69 research outputs found

    From the Metaphysics towards the Physics of Light

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    Za svjetlo možemo reći da je istinski razbuđivač mišljenja (Platon, Država 523/524), kako u metafizici tako u prirodnoj filozofiji i znanosti. Želimo ukazati na posebnost Petrića kao onoga mislioca s kojim je dokončana epoha od antike nasljeđene metafizike svjetla i koji otvara put za novovjekovnu fiziku svjetla, naročito u djelu Panaugia, ali ne samo u njemu. Nakon Petrića uslijedila su brojna uzbudljiva znanstvena otkrića koja su rezultirala dubokim uvidima u narav svjetla, u geometriji, a posebice u fizikalnoj optici: svjetlo se širi konačnom brzinom, složeno je, dio je elektromagnetskog spektra zračenja, djeluje na materiju (fotoefekt), dovedeno je u svezu s masom i energijom. Ono nas začuđuje dualnošću svoje prirode čestice i vala. Istraživanjem zračenja tamnog tijela, suprotnosti vidljivog svjetla, otvorena je epoha kvantne fizike. Pitamo: Možemo li na osnovu mnoštva znanja o svjetlu do kojih su došli fizičari govoriti o bîti svjetla (Max Planck)? Fotonika je nova epoha u komunikacijskoj tehnologiji. Što tek treba očekivati od istraživanja fotosinteze?Light has been defined as a true instigator of thought (Plato, Republic 523/524) both in metaphysics and in philosophy of nature and science. This article focuses on the exceptional position of Frane Petrić as the philosopher with whom the epoch of metaphysics of light inherited from antiquity ended and the path for the new epoch of the physics of light started – especially in his work Panaugia, though not only in it. After Petrić, numerous exciting scientific discoveries occurred that resulted in profound insights into the nature of light – in geometry, and especially in physical optics: light travels with finite speed, it is complex, it is part of electromagnetic specter of radiation, it has effect on matter (photo effect), it has been related to mass and energy. Light amazes us with the duality of its nature as both a particle and a wave. The research on the radiation of dark objects and the contrast with visible light has opened the epoch of quantum physics. The question this lecture poses is: Based on the body of knowledge about light accumulated by the physicists, could we talk about the essence of light (Max Planck)? Photonics is a new epoch in communication technology. What then could we expect from the research on photosynthesis

