53 research outputs found

    Kriminalističko postupanje na mestu događaja u uslovima velikih akcidenata

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    Numerous and various events that are causing harmful consequences require the performance of numerous activities at the location of an event, bearing in mind the importance of their nature, causes, actors and other questions that are important in order to solve such cases, as well as large information potential of the scene of the event. Besides the measures such as help provided to injured persons, prevention of further destructive influence of causes of an event, remedy of consequences, etc., the important part within the procedures made on a scene of an event is the criminal investigation procedures, i.e. crime scene investigation. Complexity of such a procedure, besides the large number of specific and special actions, is the most visible within the conditions of massive accidents - emergency situations. In this paper the emphasize is on those circumstances that are mutual for the largest number of events that are following up those massive destructions and that are endangering life and health of large number of persons, and that have to be taken into consideration during the crime scene investigation procedures at the place where the accident has occurred, as well as the most significant features within the treatment of events of such kind.Brojni i raznovrsni događaji koji uzrokuju štetne posledice, važnost odgovora o njihovoj prirodi, uzrocima, akterima i nizu drugih pitanja značajnih za njihovo rasvetljavanje, i veliki informativni potencijal mesta događanja, nalažu preduzimanje brojnih aktivnosti na toj lokaciji. Uz mere, kao što su pružanje pomoći povređenim licima, sprečavanje daljeg štetnog dejstva uzročnika događaja, saniranje posledica i sl., značajno mesto u postupanju na mestu događaja ima i kriminalističko postupanje, to jest kriminalistička obrada mesta događaja. Složenost postupanja, uz brojne specifičnosti naročito dolazi do izražaja u uslovima velikih akcidenata - vanrednih situacija. U ovom radu pažnja će biti posvećena onim okolnostima koje su zajedničke najvećem broju događaja koje prate masovna razaranja i opasnost po život i zdravlje većeg broja ljudi, a koje se moraju uvažavati i prilikom kriminalističke obrade mesta na kom se tragični događaj desio, kao i najznačajnijim osobenostima u postupanju povodom događaje ove vrste

    Adaptivno upravljanje zaštitom i spasavanjem od poplava i bujica - prilagođavanje poplavnom riziku

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    Floods and torrents present one of the gravest dangers to people and the environment and seriously affect the socio-economic and technical and technological development and sustainability of natural resources. Electronic media report about their frequency almost daily. A number of large-scale floods in the world, including the territory of our country, accompanied by massive material damage and loss of human lives, have brought these phenomena into the focus of public interest. However, there is no complete protection against floods and torrents in the world of today. The risk from large quantities of water and the failure of the protection system cannot be avoided because they are accidental values. Besides, it is impossible to design the system of protection for any quantity of water. That is why many countries have lately abandoned the concept of suppressing and controlling floods and torrents, i.e. they have given up the idea of managing such phenomena. The paper therefore presents a model of adaptive managing in the protection and rescue operations related to floods and torrents, which implies adapting to the flooding risk or the principle of 'living with floods'. Namely, following some theoretical considerations related to causes and effects of floods and torrents seen from the geo-spacial, security and technical aspects, the paper presents the elements of a modern integrated system of protection and rescue in cases of floods and torrents, which complies with the national legislation and economic resources, as well as the internationally accepted concepts of sustainable development. The new concept of adaptive management is realized through well-balanced ratio of investment and non-investment activities and reducing the exposure of the population and environment to flood risk. The paper closes with a geo-topographic review related to the topic.Poplave i bujice predstavljaju jednu od najvećih opasnosti po ljude i životnu sredinu i imaju značajan uticaj na društveno-ekonomski i tehničko-tehnološki razvoj i održivost prirodnih resursa. O njihovoj učestalosti govore gotovo svakodnevno elektronski mediji. Nekoliko velikih poplava u svetu, ali i na našem državnom geo-prostoru, praćene velikim materijalnim štetama i gubicima ljudskih života, uvrstile su te pojave u žižu interesovanja javnosti. Međutim, danas u svetu nema potpune zaštite od poplava i bujica. Rizik od velike vode i otkaza sistema zaštite se ne može izbeći jer su to slučajne veličine. Pored toga, ne može se dimenzionisati sistem zaštite za svaku veliku vodu. Stoga je poslednje vreme u mnogim zemljama sveta napušten stav da se poplave i bujice mogu suzbiti i kontrolisati, tj. da se protiv njih može 'boriti' i u potpunosti upravljati. S tim u vezi, u radu je prezentovan pristup adaptivnog upravljanja zaštitom i spasavanjem od poplava i bujica, tj. prilagođavanje poplavnom riziku ili princip 'živeti sa poplavama'. Naime, u radu su pored teorijskih razmatranja uzroka i posledica poplava i bujica sa geo-prostornog, tehničkog i bezbednosnog aspekta, prezentovani elementi savremenog integrisanog sistema zaštite i spasavanja od poplava i bujica koji se uklapa u nacionalnu legislativu i ekonomske mogućnosti, kao i međunarodno prihvaćene koncepte održivog razvoja. Novi koncept adaptivnog upravljanja ostvaruje se odmerenim odnosom neinvesticionih i investicionih radova i smanjenjem izloženosti stanovništva i atributa životne sredine poplavnom riziku. Na kraju rada dat je geotopografski podsetnik za tretiranu tematiku

