34 research outputs found

    Some remarks on tin ore deposits in the Balkans

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    This paper will present several tin ore deposits on the territory of the Balkans and adjacent areas, which could be connected to prehistoric exploitation. Tin represented a rare and relatively inaccessible resource, necessary for tin-bronze production, so the question of tin origin and distribution more and more became the focus of present-day prehistoric archaeology

    Локалитет Градиште у Давидовцу код Врања: покретни налази из старијег гвозденог доба (заштитна истраживања 2011. године)

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    Заштитна археолошка истраживања вишеслојног локалитета Гра- диште у Давидовцу код Врања пружила су већи број налаза опредељених у старије гвоздено доба. На основу стилско-типолошких карактеристика самих налаза, али и истраживања на оближњем локалитету Црквиште, покретни материјал опре- дељен је у период HaB/C

    Локалитети раног бронзаног доба у Нишкој котлини: топографија и стратегије преживљавања

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    The paper presents the topographic characteristics and the presumed subsistence strategies of Early Bronze Age communities in the territory of the Niš Basin. The small-scale study incorporated a total of six sites in which the material culture of the Bubanj-Hum II and Bubanj-Hum III groups was registered. By utilizing the simplified model proposed by P. Quinn and H. Ciugudean, presumed subsistence strategies have been determined, and compared with the existing data for Early Bronze Age sites in the territory of the Central Balkans

    A New Find of Bronze Hinged Fibula from the Vicinity of Svrljig

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    A new find of a hinged fibula originating from the area of Bogdanica in Varoš village near Svrljig will be presented in this paper. As one of the characteristic objects of the Iron Age material culture in the central Balkans, and especially during the period between 6th and 4th century BC, hinged fibulae incorporate numerous types and variants. The focus of this paper will be on providing the typological and chronological attribution to the fibula from the vicinity of Svrljig

    Prilog proučavanju članaka astragalnih pojaseva sa teritorije centralne i jugoistočne Evrope

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    In this paper the authors present new and unpublished finds of astragal belts segments, as well as those examples published in less available literature. Based on the classifications by previous researchers, and minor contributions by the authors, a total of five types of segments have been defined – Glasinac, Shtojit, Banoštor, Syrmian and Dunaszekcső. The Syrmian type was further divided into three variations: Osijek, Belgrade, and Mačva. The first astragal belt segments are considered to be examples of the Glasinac type that marked the period from the beginning of the 6th cent. BC until the middle of the 5th cent. BC. The Shtojit type, which is geographically very limited, developed in the territory of present day Albania. In the middle of late 6th cent. BC, the Banoštor type occurs, and further chronological development lead to the Syrmian type and its variants Osijek, Mačva, and Belgrade. During the period between the middle of 6th and the middle of 3rd cent. BC, these types of belt segments encompassed a large territory in the Danube and Sava river regions, and to a lesser extent the Morava river region. At the beginning of the 3rd cent. BC, the Dunaszekcső type also occurs, encompassing a vast territory of the Danube, Sava, Tisza, Mureș, and Morava river regions.U radu su prikazani novi i nepublikovani nalazi članaka astragalnih pojaseva, kao i oni primerci publikovani u manje dostupnoj literaturi. Na osnovu klasifikacija prethodnih istraživača i manjih autorskih dopuna, izdvojeno je ukupno pet tipova članaka – Glasinac, Štoj, Banoštor, Srem i Dunaszekcső, dok je tip Srem podeljen na tri varijante: Osijek, Beograd i Mačva. Prvim člancima astragalnih pojaseva smatraju se primerci tipa Glasinac, koji su obeležili period od početka 6. pa skoro do sredine 5. veka pr. n. e. Na teritoriji današnje Albanije razvija se i tip Štoj, koji je geografski veoma ograničen. Sredinom ili krajem 6. veka pr. n. e. javlja se tip Banoštor, a dalji hronološki razvoj astragalnih pojaseva dovodi nas do tipa Srem i njegovih varijanti Osijek, Mačva i Beograd. U periodu od sredine 6. do sredine 3. veka pr. n. e. ovaj tip pojaseva zahvata veliku teritoriju Podunavlja, Posavine i u manjoj meri Pomoravlja. Početkom 3. veka pr. n. e. javlja se i tip Dunaszekcső, koji obuhvata veliku teritoriju Podunavlja, Posavine, Potisja, Pomorišja i Pomoravlja