    Danilo Pejović – ein Lehrer des Denkens

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    Iako ne jedini, Danilo Pejović pokazao je kako je bilo moguće misliti drugačije, otvarati perspektive, otvarati se budućem, izlazeći iz marksističke kabanice kojom smo gotovo svi bili zaogrnuti. U svojoj osobi utjelovio je izvorni filozofski etos i golemu erudiciju. Snaga njegova mišljenja očituje se u istančanoj analizi predmeta. Očit je njegov literarni talent kojim se nadaje kao virtuoz i umjetnik riječi, mjestimice poetičnoga stila. Pejović s lakoćom govori o najtežim temama filozofije. Svagda piše jasno, poučno i entuzijastično odmjerenim, probranim i profinjenim izričajem, po čemu nadilazi sve naše filozofske pisce. To iščitavamo već u naslovima njegovih knjiga, studija, eseja i članaka koji govore dubinom svoga smisla, sabirući u sebi smisao čitavoga teksta. Pejović dokazuje kako se moglo evoluirati ususret nadolazećem, novom i drugačijem. Naravno, to novo i drugačije nije samim time već tu, ali za otvaranje novih obzorja trebamo ići protiv struje. Opus Danila Pejovića treba uzeti kao smjerokaz koji nas upućuje da se zdušno pozabavimo sami sobom, da pred sobom položimo račun sami sebi o tome kako je s nama bilo, kako jest i kako treba biti. Njegovo promišljanje teme hrvatske nacionalne sudbine, viđeno kroz promišljanje hrvatske baštine, kulture, povijesti, društva i politike, iznijelo je na zavidnoj misaonoj razini angažiranog filozofa s kojim se kod nas malo tko može usporediti. Upravo mu danas za to dugujemo zahvalnost i služi mu na čast kako je pristupio tom tematskom krugu. Nama su ta njegova razmišljanja nezaobilazna i obvezujuća. Mislimo da je upravo sada pravi trenutak za iščitavanje njegova opusa u cjelini, a ovog aspekta osobito. Ovim kratkim osvrtom htjeli smo tek ukazati na njegov doprinos našoj filozofiji i kulturi. Pejović svakako ostaje iznimno aktualan i poticajan. Nadamo se da je ovim radom to dovoljno obrazloženo. Ako bi ovaj tekst potaknuo naše mlade filozofe i filozofkinje da prionu proučavati njegova djela, onda bi ovaj rad ispunio svoju svrhu. Neka do njih dopru njegove riječi, riječi učitelja mišljenja, da »mišljenje živi samo na taj način da ustraje u traganju i pitanju«.Pejović verkörpert in seiner Person das ursprüngliche philosophische Ethos und die Gelehrsamkeit. Die Stärke seines Denkens spiegelt sich in der verfeinerten Analyse des Themas wider. Sein literarisches Talent ist klar und er fühlt sich wie ein Virtuose und ein Künstler von Worten und Stil, der stellenweise poetisch ist. Er spricht leicht über die schwierigsten Themen der Philosophie. Er besitzt einen klaren, lehrreichen und enthusiastisch angemessenen, verfeinerten und raffinierten Ausdruck, der über alle unsere philosophischen Autoren hinausgeht. Dies wird bereits in den Titeln seiner Bücher, Studien, Aufsätze und Artikel sichtbar, die die Tiefe seiner Bedeutung angeben, und als würde die Bedeutung des gesamten Textes in ihnen selbst liegen. Obwohl nicht der Einzige, zeigte Pejović, dass es möglich war, anders zu denken, neue Perspektiven zu öffnen, sich der Zukunft zu öffnen, indem man aus dem marxistischen Regenmantel herauskommt, in den wir fast alle gehüllt waren. Professor Pejović demonstriert, wie sich die Evolution entwickeln kann, um auf Kommendes, Neues und Andersartiges zu treffen. Natürlich ist das Neue und Andersartige allein dadurch nicht schon hier, aber um neue Horizonte zu eröffnen, müssen wir gegen die Strömung vorgehen. Das Opus von Professor Pejović sollte als eine Richtung verstanden werden, die uns auffordert, mit uns selbst umzugehen, uns vorzustellen, wie es mit uns war, wie es ist und wie es sein sollte. Seine Reflexion über das Thema des kroatischen Nationalschicksals, betrachtet durch die Reflexion über unser Erbe, unsere Kultur, unsere Geschichte und unsere Gesellschaft und Politik, hat der Fromme auf einer beneidenswerten Denkstufe eines engagierten Philosophen geschaffen, mit dem bei uns wenige zu vergleichen sind. Genau heute verdanken wir es ihm und geben ihm die Ehre, sich diesem thematischen Kreis geöffnet zu haben. Seine Gedanken sind für uns unvermeidlich und verbindlich. Wir denken, dass gerade jetzt der richtige Moment ist, um sein Werk im Allgemeinen und diesen Aspekt im Besonderen zu lesen. Mit diesem kurzen Überblick möchten wir nur auf seinen Beitrag zu unserer Philosophie und Kultur hinweisen. Er bleibt extrem aktuell und anregend. Wir hoffen, dass diese Arbeit dies ausreichend begründet hat. Wenn dieser Text unsere jungen Philosophen und Philosophinnen dazu anregt, seine Werke zu studieren, dann würde diese Arbeit seinen Zweck erfüllen. Mögen seine Worte sie erreichen, die Worte des Denklehrers, laut denen das „Denken nur auf jene Weise lebt, indem es in der Suche und in der Frage bestehen bleibt“

    Teachers’ Code Based on Kant’s Statement of Duty

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    Eksplicitni učiteljski kodeks bitna je sastavnica profesije. Potrebno je ići za jedinstvenim kodeksom za hrvatske učitelje. Takav kodeks treba biti zasnovan na etičkim načelima, kratak, jasan i apstraktan. Jedino tako se može zaustaviti svojevrsna inflacija kodeksâ koja neće pomoći uspostavljanju profesionalne etike. U ovom radu dokazuje se da etičku osnovu učiteljskog kodeksa može pružiti etički nauk Immanuela Kanta. S tog stanovišta polazi se u analizu nekih postojećih etičkih kodeksa. Pokazalo se da analizirani etički kodeksi ne udovoljavaju kriterijima koji polaze od Kantove etike jer u njima prevladavaju imperativi spretnosti. Sokratova prisega H. von Hentiga najviše se približava ovim zahtjevima.The explicit teachers’ code is an essential part of teaching profession. The unitary code for Croatian teachers is needed. Code should be based on ethical principles, short, clear, and abstract. Only that could prevent inflation of codes which will not improve establishment of professional ethics. This paper demonstrates that ethical foundation of teachers’ code could be found in ethical doctrine of Immanuel Kant. This represents standing point for analysis of some existing ethical codes. Paper indicates that those ethical codes are greatly influenced by imperatives of resourcefulness and therefore do not match criteria based on Kantian ethics. H. von Hentig Socratic Oath is the one that most closely embraces those demands