    Oružana pobuna - problem bezbednosti demokratske države

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    This paper reflects the attempt of the authors to define internal armed rebellion as a conflict which poses a serious threat to the concept od the security system in a democratic state. In the Serbian language the word 'conflict' means 'contraposition', 'disagreement of the opposite views (interests)', 'controversy', 'quarrel', 'hostile armed collision', 'clash' etc. The basis of the philosophical understanding of the conflict was set by Heraclitus. Everything is constantly changing, and each change represents a mean between two opposite states. Conflict is a common phenomena, and everything raises in conflict and necessity. Contemporary theories about social conflicts can be classified to those which understand the conflicts as a pathological state of the social organism, or as a fact of life of the individuals and collectivity, as well as theories which understand conflicts as processes or a certain state. The internal armed rebellion lines up in the medium- intensity conflict, with the aim to grow into a civil war or an insurrection. However, contemporary law draws the difference between a rebellion and a civil law. Contemporary system of international law considers a rebellion as an internal question of the state, and in its exclusive jurisdiction. That means that the rebellion represents a postponed politico- military activity, aimed at achieving total or partial control of the resources of the country by using the nonregular armed forces or illegal political organizations.Ovaj rad je pokušaj autora da definiše unutrašnju oružanu pobunu kao sukob koji opasno narušava kapacitet sistema bezbednosti demokratske države. U srpskom jeziku reč 'sukob' znači: 'oprečnost', 'razmimoilaženje suprotnih gledišta (interesa)', 'spor', 'svađa', 'neprijateljski oružani sudar', 'okršaj' i sl. Osnove filozofskog shvatanja sukoba postavio je Heraklit. Sve se neprekidno menja i svaka promena predstavlja sredinu između dva suprotna stanja. Sukob je opšta pojava i sve se rađa u sukobu i nužnošću. Savremene teorije o društvenim sukobima mogu se klasifikovati na one koje sukobe shvataju kao patološko stanje društvenog organizma, ili kao činjenicu života pojedinaca i kolektiviteta, kao i teorije koje izučavaju sukobe kao proces ili određeno stanje. Unutrašnja oružana pobuna spada u sukobe srednjeg intenziteta sa težnjom da preraste u građanski rat ili ustanak. Međutim, savremeno pravo podvlači razliku između pobune i građanskog rata. Savremeni sistem međunarodnog prava pobunu smatra unutrašnjom stvari države i u njenoj je isključivoj nadležnosti. Dakle, pobuna predstavlja odloženu vojnopolitičku aktivnost usmerenu ka ostvarivanju potpune ili delimične kontrole resursa zemlje upotrebom neregularnih oružanih snaga ili ilegalnih političkih organizacija

    Vanredna situacija - prilog konceptualnom određenju bezbednosti

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    On the beginning of the paper, the authors explain the changes in international security and international relations. Security issues are no more related only to the traditional thinking of security, so that the new term emergency emerges. In the section on etymology and defining of emergency, different opinions on these issues are confronted: Russian British, American, German, etc. There is no unique decision on whether such phenomenon should be named emergency, state of emergency, special security situation, public danger, etc. Emergency is an occurrence or phenomenon that endangers and radically changes the way of living and the life conditions of citizens and seriously disturbs animal and plant world of a certain territory, aquatory or air space, which requires (emergent) human and material potentials for returning to the previous, regular state (economic political, ecologic, etc). Terms similar to emergency are: accident technological emergency, danger in case of emergency, danger, crisis average, etc. The authors have sorted and enumerated all of these terms. Some of these terms have already been determined, and some not. Finally, in the last section of the paper, terms security challenges, risks and threats are determined as gradation of phenomena leading to emergency. In that way, the term emergency relates to the modern concept of security. Emergency is, in authors' opinion, the core and the cornerstone of science and security concept.Autori u ovom radu polaze od činjenice da prirodne i tehničko-tehnološke nesreće dovode do velikih neprilika i utiču na normalno funkcionisanje života ljudi. Definisanje pojma vanredna situacija i njemu srodnih pojmova dovodi do boljeg razumevanja bezbednosti uopšte. Takođe, shvatanjem pojmova izazova rizika i pretnji, kao izvora i utoke svih bezbednosnih problema, postavljaju se jasni temelji za izučavanje bezbednosti. Na kraju, autori ističu da se promenom zamisli i koncepta bezbednosti, menja i koncept bezbednosti u vanrednim situacijama

