57 research outputs found


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    In the article we theoretically discuss collaboration in inter-organizational relationships and present research results. Our basis is social exchange theory and relationship commitment- trust theory. We point out the importance of the antecedents of collaborative behavior between partners in supply chains. We present the results of our research. The research was made in 2013, in the primary, secondary and tertiary sector of Slovene economy. We included companies of all sizes, both local and foreign ones with a presence in Slovenia. The results show the differences in understanding the importance of collaboration in supply chains and factors that influence collaborative behavior in view of education and work experience of employees working in supply chains.U članku se teorijski razmatra suradnja u inter-organizacijskim odnosima te prikazuju rezultati istraživanja. Baza istraživanja je teorija društvene razmjene i teorija do predanosti odnosa i povjerenju. Ističe se važnost prethodnih obrazaca suradnje među partnerima u opskrbnom lancu. Istraživanje je provedeno 2013. u primarnom, sekundarnom i tercijarnom sektoru slovenskog gospodarstva. Obuhvaćene su tvrtke svih veličina, i domaće i inozemne zastupljene u Sloveniji. Rezultati pokazuju razlike u razumijevanju važnosti suradnje u opskrbnim lanaca i faktore koji utječu na suradnju u kontekstu obrazovanja i radnog iskustva zaposlenih u opskrbnim lancima

    Organizational culture in logistics companies and its impact on employee satisfaction

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    The aim of this research was to analyze organizational culture and the impact of different types of organizational cultures on employee satisfaction in the Slovenian logistics sector. Logistics is a service-oriented sector and therefore the impact of employee satisfaction on the quality of logistics service is even more important than in general. For the purpose of research, we conducted a quantitative survey, which combined the OCAI survey for the determination of organizational culture and the survey of employee satisfaction. The research results showed that organizational culture in Slovenian logistics sector has an impact on employee satisfaction. We can also confirm that type of organizational culture influences the satisfaction of employees. The clan and hierarchical type of organizational culture are dominant in Slovenian logistics sector. Employees prefer the clan culture which, accordingly, also leads to more employee satisfaction. It can be argued that employees in Slovenian logistics sector are the most dissatisfied with the type of market culture

    Lesen lernen und Strategien im Anfangsunterricht

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    Suvremeno planiranje nastave temelji se na komunikacijskoj nastavi. Naglašava se važnost okoline za učenje u kojoj se formiraju socijalne kompetencije učenika. Te kompetencije počinju se razvijati u ranoj dobi, a na početku školovanja već se izražavaju kao primjetljive osobne karakteristike. U radu se opisuje primjer iz prakse, kako tijekom nastave upotrebljavati različite nastavne strategije za stjecanje novog znanja. U okviru projekta Inovativna pedagoška vježbenica Osnovne škole bratov Polančičev iz Maribora svake godine planiramo, provodimo i evalviramo inovativne pristupe pedagoške prakse. Uvjereni smo da je kod odgojno-obrazovnog rada nužno spajanje teorijskih i praktičkih iskustava. U ovoj školskoj godini osobito smo se usmjerili na učenje čitanja i na strategije u ranom poučavanju.The modern way to plan the teaching is based on communicative instruction. We stress the impact of the learning environment on the development of students’ social competences. These competences begin to emerge in the early childhood. With the entry into primary school, they are visible as conspicuous personal characterisics. This article presents a practical example on how to use various learning strategies for acquisition of new knowledge. Within the school project Innovative pedagogical work sessions, which takes place each year at our school, we design, implement and evaluate innovative pedagogical approaches to teaching. We believe that educational work requires a combination of theory with practical efforts. In the past school year, we focused on learning how to read and teaching strategies.Moderne Unterrichtsplanung basiert auf Kommunikationsunterricht. Wir betonen die Wichtigkeit der Lernumgebung, in der die sozialen Kompetenzen der Schüler gestaltet werden. Diese beginnen sich in der frühen Kindheit zu entwickeln, und beim Schuleintritt äußern sie sich schon als bemerkbare Persönlichkeitseigenschaften. Der Artikel beschreibt ein Beispiel aus der Praxis, wie verschiedene Lernstrategien im Unterricht eingesetzt werden können, um neues Wissen zu erlangen. Im Rahmen des Projekts Innovative pädagogische Workshops der Brüder Polančičev Grundschule aus Maribor, planen, implementieren und bewerten wir jedes Jahr innovative Ansätze für die pädagogische Praxis. Wir glauben, dass theoretische und praktische Erfahrungen in der pädagogischen Arbeit miteinander verknüpft werden müssen. Im vergangenen Schuljahr haben wir besonderen Wert auf das Lesenlernen sowie auf die Strategien im Anfangsunterricht gelegt

    Motorway junction design with emphasis on traffic performance and safety assesment - case study junction Ljubljana Rudnik

