99 research outputs found

    Low Serum Concentrations of Vitamin B6 and Iron Are Related to Panic Attack and Hyperventilation Attack

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    Patients undergoing a panic attack (PA) or a hyperventilation attack (HVA) are sometimes admitted to emergency departments (EDs). Reduced serotonin level is known as one of the causes of PA and HVA. Serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan. For the synthesis of serotonin, vitamin B6 (Vit B6) and iron play important roles as cofactors. To clarify the pathophysiology of PA and HVA, we investigated the serum levels of vitamins B2, B6, and B12 and iron in patients with PA or HVA attending an ED. We measured each parameter in 21 PA or HVA patients and compared the values with those from 20 volunteers. We found that both Vit B6 and iron levels were significantly lower in the PA/HVA group than in the volunteer group. There was no significant difference in the serum levels of vitamins B2 or B12. These results suggest that low serum concentrations of Vit B6 and iron are involved in PA and HVA. Further studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms involved in such differences

    Association between Intra-Circuit Activated Clotting Time and Incidence of Bleeding Complications during Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy using Nafamostat Mesilate : a Retrospective Pilot Observational Study

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    It has been proposed that anticoagulant activity during continuous renal replacement therapy with nafamostat mesilate can be monitored by using intra-circuit activated clotting time. However, it is still unclear whether activated clotting time would be useful for this purpose. We conducted a retrospective study and included 76 patients who required continuous renal replacement therapy using nafamostat mesilate. We obtained information for pre- and post-filter activated clotting times and bleeding complications. We calculated time-weighted average activated clotting time. We divided the patients into three activated clotting time groups (low, middle, high) according to the tertiles of pre- and post-filter activated clotting times. Regarding post-filter time-weighted average activated clotting time, the incidence of bleeding complications in the high activated clotting time group was significantly higher than those in the low and middle activated clotting time groups (p=0.04). The incidences of bleeding complications were not significantly different among the three groups according to pre-filter time-weighted average activated clotting time (p=0.35). In sensitive analysis, the duration on continuous renal replacement therapy without bleeding complications was significantly longer for filters with post-tw ACT<262 than for those with post-tw ACT≧262 (p=0.03). This result suggested that post-filter time-weighted average activated clotting time might be a good predictor of bleeding complications during continuous renal replacement therapy with nafamostat mesilate. Further study is required to refute or confirm our findings

    The Excitement of Multiple Noradrenergic Cell Groups in the Rat Brain Related to Hyperbaric Oxygen Seizure

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    The mechanism of oxygen toxicity for central nervous system and hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) seizure has not been clarified. Noradrenergic cells in the brain may contribute to HBO seizure. In this study, we defined the activation of noradrenergic cells during HBO exposure by c-fos immunohistochemistry. Electroencephalogram electrodes were pre-implanted in all animals under general anesthesia. In HBO seizure animals, HBO was induced with 5 atm of 100% oxygen until manifestation of general tonic convulsion. HBO non-seizure animals were exposed to 25 min of HBO. Control animals were put in the chamber for 120 min without pressurization. All animals were processed for c-fos immunohistochemical staining. All animals in the HBO seizure group showed electrical discharge on EEG. In the immunohistochemistry, c-fos was increased in the A1, A2 and A6 cells of the HBO seizure group, and in the A2 and A6 cells of the HBO non-seizure group, yet was extremely low in all three cell types in the control group. These results suggest the participation of noradrenaline in HBO seizure, which can be explained by the early excitement of A1 cells due to their higher sensitivity to high blood pressure, hyperoxia, or by the post-seizure activation of all noradrenergic cells

    Antinociceptive Effects of Intrathecal Landiolol Injection in a Rat Formalin Pain Model

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    Perioperative beta-blocker administration has recently been recommended for patients undergoing cardiac or other surgery due to the beneficial cardiovascular effects of these agents. In addition, some studies have reported that perioperatively administered beta-blockers also have analgesic effects. In this study, to investigate the antinociceptive effects and the analgesic profile of landiolol, we examined the effects of intrathecal landiolol administration on nociceptive pain behavior and c-fos mRNA expression (a neural marker of pain) in the spinal cord using a rat formalin model. We found that pain-related behavior was inhibited by intrathecal landiolol administration. Moreover, the increase in c-fos mRNA expression on the formalin-injected side was less pronounced in rats administered landiolol than in saline administered controls. Thus, intrathecal administration of landiolol exhibited antinociceptive effects. Further investigation of the antinociceptive mechanism of landiolol is required

    Living Will Interest and Preferred End-of-life Care and Death Locations among Japanese Adults 50 and over: A Population-based Survey

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    The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between Japanese individualsʼ interest in living wills and their preferred end-of-life care and death locations. Questionnaires were mailed to 1,000 individuals aged ァ50 to measure these 2 factors. We examined the associations between the respondentsʼ characteristics and their preferred care and death locations by using multinomial logistic regression models. The response rate was 74%. Home was the most frequently preferred place for end-of-life care (64%), and a palliative care unit (PCU) was the most commonly preferred place to die (51%). Living will interest was associated with a preference for care (odds ratio [OR] 4.74, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.95-12.1) and death (OR 2.75, 95% CI 1.70-4.47) in a PCU rather than a hospital, but it was not associated with the choice between receiving care or dying at home instead of a hospital. We must consider why Japanese people think home death is impracticable. The Japanese palliative care system should be expanded to meet patientsʼ end-of-life needs, and this includes not only facilitating home care but also increasing access to PCU care