    Vanredno stanje i vanredna situacija - komparativni terminološki i sadržinski aspekti

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    The issue of theoretical definition and distinction between a state of emergency and an emergency is made current in recent national and international literature, as well as in different comparative law normative solutions. Considering the usage inconsistencies of the two terms, this paper attempts to highlight the differences between them, as they essentially carry distinctive legal meanings despite their implied lexical and logical similarity. The paper stresses the necessity of their clearer normative distinction in the Serbian Constitution and legislation. It also emphasizes that an emergency may easily turn into a state of emergency, since natural disasters can be used as a reason to declare both an emergency and a state of emergency. As these two states include different legal regimes, they require more precise normative and theoretical definitions.Problem teorijskog definisanja i razlikovanja pojmova vanrednog stanja i vanredne situacije je danas aktuelizovan kako u domaćoj, tako i u stranoj literaturi, ali i u različitim uporednopravnim normativnim rešenjima. S obzirom na nedoslednosti u korišćenju ova dva pojma, autori su u meri u kojoj je to bilo moguće, nastojali da podvuku razlike između termina koji se na logičkom i leksičkom nivou mogu podrazumevati, ali koji suštinski nose osobena pravna značenja. Autori ukazuju na nužnost njihovog jasnijeg normativnog razgraničenja u srpskom Ustavu i zakonskim rešenjima. Pri tome, posebno ističu mogućnost da vanredna situacija lako prerasta u vanredno stanje, imajući u vidu činjenicu da prirodne nepogode mogu biti povod proglašenja kako vanredne situacije, tako i vanrednog stanja. S obzirom na to da vanredno stanje i vanredna situacija podrazumevaju različite pravne režime, nužno je njihovo preciznije normativno i teorijsko definisanje

    Vanredna situacija - prilog konceptualnom određenju bezbednosti

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    On the beginning of the paper, the authors explain the changes in international security and international relations. Security issues are no more related only to the traditional thinking of security, so that the new term emergency emerges. In the section on etymology and defining of emergency, different opinions on these issues are confronted: Russian British, American, German, etc. There is no unique decision on whether such phenomenon should be named emergency, state of emergency, special security situation, public danger, etc. Emergency is an occurrence or phenomenon that endangers and radically changes the way of living and the life conditions of citizens and seriously disturbs animal and plant world of a certain territory, aquatory or air space, which requires (emergent) human and material potentials for returning to the previous, regular state (economic political, ecologic, etc). Terms similar to emergency are: accident technological emergency, danger in case of emergency, danger, crisis average, etc. The authors have sorted and enumerated all of these terms. Some of these terms have already been determined, and some not. Finally, in the last section of the paper, terms security challenges, risks and threats are determined as gradation of phenomena leading to emergency. In that way, the term emergency relates to the modern concept of security. Emergency is, in authors' opinion, the core and the cornerstone of science and security concept.Autori u ovom radu polaze od činjenice da prirodne i tehničko-tehnološke nesreće dovode do velikih neprilika i utiču na normalno funkcionisanje života ljudi. Definisanje pojma vanredna situacija i njemu srodnih pojmova dovodi do boljeg razumevanja bezbednosti uopšte. Takođe, shvatanjem pojmova izazova rizika i pretnji, kao izvora i utoke svih bezbednosnih problema, postavljaju se jasni temelji za izučavanje bezbednosti. Na kraju, autori ističu da se promenom zamisli i koncepta bezbednosti, menja i koncept bezbednosti u vanrednim situacijama

    Fire extinguisher conformity assessment – a case study

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    The development of large fires has an extremely detrimental effect on the working and living environment. The chances for their effective extinguishing are greatest in the initial stages of flare-up, but that time interval is very short. That is why it is extremely important that fire extinguishers be reliable and, above all, efficient. The usable quality of extinguishers is assessed through a series of laboratory and field experimental tests in the certification process, i.e. prior to placing on the market, an assessment of their conformity with the specified requirements of the relevant standards must be performed. As a result of the previous statements, it can be concluded that it is necessary to develop an appropriate certification scheme for manual and mobile fire extinguishers so that we would have the means with the appropriate level of quality in use. The paper presents a case study of fire extinguishers certification by the certification body - Technical Testing Center