    The Divine in Petrić`s Poetics

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    The works of Frane Petrić have been studied intensively in Croatia and abroad in the last decades. Petrić does not stop to amaze us with his great erudition. Ali the themes he wrote about – beginning with his juvenile works and taking its mature shape in Nova de Universis Philosophia – were studied systematically and in opposition to authorities and contemporanities. This also applies to his Poetics. That huge work is not fully presented in this article, but, instead, it’s one aspect have been investigated. This work is considered to be a specific defense of poetry, which has been taken by Petrić’s unbreakable connection and joining together poetic and divine, which has the miracle as their common. In reading this work, we could not help but to be amazed over the quantity of issues it elaborates. Even more amazing is the clarity of Petrić’s language in most complicated themes, as well as the impression that in front of us we have a book which can say a lot to contemporary scholars of poetics and aesthetics

    Zastupljenost i specijacija žive u jadranskom planktonu, školjkašima i ribi – pregled

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    This article presents an overview of available research on mercury speciation in the most studied biota of the Adriatic Sea as a specific biogeochemical subunit of the Mediterranean. We present current knowledge about mercury concentration, speciation, spatial distribution and temporal changes in plankton, bivalves and fish from the Adriatic Sea. Results from mercury speciation studies in marine organisms are used to describe the extent of mercury bioaccumulation in the Adriatic Sea. Mercury biogeochemical cycle in the Adriatic is characterised by increased mercury concentrations from the water column, through plankton, bivalves and smaller fish to predator fish species. Although the Adriatic Sea has the highest mercury concentration in the whole Mediterranean Sea, fish species at the higher trophic levels have similar mercury concentrations everywhere in the Mediterranean, indicating incomplete understanding of the transfer mechanisms of mercury from seawater to upper trophic levels. As consumption of (contaminated) food is the main route of human exposure to mercury, it is of great importance to understand the influence of mercury contamination in the Adriatic Sea.Ovaj članak predstavlja pregled dostupnih istraživanja o specijaciji žive u najproučavanijoj bioti Jadranskog mora kao posebne biogeokemijske podjedinice Mediterana. Predstavljamo postojeće znanje o koncentraciji žive, specijaciji, prostornoj raspodjeli i vremenskim promjenama u planktonu, školjkašima i ribi Jadranskog mora. Rezultati studija o specijaciji žive u morskim organizmima su korišteni za opis razdiobe bioakumulacije žive u Jadranskom moru. Biogeokemijski ciklus žive u Jadranu karakterizira povećanje koncentracije žive od vodenog stupca, preko planktona, školjkaša i manjih riba do predatorskih ribljih vrsta. Iako Jadransko more sadrži najviše koncentracije žive u cijelom Mediteranu, riblje vrste na višim trofičkim razinama imaju slične koncentracije žive posvuda u Mediteranu, ukazujući na nepotpuno razumijevanje prijenosnih mehanizama žive iz morske vode na više trofičke razine. Budući da je konzumiranje (kontaminirane) hrane glavni put ljudske izloženosti živi, od iznimne je važnosti razumijevanje utjecaja kontaminacije živom u Jadranskom moru