    Archaeological site of Bolnica in Paraćin and its importance for the prehistory of the Central Morava Region: A contribution in chronology and horizontal and vertical stratigraphy

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    Lokalitet Bolnica u Paraćinu nalazi se u severoistočnom delu današnjeg grada, na prvoj rečnoj terasi Crnice, čija nadmorska visina varira između 130 m i 140 m, a koja zapravo predstavlja južne obronke Karađorđevog brda. Čitav lokalitet danas je prekriven modernim naseljem, koje je u velikoj meri oštetilo njegovu stratigrafiju, zbog čega nisu moguća istraživanja šireg obima. Poslednja arheološka istraživanja, preventivnog karaktera, realizovana su krajem 2018. godine u samom bolničkom krugu. Prikazan odabir arheološkog materijala potiče sa ukupno 11 tačaka iz kruga današnje Opšte bolnice u Paraćinu i njegove neposredne okoline, a prikupljan je sukcesivno još od 80-ih godina prošlog veka. Ulomci posuda što su u prethodne tri decenije dospeli u Zavičajni Muzej u Paraćinu ukazuju na postojanje najmanje četiri kulturno-hronološka horizonta na ovom lokalitetu - ranoneolitski, bronzanodopski, horizont starijeg gvozdenog doba i horizont mlađeg gvozdenog doba. Najveća pažnja posvećena je pre svega nalazima iz mlađeg gvozdenog doba, čiji oblici i karakter upućuju na poreklo sa teritorije današnje Rumunije, odnosno na materijal dačke provenijencije. Upravo su na tom prostoru pronađene brojne analogije materijalu koji potiče sa više lokaliteta na teritoriji grada Paraćina (Bolnica, Gloždak, Gloždak-Lidl) i njegove neposredne okoline. Poređenjem teritorijalno-stratigrafskih odnosa lokaliteta Bolnica sa njemu teritorijalno bliskim lokalitetom Motel Slatina došlo se do određenih zaključaka koji govore u prilog tome da se radi o jedinstvenom lokalitetu što je još početkom XX veka veštački podeljen izgradnjom Srpske fabrike stakla i auto-puta E-75. Tako posmatrano, lokalitet Bolnica, odnosno Bolnica / Motel Slatina predstavlja u stratigrafskom pogledu jedan od najbogatijih lokaliteta na prostoru centralnog Pomoravlja. Posebno je razmatran i položaj lokaliteta Bolnica u odnosu na glavne komunikacione pravce u praistorijskom i ranorimskom periodu, pa je zaključeno da je ova oblast predstavljala važnu raskrsnicu na kojoj su se susretali putevi koji su vodili sa severa na jug, ali i prema istoku, prema prostorima koji su gravitirali teritoriji naseljavanja dačkih populacija. Uporedna analiza keramičkog inventara sa lokaliteta Bolnica, rezultata starijih istraživanja u Paraćinu i postojećih istorijskih izvora ukazala je na mogućnost da postojanje materijalne kulture Dačana na ovom prostoru može biti posledica prisilnog premeštanja stanovništva tokom I veka naše ere. Naime, epigrafski izvori govore o tome da je tokom I veka naše ere, a verovatno između 61. i 64. godine, izvesni Silvan Elije, legat sa propretorskim ovlašćenjima, nasilno preselio 100.000 "prekodunavaca" na teritoriju tadašnje Mezije, današnje Srbije.The paper presents the horizontal and vertical stratigraphy of the site of Bolnica in Paraćin, based on both earlier and the latest archaeological excavations and the material which had been collected for decades by the Hometown Museum in Paraćin, as a result of the construction works connected with the constant urbanisation of the area. The presented archaeological material is attributed to a period from the Early Neolithic to the so-called Dacian La Tène, meaning the 2nd century AD. One of the subjects discussed in this paper is the possibility that the sites of Bolnica and Motel Slatina, in fact, represent one large site, which was artificially divided by the E 75 highway and the Serbian Glass Factory. The comparative analysis, which encompassed the sites positioned on the right bank of the Velika Morava River, showed that this is one of the sites with the most independent chronological sequences in the Central Morava Region. Likewise, the importance of this site as a strategic point and an important intersection on the route from the Danube River to the Central Balkans, and further towards the south and East is underlined. Finally, we analysed the appearance of Dacian material culture during the 1st and the 2nd century AD and compared the occurrence of certain forms and decorations with relevant sites in present-day Romania. The paper cautiously suggests that the Dacian material culture represents traces of the deportation of 100,000 Transdanubians to the territory of Moesia by the legate Silvanus Aelianus, possibly between 61 AD and 64 AD, during the reign of Emperor Nero, which has been partially confirmed by new archaeological excavations at the site of Gloždak-Lidl during 2018

