k,ÎŒ,σ12(k)), P^S(k,\mu)=P^R(k)[1+\beta\mu^2]^2D(k,\mu,\sigma_{12}(k)), where PR(k)P^R(k) is the real space power spectrum, and ÎČ\beta equals Ω00.6/bl\Omega_0^{0.6}/b_l. The damping function DD which should generally depend on kk, ÎŒ\mu, and σ12(k)\sigma_{12}(k), is found to be a function of only one variable kΌσ12(k)k\mu\sigma_{12}(k). This scaling behavior extends into the nonlinear regime, while DD can be accurately expressed as a Lorentz function - well known from linear theory - for values D>0.1D > 0.1. The difference between σ12(k)\sigma_{12}(k) and the pairwise velocity dispersion defined by the 3-D peculiar velocity of the simulations (taking r=1/kr=1/k) is about 15%. Therefore σ12(k)\sigma_{12}(k) is a good indicator of the pairwise velocity dispersion. The exact functional form of DD depends on the cosmological model and on the bias scheme. We have given an accurate fitting formula for the functional form of DD for the models studied.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ;24 pages with 7 figures include

    Unusually Large Fluctuations in the Statistics of Galaxy Formation at High Redshift

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    We show that various milestones of high-redshift galaxy formation, such as the formation of the first stars or the complete reionization of the intergalactic medium, occurred at different times in different regions of the universe. The predicted spread in redshift, caused by large-scale fluctuations in the number density of galaxies, is at least an order of magnitude larger than previous expectations that argued for a sharp end to reionization. This cosmic scatter in the abundance of galaxies introduces new features that affect the nature of reionization and the expectations for future probes of reionization, and may help explain the present properties of dwarf galaxies in different environments. The predictions can be tested by future numerical simulations and may be verified by upcoming observations. Current simulations, limited to relatively small volumes and periodic boundary conditions, largely omit cosmic scatter and its consequences. In particular, they artificially produce a sudden end to reionization, and they underestimate the number of galaxies by up to an order of magnitude at redshift 20.Comment: 8 ApJ pages, 4 figures, ApJ. Minor changes in revised version. Originally first submitted for publication on Aug. 29, 200

    Detecting the Earliest Galaxies Through Two New Sources of 21cm Fluctuations

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    The first galaxies that formed at a redshift ~20-30 emitted continuum photons with energies between the Lyman-alpha and Lyman limit wavelengths of hydrogen, to which the neutral universe was transparent except at the Lyman-series resonances. As these photons redshifted or scattered into the Lyman-alpha resonance they coupled the spin temperature of the 21cm transition of hydrogen to the gas temperature, allowing it to deviate from the microwave background temperature. We show that the fluctuations in the radiation emitted by the first galaxies produced strong fluctuations in the 21cm flux before the Lyman-alpha coupling became saturated. The fluctuations were caused by biased inhomogeneities in the density of galaxies, along with Poisson fluctuations in the number of galaxies. Observing the power-spectra of these two sources would probe the number density of the earliest galaxies and the typical mass of their host dark matter halos. The enhanced amplitude of the 21cm fluctuations from the era of Lyman-alpha coupling improves considerably the practical prospects for their detection.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, ApJ, published. Normalization fixed in top panels of Figures 4-

    Sunyaev - Zel'dovich fluctuations from spatial correlations between clusters of galaxies

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    We present angular power spectra of the cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropy due to fluctuations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect through clusters of galaxies. A contribution from the correlation among clusters is especially focused on, which has been neglected in the previous analyses. Employing the evolving linear bias factor based on the Press-Schechter formalism, we find that the clustering contribution amounts to 20-30% of the Poissonian one at degree angular scales. If we exclude clusters in the local universe, it even exceeds the Poissonian noise, and makes dominant contribution to the angular power spectrum. As a concrete example, we demonstrate the subtraction of the ROSAT X-ray flux-limited cluster samples. It indicates that we should include the clustering effect in the analysis of the SZ fluctuations. We further find that the degree scale spectra essentially depend upon the normalization of the density fluctuations, i.e., \sigma_8, and the gas mass fraction of the cluster, rather than the density parameter of the universe and details of cluster evolution models. Our results show that the SZ fluctuations at the degree scale will provide a possible measure of \sigma_8, while the arc-minute spectra a probe of the cluster evolution. In addition, the clustering spectrum will give us valuable information on the bias at high redshift, if we can detect it by removing X-ray luminous clusters.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Spin-charge-lattice coupling near the metal-insulator transition in Ca3Ru2O7

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    We report x-ray scattering studies of the c-axis lattice parameter in Ca3Ru2O7 as a function of temperature and magnetic field. These structural studies complement published transport and magnetization data, and therefore elucidate the spin-charge-lattice coupling near the metal-insulator transition. Strong anisotropy of the structural change for field applied along orthogonal in-plane directions is observed. Competition between a spin-polarized phase that does not couple to the lattice, and an antiferromagnetic metallic phase, which does, gives rise to rich behavior for B ∄\parallel b.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