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    Thesis encompasses reconstruction predesign of the motorway junction Ljubljana Rudnik into motorway interchange. In this area is intended to be the junction of main arterial road with highway network, while today serves only as a minor junction of Rudnik and Ig area on the motorway. The purpose of reconstruction is to enable free traffic flow on most congested directions of the interchange, but also preserve the present function, in which Ig and Rudnik area are connected with the motorway. But we also want to add another function of merging new arterial road with motorway network.\ud In the first part we have introduced terminology regarding interchanges, ramps and intersections, including theorethical bases for planning and design. We have focused on the meaning of hearing area and determined the conditions for roadway spatial planning.\ud Based on the traffic demand study, for the planning year 2035, we have chosen a collection of characteristic interchange forms. We estimared the level of service of chosen section of interchange for critical movements. We used Highway capacity software (HCS+) which is based on Highway capacity manual 2000. The four most appropriate variants were detailed analysed with software VISSIM 5.30. With the help of the program we determined the number of lanes on ramps and other roads. We chose the most appropriate variant for this case by comparitive analysis, where we compared variants also in the meaning of traffic safety. We use SSAM 2.1.6 software for traffic safety impact assesment. For each variant we estimated the number of potential conflicts between the vehicles.\ud After »traffic comparison« we checked the construction possibilities and necessities for four chosen variants. We designed longitudional profiles for each ramp of the interchange for every variant. Then we estimated the lengths of needed overcoming structures for each case and physical possibility to build them in limited urban space. We roughly estimated the length of new roads and the size of the area used for roadways and bridges. We used surveying data in digital form and AutoCAD Civil 3D software for making a rough predesign of the interchange.\ud After all the comparisons we have made, we then decided which variant is the most appropriate and adequate for this case. The chosen form will be in the next phase thoroughly designed and optimized but that is no longer the part of this thesis

    The work performance of different drainage sewerage systems with horizontal directional drilling (HDD)

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    In this diploma paper the subdrilling technology called Horizontal Directional Drilling – HDD is presented. In the Slovenian region it is increasingly used for carrying out boreholes as an alternative to classical constructions with tunnelling which are also presented in continuation. HDD technology is presented on three different projects which were carried out for three different sewerage systems: gravity, pressure and vacuum. With the mentioned sewerage systems of drainage also basic features and their operating principles are described. \ud When carrying out drainage sewerage system by using HDD technology different conditions have to be fulfilled to carry it out. The main assumptions for a HDD borehole are an acceptable drilling radius depending on the borehole diameter, the geological soil formation, the types of built-in pipes, an adequate area size for setting up the drilling equipment, a minimum borehole depth and the existing infrastructure. In the final part all three sewerage systems were compared in several sections which essentially influence the choice of the system. Sections, such as the diameter of the built-in pipeline, the level of the groundwater, water tightness, minimum falls, investment and operation costs as well as the complexity of the work performance were compared. Furthermore, a comparison of costs between classical construction and HDD technology was prepared based on the work performances on the projects. So findings were established which help to choose the more optimal and adequate work performance for each particular sewerage system

    Influence of Relationship Commitment and Trust on Collaborative Behaviour in Supply Chains

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    The paper discusses theoretically and examines empirically the influence of the relationship commitment on collaborative behaviour in supply chains. In today’s unstable business environment companies should collaborate to achieve mutual goals and competitive advantage. Defining relationship commitment and collaboration in supply chains (from social exchange theory point of view) is the basis of the research of this paper. Our aim is to examine the influence of relationship commitment on collaboration in supply chains in Slovenian economy. The qualitative research part discusses if the relationship commitment between partners in supply chain influences the collaborative behaviour between partners and which are the antecedents of relationship commitment. The research is based on a quantitative analysis of the online questionnaire survey made on the Slovenian economy. The research results show strong influence of trust and relationship commitment on collaboration between partners in supply chains.</p

    Zdravstvena vzgoja pacientov, ki prejemajo kemoterapijo, kot dejavnik zagotavljanja varnosti : raziskava

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    The importance of partnerships in supply chains

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    The article deals with an overview of various theories and studies examining the concepts of partnerships, relationships and strategic alliances. We present various perspectives and theories dealing with these concepts, in connection and interdependence with the supply chain and the supply chain management. In conclusion, we try to establish a model to become the basis for our further study of strategic alliances and their strengths


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    In this paper we theoretically discuss and empirically examine the infl uence of trust on collaborative behavior in supply chain relationships. These concepts are very important in today’s interorganizational business world, and therefore in supply chains. In theoretical part of this article we presume that establishment and development of relationships in supply chain depends on development of trust. Trust is defi ned as a willingness to rely on a partner in a supply chain in whom one has confi dence. The stress is on expectation that another partner can be relied on to fulfi ll obligations and at the same time previous experience with partners in exchange relationships are taken in the consideration. Collaborative behavior is defi ned as a concept where two or more organizations, which work together in a supply chains, can through complementary characteristics gain shared means and goals that could not be achieved individually. Logistics managers, purchase and sales managers, project managers and employees in logistics department were included in our survey made on primary, secondary and tertiary sector of Slovene economy. We included companies of all sizes, both local and foreign companies present in Slovenia. 118 questionnaires were completed and involved in our research. According to the demographic data, our sample is comparable to population in terms of economy branch and size of companies. The Pearson correlation coeffi cient and linear regression analysis demonstrate statistically signifi cant strong correlation between trust, shared values and communication and strong negative correlation between trust and opportunistic behavior. At the end we can confi rm that there is a statistically signifi cant infl uence of trust on collaborative behavior in supply chains. The results clearly indicate that all factors included in research are very important for today’s supply chain management