    А Three-Headed Glass Bead from Viminacium

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    The paper presents a new find of a three-headed glass bead from the vicinity of Viminacium, Serbia. The bead originates from the multi-layered site of Nad Klepečkom, and represents the second find of a three-headed glass bead in the territory of Serbia. In this paper, the glass bead is provided with a typological and chronological background, and discussed within the scope of the existing glass beads in the territory of Serbia and the neighbouring regions

    Natural characteristics of the northern Stig arеa and its strategic importance during the prehistory and early history

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    Oblast severnog Stiga predstavlja prostranu i plodnu ravnicu, faktički južni završetak Panonskog basena, omeđenu Požarevačkom (Sopotskom) gredom na zapadu, blagim pobrđem Velikog brda na istoku i brdom Gorica kod Rama – zapadnim obroncima Homoljskih planina, dok su na severu granica reka Dunav i njegovi rukavci između brojnih rečnih ada i jednog velikog ostrva. Glavni vodeni tok celog Stiga, izostavimo li Dunav, predstavlja reka Mlava, koja je ujedno i zaslužna za izgled današnjeg reljefa. Isto tako, treba pomenuti da je Stig jedno od najplodnijih oblasti ovoga dela Balkana, te da je u njegovom pridunavskom delu zemljište najplodnije.1 Upravo se na tom mestu, na lesnoj terasi, tzv. Klepečkoj gredi,2 nalazi lokalitet Nad Klepečkom (apsolutne kote od 80 do 85 m nadmorske visine), dok se u njegovom podnožju, u nekad zabarenom delu Stiga, nalazi lokalitet Rit, na nadmorskoj visini od oko 70 m (karta 1).3 Toponimom Rit, među meštanima okolnih sela, nazivaju se močvarne njive između Mlave i Malog i Velikog Čaira,4 a prema svedočenju žitelja, ova lokacija je sve do sredine XX veka bila konstantno plavljena, mada se na osnovu rezultata istraživanja 2005–2015. godine čini da su postojali periodi kada je i ovaj predeo bio pogodan za korišćenje, posebno krajem eneolita i početkom bronzanog doba.5The area of northern Stig represents a vast and arable plain, which is in fact the southern fringe of the Carpathian Basin, bounded by Požarevac (Sopot) terrace to the west, hilly area of Veliko Brdo to the east and Gorica Hill near Ram, which in fact represents western slopes of Homolje Mountains, to the east. The northern border of the area of Stig is marked by the Danube River and its armlets which flow between numerous isles and one large island. The main watercourse of the entire area of Stig, save for the Danube, is Mlava River, which also dictated the landscape in the area. Also, it should be highlighted that the area of Stig represents one of the most arable areas in this part of the Balkans, and the soil gravitating towards the Danube is the most fertile.1 In that exact spot, on a loess terrace called Klepečka,2 the site of Nad Klepečkom is located (altitude between 80 and 85 m), and the site of Rit is located in its foothill (altitude of 70 m), in previously marshy part of the area of Stig (Map 1).3 According to the locals, the toponym Rit is utilized for swampy and marshy fields between Mlava River and Mali and Veliki Čair,4 and according to the testimonies of the locals, the location was constantly flooded up to the mid-20th century. Based on the excavations conducted between 2005 and 2015, it seems that during certain periods the area was suitable for settling, especially during the Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age

    Zaštitna iskopavanja lokaliteta Gornjo polje u Crnoklištu kod Pirota, autoput E80 - rezultati istraživanja naselja iz gvozdenog doba

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    Kratak izveštaj o zaštitnim arheološkim istraživanjima na lokalitetu Gornjo polje kod Pirota

    Systematic archaeological survey of the Danubes’ right bank from Kladovo to Prahovo

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    The paper presents the basic results of the systematic archaeological survey of the Danubes’ right bank from Kladovo to Prahovo, conducted back in 2016. The survey resulted in the discovery of six new sites and the documentation and assessment of the current state of forty previously known sites.У раду су представљени кратки резултати систематског археолошког рекогносцирања десне обале Дунава од Кладова до Прахова, која су реализована током 2016. године. Рекогносцирањима је откривено шест нових археолошких локалитета и процењено је стање на четрдесет од раније познатих локалитета