38 research outputs found


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    U 2008. godini Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, ribarstva i ruralnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske priznalo je novu sortu ozime zobi Bc Marta.Vlasnik i Å”iritelj sorte je Bc Institut d.d. Zagreb. U pokusima Komisije za priznavanje tijekom tri godine (2006. ā€“ 2008.), na četiri mjesta u Hrvatskoj, sorta zobi Bc Marta ostvarila je prosječan prinos zrna 6.626 kg/ha. Postigla je veći prinos od standardne sorte Džoker za 3,8 %. Nova sorta povoljno kombinira svojstva rodnosti i razne komponente kvalitete. Na osnovu kemijskih analiza, sorta Bc Marta sadrži prosječno: 12,13 % bjelančevina, 6,03 %, masti, 3,42 % minerala, 68,16 % bezduÅ”ičnih ekstraktivnih tvari (NET) i niži povoljni udio celuloze 10,26 %. Sorta Bc Marta ima krupno i dobro ispunjeno zrno. Hektolitarska masa u prosjeku iznosi 51,67 kg/hl a masa 1000 zrna 35,12 grama.Bc Marta, a winter oat, was developed by the Bc Institute d. d. Rugvica, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia. It was registered in November, 2008. The new variety belongs to the group of middle early varieties. It has rather short straw, and has a better grain quality than the check variety Džoker. It is similar in resistance to low temperatures to variety Džoker. In three-year testing by the Commission for Varieties Approval, Bc Marta displayed a high capacity for yield, the average yield was 6,626 kg/ha, the new variety had a yield which was higher by 243 kg/ha as compared with variety Džoker. The variety Bc Marta has large grains, test weight of 50.75 kg/hl and 1000 kernel weight of 35.12 g. New variety characterized protein content in grain of 12.13%, fats content of 6.03% and crude ash of 3,42% On the basis of the obtained yield and quality of examined winter oat varieties, and their characters, we may advise the growers to pull out the new domestic variety Bc Marta


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    Winter spelta wheat variety Bc Vigor was developed by Bc Institute d.d. Zagreb and released in 2012. It was tested under the experimental designation Bc 4989 on four localities in the period between 2009 - 2011. It is beard-less, tall-statured spelt cultivar with moderately early maturity and high yield potential. In experiments an average yield of all years and locations was 5.002 kg/ha for cultivar Bc Vigor, and 4.895 kg/ha for standard cultivar Ostro. The highest grain yield of 7.64 kg/ha was achieved by Bc Vigor in 2011 at location Kutjevo. The new cultivar is characterized by large and plump kernels, test weight measured 79,5 kg/hl. Bc Vigor has high protein content 17,96 % and wet gluten 59,2 %. Sedimentation level was moderately low 24 ml. With regard to the other quality parameters Bc Vigor belongs to quality group B1 with a quality number 56,2. Due to to favorable chemical composition, spelta wheat Bc Vigor has good quality attributes for food processing industry and livestock feed.Bc Vigor prvi domaći kultivar pravog pira kreiran je u Bc Institutu za oplemenjivanje i proizvodnju bilja d.d. Zagreb metodom masovne selekcije domaćih genotipova. RjeÅ”enjem Ministarstva poljoprivrede, Å”umarstva i vodnog gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske upisan je na Sortnu listu 2012. godine i na taj je način proÅ”iren sortiment strnih žitarica u naÅ”oj zemlji. Novopriznati kultivar ima visok potencijal rodnosti i uspjeÅ”no se uzgaja u različitim proizvodnim uvjetima. Uključivanjem pravog pira u ekoloÅ”ku proizvodnju moguće je povećati različitost žitarica u ljudskoj prehrani. Jedinstvena kemijska i reoloÅ”ka svojstva ove žitarice pridonose povećanju nutritivne vrijednosti pekarskih proizvoda

    Stability of quantitative traits of the Bc winter wheat varieties

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    U trogodiÅ”njem pokusu ispitivana su neka kvantitativna svojstva kod deset sorata ozime pÅ”enice u određenim agroekoloÅ”kim uvjetima. Rezultati su potvrdili prisutnost značajne varijabilnosti za sva svojstva i to u zavisnosti od nasljedne osnove i utjecaja okolinskih faktora. Prinos zrna pokazuje visoku varijabilnost jer su ustanovljene signifikantne razlike između sorata i između godina. Najveći prosječni prinos utvrđen je za sortu Liberta (6,217 kg/ha), a koeficijent varijabilnosti kretao se od 28.2 do 36.9. Varijabilnost svojstva za masu 1000 zrna koja je iznosila od 7.01 do 15.07 i sedimentacije od 8.8 do 24.3 viÅ”e je zavisila od genetskih faktora, a manje od utjecaja vanjskih činitelja.Visina biljaka bila je vrlo varijabilna i zavisila je od uvjeta sredine kao i genetske konstitucije sorte. Najveća prosječna visina biljaka od 80 cm utvrđena je kod sorata Patrie i Mihelce, a najniža kod standardne sorte Žitarke 70 cm. Koeficijent varijabilnosti iznosio je od 20.5 do 28.7. Parametri varijabilnosti za najvažnija kvantitativna svojstva pÅ”enice pokazuju na vrlo povoljnu reakciju sorata Patrie, Marije i Liberte na različite uvjete proizvodnje. Na osnovu ostvarenih prinosa i parametara varijabilnosti usta-novljeno je da je moguće stvoriti sorte pÅ”enice koje zadovoljavaju oba kriterija: rodnost i stabilnost.In a three-year investigation some quantitative traits of ten winter wheat cultivars were studied under particular agrarian-ecological condition. The results have confirmed the existence of significant variability of the characteristics depending on the base of inheritance and the effect of ecological factors. The yield of grains is a highly variable character, in regard to which significant diferences were found between cvs. and between years. The highest average grain yield was found in the cv. Liberta (6,217 kg/ha), and the variability coefficient ranged from 28.2 to 36.9. The variability coefficient of the 1000 kernel weight from 7.01 to 15.07 and sedimentation test from 8.8 to 24.3 depended on the genetic factors and only to a lesser extent on environmental conditions. The height of plant was highly variable depending on environmental condition as well as on the genetic conditions. Cvs. Mihelca and Patria had highest plants 80 cm, and lowest check Žitarka 70 cm. The variability coefficient ranged from 20.5 to 28.7. The variability parameters for most important quantitative traits implicate to very suitable reaction to growing under different production conditions for cvs. Patria, Marija and Liberta. Based on the obtained yields and variability parameters, development of wheat varieties which can meet both criteria: yielding capacity and stability seems to be possible