    Anthropometric Profile of Elite Male and Female Cadet Taekwondo Competitors

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    Introduction: Taekwondo has developed into an Olympic sport, which means that a thorough understanding of the main Taekwondo athletes and competitors' characteristics is necessary. This study investigated the fundamental anthropometric measurements of high-level Taekwondo athletes, with a particular focus on disparities between genders. The objective of this study was to assess and contrast the physical attributes of elite Taekwondo athletes, specifically examining the differences between males and females. Methods: A group of 28 highly skilled Taekwondo athletes, consisting of 14 female and 14 male cadets participated in this study. Results: The results showed a significant difference between male and female competitors' anthropometric variables, most notably in skinfold thickness and fat tissue proportion (p≤ 0.01). Conclusion: Accordingly, these data can help taekwondo specialists in the early stages of selection, especially when advanced examinations are impossible. Further studies profiling this group of responders should include more characteristics to help practitioners recognize talents and create training program goals.Introducción: El Taekwondo se ha convertido en un deporte olímpico, lo que significa que es necesario un conocimiento profundo de las características de los principales atletas y competidores de Taekwondo. Este estudio investigó las medidas antropométricas fundamentales de los atletas de Taekwondo de alto nivel, con especial atención a las disparidades entre géneros. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar y contrastar los atributos físicos de los atletas de élite de Taekwondo, examinando específicamente las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. Métodos: En este estudio participó un grupo de 28 atletas de Taekwondo altamente calificados, compuesto por 14 cadetes femeninos y 14 masculinos. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una diferencia significativa entre las variables antropométricas de los competidores masculinos y femeninos, más notablemente en el grosor de los pliegues cutáneos y la proporción de tejido graso (p≤ 0,01). Conclusión: En consecuencia, estos datos pueden ayudar a los especialistas en taekwondo en las primeras etapas de selección, especialmente cuando los exámenes avanzados son imposibles. Estudios adicionales que perfilen a este grupo de respondedores deberían incluir más características para ayudar a los profesionales a reconocer talentos y crear objetivos en el programa de capacitación


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    The aim of our research was to determine the explosive strength of the legs i.e., the height of the jump of the top-ranked female handball players during the season. 15 female players underwent the following tests for estimating the explosive strength of the legs: SJ, CMJ, CMJ free arm, CMJ right leg and CMJ left leg. The Student’s t-test was applied for establishing the changes between the measuring sessions during the season. The results obtained show that there were statistically significant changes and better results at the end of the season in the following parameters: CMJ right leg =.002 and CMJ left leg = .018, whereas no significant changes occurred in all the other two-leg jumps. Taking into consideration the fact that in performing different throws and goal shooting the most prominent movements in handball are done on one leg, the results were expected. It is recommended that throughout the season the training process should include additional exercises for improving and maintaining the ability of the handball players to jump (plyometric, proprioceptive and the combination of the two with the common strength improving exercises), since their positive effects have been proven by quite a few studies

    Influence of Different Netting Structures on Codling Moth and Apple Fruit Damages in Northwest Croatia

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    During the vegetation season of 2015 exclusion nets were set up in IPM apple orchard in Krapina (Croatia) to test their effectiveness in preventing the attack of codling moth to apple fruits. Nets were the same in mesh size (2.4 x 4.8 mm) but different in color (white, red, yellow) in order to examine their effect on vegetative growth and quality of apples. To assess the presence of pest, weekly sampling of codling moth on pheromone traps in protected and unprotected (control) net rows was conducted. Single row netting structures resulted in a highly significant reduction of codling moth catches on pheromone traps in comparison to the unprotected control in the experimental orchard. The percentage of codling moth infested fruits during the harvest time was considerably lower, in the protected net rows in comparison with unprotected rows. The lowest percentage of damaged fruits was recorded under the red net (0.96%), followed by white net (1.04%) and yellow net (2.86%). Percentage of damaged fruits in unprotected row amounted to 11.39%. Considering the fact that the mean net efficiency amounted to almost 90%, these results confirm the effectiveness of netting structures in the protection of apple fruits from CM damages


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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 10 weeks of vibration training on changes to the explosive strength of the upper limbs, as well as to determine whether the possible effects were caused by vibrational stimulation of the muscles or static exercises. The research  sample comprised  60 male participants,  aged 21 ± 6 months,  randomly  divided into three subsamples. The experimental group (n=15) comprised participants included in a specially  designed  vibration training using the Flexi-bar, the first control group  (n=15) comprised participants included in a specially  designed  static training, and the second control group comprised participants not included in any specially  designed training (n=30). All of the participants were tested at the beginning using the bench press test and the Myotest was used as a measuring instrument . The statistical methods used in this research to investigate the effects of the training were the univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Analyzing the obtained results, it was determined that vibration training using the Flexi-bar does not have a statistically significant influence on the change in the values of the explosive strength of the upper limbs , but that there were changes in the mean values of the studied  parameters. In order for the experimental program to produce better results, training should be modified. Vibration training would produce better results if the frequency produced by the Flexi-bar was higher, which is an assumption based on previous research