26 research outputs found

    What Do You Mean by to Help Learning of Metacognition?

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    Abstract. Several computer-based learning support systems and methods help learners to master metacognitive activity. Which systems and methods are designed to eliminate which difficulties associated with the learning of metacognitive activity through its clear specification? We adopt a method in our research that support

    What is metacognitive skill? – Collaborative learning strategy to facilitate development of metacognitive skill

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    Abstract: Recently, how to support development of a learner’s metacognitive skill is one of the most important topics in the research area of educational support systems. However, it is difficult for the researchers in the area to share research findings and reuse them each other, because there is a lack of common vocabulary to represent metacognitive phenomena and shared understandings of them. It causes some confusion in the studies about metacognition and metacognitive skill. In this paper, we provide a common platform towards constructing common vocabulary and shared understandings of them. Then, we introduce our model of metacognitive skill and describe difficulties in learning and executing the skill. Based on our model, we also propose a learning support environment where learners develop their metacognitive skills through collaborative learning

    Influencia asiática en la producción de mezcal en la costa de Jalisco. El caso de la raicilla

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    Perhaps in XIII century in Thailand some rice ferments were distilled with a simple still technique influencing also northern Asia countries as China, Korea and specially in southern Japan an spirit named as shochu, after that in XVI century this equipment was used also in a Mexican distilled production with agave plants named mescal in Jalisco coastal areas. Shochu and mescal are spirits in Japan and Mexico used to talk about a big diversity of alcoholic beverages, in the first one raw materials have a wide origin (seeds, fruits, potatoes, etc) and in the second one just agave species and varieties are cooked for. Some shochu spirits from Kuyshu and Okinawa islands and some “mezcales” named raicilla from El Tuito (Cabo Corrientes municipality) and others from Zapotitlán de Vadillo and “mescal de olla” from Manzanilla de la Paz with huichol or Asiatic still and named in Japan as “kabutogama chiki”. Distillation was known in Mexico after conquest and their spread knowledge was not strictly conducted by a one region or way in geography and coconut wine pattern as some authors are suggested and after developed in tequila tradition. Also, asiatics or not were making the equipment of hucihol or Asiatic still in different versions and materials along pacific coast. Being a simple technique Asiatic still than Arabian alambique still, this is a link between Asian and Mexican pacific coast, few studies are made and after eight centuries ago people is working with that and producing traditional beverages in micro regionsProbablemente en el siglo xiii ya se elaboraban destilados de arroz en Tailandia con un aparato destilador rústico que llegó a las zonas templadas de Asia y que derivó en las bebidas conocidas como shochu en el sur de Japón y mas tarde en el siglo xvi en la producción de un destilado de agave o mezcal en la costa de Jalisco. Con los nombres de shochu y de mezcal se distinguen en Japón y en México una gran diversidad de aguardientes; en el primero, procedente de diversas materias primas, y en el segundo principalmente de especies y variedades de agaves. Sin embargo, algunos shochu de las islas de Kuyshu y Okinawa, así como algunos mezcales como la raicilla de El Tuito (municipio de Cabo Corrientes) y los mezcales de Zapotitlán de Vadillo y el de olla de la Manzanilla de la Paz, comparten una misma técnica conocida en México como destilador huichol o asiático y en Japón como “kabutogama chiki”. El conocimiento de la destilación llegó a México después de la conquista y se dispersó no necesariamente por una sola vía, como lo sugieren algunos autores a partir del modelo del “vino de cocos” en el caso del aparato asiático hasta llegar a la tradición tequilera. Tampoco obligatoriamente debieron tener un origen asiático quienes sabían hacer funcionar las técnicas de destilación asiáticas y que lograron sustituir los materiales en cada región a lo largo de la costa occidental de México. De una simplicidad mayor a la de la tradición de los alambiques árabes, esta técnica sobrevive y enlaza una historia entre el Pacifico asiático y el mexicano, que ha sido poco estudiada y que después de 800 años es útil y sobrevive en las comunidades con bebidas microrregionales en ambos continentes

    Genotypes of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in Japanese

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    Abstract Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is one of the most common hereditary disorders. The prevalence of the ADPKD genotype in the Caucasian and Latin populations has been reported. Here, we used linkage analysis to demonstrate the prevalence of the genotype and the correlation between phenotypes and genotypes among 21 Japanese ADPKD families consisting of 96 individuals and including 57 affected members. Six polymorphic markers, each linked to either the polycystic kidney disease 1 (PKD1) or polycystic kidney disease 2 (PKD2) gene, were used for polymerase chain reaction analysis. Seventeen families (81%) showed linkage to PKD1, two families (10%) showed linkage to PKD2, and two families did not show linkage to either PKD1 or PKD2. One of the PKD1-linked families was indicated to have different mutations of PKD1 gene in the same family. PKD2-linked families did not have milder symptoms than PKD1-linked families

    How parents suspected of child maltreatment change their cognition and behavior: A process model of outreach and child protection, generated via grounded theory

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    AbstractAimAlthough considerable efforts have been made to improve relationships between professionals and parents suspected of child maltreatment, little research has been conducted to examine the ways in which parents escalate their negative cognition and behavior involving professionals. This study developed a model of parents' negative reinforcement of their cognitive behavior and the factors influencing reductions in this reinforcement.MethodInterview data were collected from 21 parents, who had experienced outreach and child protection issues, and analyzed using the grounded theory approach.ResultIn the outreach phase, the analysis initially produced the negative image of help-seeking behavior category, followed by the dissatisfaction with outreach and reinforcement of negative cognition categories. In this phase, the analysis also identified the social support and support groups step as a means of reducing negative cognition. In contrast, in the child protection phase, the analysis produced the anger and psychological conflict with child protection services and unwilling consent categories. In this phase, the analysis also identified the psychoeducation and timely feedback step as an acceptable means of minimizing the escalation of negative cognition.ConclusionThe hypothetical model revealed the ways in which parents changed their cognition and behavior and demonstrated the factors influencing reductions in the reinforcement of negative cognition and behavior. These results could be useful for practice in child maltreatment cases