    Inicijalni metod za indikaciju mišićne strukture muškaraca definisan MBI metodom

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    The current generic model of body composition is defined by four primary dimensions: water, proteins, minerals and fat mass. The most contemporary method of body composition analysis is the method of bioelectrical impedance (BIA) which registers a large number of body structure indicators quickly and noninvasively. One of the elements of body structure and the one most responsible for man's quality demonstration of motor abilities is muscle mass structure. In previous technological attempts at the examination of man's morphological structure, muscle mass was estimated indirectly and in that way its quantitative characteristics were defined. The goal of this research is to define the initial model of men's muscle structure indicators measured by means of the direct method and to do that via the multichannel bioelectrical impedance of the latest generation - InBody 720. The basic participant characteristics were: age 30.81±9.73 years, mass 86.17±14.95 kg, height 182.35±7.09 cm, BMI 25.88±3.99. This research comprises six variables for defining muscle components of body structure: two primary (proteins and skeletal muscle mass) and four derived (ratios between: skeletal and muscle mass, proteins and muscle mass, proteins and body mass, BMI and proteins) variables. The results showed the following descriptive values of the measured variables: proteins 14.11±1.64 kg, muscle mass 40.59±4.99 kg, the percentage of muscle mass in the body 47.59±4.34 %, the index of muscle thickness 0.348±0.002 kg, percentage of proteins in the body 0.165±0.015 kg, the ratio between BMI and proteins 1.842±0.246. The dispersion of the data results indicates that all the variables can be used as representative and scientifically valid for further studies.Aktuelni generički model telesne kompozicije definisan je sa četiri osnovne dimenzije: voda, proteini, minerali i masti. Najsavremenija metoda analize telesnog sastava je metoda bioelektrične impedance (BIA) koja brzo i neinvazivno registruje veliki broj pokazatelja telesne strukture. Jedan od činilaca telesne strukture, a najodgovorniji za kvalitativno ispoljavanje motorike kod čoveka je struktura mišićne mase. U dosadašnjim tehnološkim postupcima ispitivanja morfološke strukture kod ljudi, mišićna masa je procenjivana indirektno i tako su utvrđivane njene kvantitativne karakteristike. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da definiše inicijalni model indikatora mišićne strukture kod muškaraca merene direktnom metodom i to multikanalnom bioelektričnom impedancom najnovije genereacije - InBody 720. Osnovne karakteristike ispitanika su bile: uzrast 30.81±9.73 godina, masa 86.17±14.95 kg, visina 182.35±7.09 cm, BMI 25.88±3.99. Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je šest varijabli za definisanje mišićne komponente telesne strukture: dve osnovne (proteini i masa skeletnih mišića) i četiri izvedene (odnosi: skeletne i mišićne mase, proteina i mišićne mase, proteina i telesne mase, BMI i proteina) varijable. Rezultati su pokazali sledeće deskriptivne vrednosti ispitivanih varijabli: proteini 14.11±1.64 kg, mišićna masa 40.59±4.99 kg, procenat mišićne mase u telu je 47.59±4.34 %, indeks gustine mišića 0.348±0.002 kg, procenat proteina u telu 0.165±0.015 kg, odnos BMI i proteina je 1.842±0.246. Rezultati mera disperzije ukazuju da se sve varijable mogu koristiti kao reprezentativne i naučno validne za dalja istraživanja

    Sistem upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama

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    The contemporary world is characterized by a great number of various emergency situations from traffic accidents to major-scale disasters, and in their relief there often exists a need for cooperation and coordinated efforts of several emergency departments. The Incident Command System (ICS) in the USA, as a need to respond to realistic demands of the contemporary society, has over time emerged as a new scientific discipline. Its main objective is to enable the minimization of losses in the shortest time possible with minimum assets, as well as the removal of causes and consequences of the incidents. To achieve these objectives, theoretical and methodological bases have been created for high quality operational and strategic management in extreme emergency conditions.Savremeni svet karakteriše veliki broj raznovrsnih vanrednih situacija: od saobraćajnih nezgoda do katastrofa velikih razmera, pa su u njihovoj sanaciji često neophodni saradnja i koordiniran rad nekoliko hitnih službi. Sistem upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama (Incident Command System - ICS) u SAD, kao potreba da se reaguje na realne zahteve savremenog društva, vremenom se pojavio kao nova naučna disciplina. Njen glavni cilj jeste da omogući svođenje gubitaka na najmanju meru u najkraćem vremenskom periodu sa minimalnim snagama i sredstvima, kao i otklanjanje uzroka i posledica vanrednih situacija. Da bi se ti ciljevi ostvarili, stvorene su teorijske i metodološke osnove za kvalitetno operativno i strateško rukovođenje u vanrednim, ekstremnim uslovima