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    It is said that the prognosis is poor in cases with recurrent pulmonary metastasis after operation for gastric cancer. In this article, 2 cases with nodular type of pulmonary metastasis resected after operation for gastric cancer and surviving well are reported by the authors. Case 1: 57year-old female. The patient underwent a total gastrectomy for the 3'type of cardiac cancer. As the serum levels of tumor markers increased and the chest X-ray examination revealed a mass lesion in the right lung (S_10), the operation for the lesion under the diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer was performed 1 year and 2 months after gastrectomy. The patient died of pulmonal and pleural metastasis 4 years and 7 months after the first operation. Case 2: 65-year-old male. The patient underwent a subtotal gastrectomy for the 5'type of gastric cancer. Chest X-ray examination for follow-up study revealed a mass lesion in the left lung (S_5). The patient underwent a left pulmonary superior lobe resection 2 years and 9 months after gastrectomy. The patient is still alive 6 years after the first operation. Surgical treatment must be actively considered for nodular type of metastatic lung cancer after operation for gastric cancer.胃癌術後に肺転移をきたした症例の予後は不良とされている. 今回, 胃切除術後に結節型肺転移巣を切除し, 良好な結果を得た胃癌の2例を経験したので、報告する. 症例 1 は57歳, 女性. 噴門部 2'型胃癌の診断のもと, 胃全摘術を受けている. 腫瘍マーカーの上昇があり, 胸部X線写真で右肺 S_10 に腫瘤陰影を認めた. 胃癌術後1年2カ月目に肺部分切除術を施行した. 患者は胃癌切除後4年7カ月で肺転移および癌性胸膜炎のため死亡した. 症例2は65歳, 男性. 胃体部 5'型胃癌の診断のもと, 胃亜全摘を受けている. 術後経過観察中, 胸部X線写真で左肺 S_5 に腫瘤陰影を認め, 胃癌術後2年9カ月目に左肺上葉切除切除術を施行した. 患者は胃癌切除術後6年で健在である. 結節型の肺転移例に対しては積極的な外科手術を考慮すべきである


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    Purpose. To report the spectrum of ABCC6 variants in Japanese patients with angioid streaks (AS). Patients and Methods. This was a single-center cohort study. The medical records of 20 patients with AS from 18 unrelated Japanese families were retrospectively reviewed. Screening of the ABCC6 gene (exons 1 to 31) was performed using PCR-based Sanger sequencing. Results. Eight ABCC6 variants were identified as candidate disease-causing variants. These eight variants included five known variants (p.Q378X, p.R419Q, p.V848CfsX83, p.R1114C, and p.R1357W), one previously reported variant (p.N428S) of unknown significance, and two novel variants (c.1939C>T [p.H647Y] and c.3374C>T [p.S1125F]); the three latter variants were determined to be variants of significance. The following four variants were frequently identified: p.V848CfsX83 (14/40 alleles, 35.0%), p.Q378X (7/40 alleles, 17.5%), p.R1357W (6/40 alleles, 15.0%), and p.R419Q (4/40 alleles, 10.0%). The ABCC6 variants were identified in compound heterozygous or homozygous states in 13 of 18 probands. Two families showed a pseudodominant inheritance pattern. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum was seen in 15 of 17 patients (88.2%) who underwent dermatological examination. Conclusions. We identified disease-causing ABCC6 variants that were in homozygous or compound heterozygous states in 13 of 18 families (72.2%). Our results indicated that ABCC6 variants play a significant role in patients with AS in the Japanese population

    Expansion of CpG Methylation in the SFRP2 Promoter Region during Colorectal Tumorigenesis

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    Secreted frizzled-related protein 2, (SFRP2) is a Wnt inhibitor whose promoter CpGs were recently found to be methylated at high frequency in colorectal cancers (CRCs). We hypothesized that the pattern of SFRP2 methylation may differ throughout the promoter during progressive tumorigenesis. Using combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA), two methylation-sensitive regions (Regions A and B) of the SFRP2 promoter were investigated in 569 specimens of colorectal tissue:222 CRCs, 103 adenomatous polyps (APs), 208 normal colonic mucosa from CRC patients (N-Cs), and 36 normal colonic mucosa from subjects with no evidence of colorectal neoplasia at colonoscopy (N-Ns). Extensive (including both Regions A and B) and partial (either Region A or B) SFRP2 methylation levels were found in 61.7% and 24.8% of CRCs, 8.7% and 37.9% of APs, 3.9% and 39.9% of N-Cs, and 0% and 30.6% of N-Ns, respectively. Extensive methylation of the SFRP2 promoter was present primarily in CRCs, while partial methylation was common in APs. Whereas APs with the KRAS mutant showed no correlation to any pattern of SFRP2 methylation, extensive methylation of the SFRP2 promoter was significantly associated with KRAS mutant CRCs (p<.0001), suggesting that genetic alteration in the RAS-RAF pathway might precede the spread of CpG methylation through the SFRP2 promoter, which is observed in over 60% of advanced colorectal tumors

    Constant Current vs. Constant Voltage Systems for Temporal Spinal Cord Stimulation for Intractable Pain

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    Although spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a useful treatment for chronic intractable pain, the optimal method of stimulation has not yet been established. In this prospective, crossover study, we compared the efficacy of using a constant current (CC) system with that of a constant voltage (CV) system for temporal SCS. Twenty patients were enrolled and divided into two groups. For 10 patients, a CV system was applied on Days 1-5, followed by the use of a CC system on Days 6-10. For the other 10 patients, a CC system was applied for the first five days, followed by a CV system for the subsequent five days. We evaluated the alteration of pain intensity using a visual analogue scale (VAS), the area of stimulation, the stability of effect, and patient satisfaction regarding treatment. The pain scores decreased significantly after the start of the SCS. There was no significant difference in the change in VAS between the two systems. The stimulation method used for temporal SCS did not affect the reduction of pain intensity. Patients felt a wider stimulation area by the CC system compared to the CV system