156 research outputs found

    シャカイテキ チカク、コウドウ カンサツ、ココロ ノ リロン ノ ホウカツテキ シンケイ ネットワーク モデル コウチク ノ ココロミ

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    ヨウチエン キョウイク ヨウリョウ オヨビ ホイクジョ ホイク シシン ニオケル リョウイキ 「ニンゲン カンケイ」 ノ カイテイ ノ レキシ カラ ミタ キョウイク ナイヨウ ノ トクシツ ニツイテ

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    ホイク ゲンバ ニ モトメラレル カセン キョウイク ト ボウサイ キョウイク ノ ケントウ

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    コドモ ノ アンゼン ト ニホンバン DBS(Disclosure and Barring Service) ノ ドウニュウ ニツイテ

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    令和5年4月にこども家庭庁が発足され、こどもに関わる取組を日本の社会の中心におき(こどもまんなか社会)、こどもの目線に立ち、こどもの権利を大切にして、すべてのこどもがいのちを守られ、自分らしく健やかに安心して過ごすことができるように様々な政策を作ろうとしている。その中の一つである、日本版DBS(Disclosure and Barring Service)は、こどもを様々な性暴力等から守るための有効性の高いデータベース活用法である。既に日本版DBS の導入に先駆けた取組強化と環境整備が進められており、残った課題は厚生労働省、文部科学省をはじめ様々な行政機関が統一の日本版DBS のデータベースを導入することである。国が守るべきはすべての子どもたちである。教育現場や保育現場だけではなく、子どもたちと接する大人はこのような環境以外にも大勢おり、実際にそのような大人から受けてしまった性暴力事件も多数発生している。今後の政策動向に期待したい

    スイミン ショウガイ ト パーソナリティ トノ カンレン : fMRI オ モチイタ ケンキュウ

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    This study is aimed to examine the neural correlates of effect of the total sleep deprivation on the risk-taking of the action observation network (AON) in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We also explored the influence of interindividual psychological differences on patterns of activation in the risk-taking of AON, which may mediate the relationship between the lack of sleep and the risk perceptional ability. We first demonstrated that viewing Risk-taking versus Safe actions recruited brain areas involved in the inferior/middle temporal gyrus, inferior/medial/middle frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, anterior/posterior cingulate gyrus, precuneus, and insula, and areas thought to be associated with the AON of risk-taking. Next, within these networks, individuals under the well-slept state showed higher signal change in the right middle temporal gyrus, left middle frontal gyrus. In addition, individuals under sleep-deprived conditions showed higher signal change in the insula in the observation of risk-taking than well-slept conditions. The increase in insula activation showed a significant positive correlation with psychological anxiety scores (STAI state). Further, the another anxiety scores (STAI-trait) showed a positive correlation only with neural activity in the insula among the sleep deprivation group. Our findings suggested that the understanding of risk-taking actions that underlies AON is related to neural activation in AON and pain processing related areas, under conditions of both regular sleep and sleep deprivation. Importantly, we found that sleep deprivation was associated with increased neural responses to pain actions in insula. This pattern of activation changes suggests that sleep deprivation may induce hyperactivation for interpreting negative emotional states in AON

    タイフウ ニヨル スイガイ オ テーマ ト シタ カセン キョウイク ト ボウサイ キョウイク プログラム ノ ジッセン : ボウサイ キャンプ カラノ ケントウ

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    Sleep Deprivation Influences Diurnal Variation of Human Time Perception with Prefrontal Activity Change: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study

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    Human short-time perception shows diurnal variation. In general, short-time perception fluctuates in parallel with circadian clock parameters, while diurnal variation seems to be modulated by sleep deprivation per se. Functional imaging studies have reported that short-time perception recruits a neural network that includes subcortical structures, as well as cortical areas involving the prefrontal cortex (PFC). It has also been reported that the PFC is vulnerable to sleep deprivation, which has an influence on various cognitive functions. The present study is aimed at elucidating the influence of PFC vulnerability to sleep deprivation on short-time perception, using the optical imaging technique of functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Eighteen participants performed 10-s time production tasks before (at 21:00) and after (at 09:00) experimental nights both in sleep-controlled and sleep-deprived conditions in a 4-day laboratory-based crossover study. Compared to the sleep-controlled condition, one-night sleep deprivation induced a significant reduction in the produced time simultaneous with an increased hemodynamic response in the left PFC at 09:00. These results suggest that activation of the left PFC, which possibly reflects functional compensation under a sleep-deprived condition, is associated with alteration of short-time perception

    ボウサイ キョウイク ノ カンテン ニ タッタ ヨウジ オヨビ ホイクシャ ノ ボウサイ キャンプ ノ ジレイ ケントウ : リョウイキ 「ケンコウ」 「ニンゲン カンケイ」 「カンキョウ」 オ シュ トシタ ホイク ジッセン モデル ノ コウチク

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    Astrometry of Galactic Star Forming Region Sharpless 269 with VERA : Parallax Measurements and Constraint on Outer Rotation Curve

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    We have performed high-precision astrometry of H2O maser sources in Galactic star forming region Sharpless 269 (S269) with VERA. We have successfully detected a trigonometric parallax of 189+/-8 micro-arcsec, corresponding to the source distance of 5.28 +0.24/-0.22 kpc. This is the smallest parallax ever measured, and the first one detected beyond 5 kpc. The source distance as well as proper motions are used to constrain the outer rotation curve of the Galaxy, demonstrating that the difference of rotation velocities at the Sun and at S269 (which is 13.1 kpc away from the Galaxy's center) is less than 3%. This gives the strongest constraint on the flatness of the outer rotation curve and provides a direct confirmation on the existence of large amount of dark matter in the Galaxy's outer disk.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figures, Accepted by PASJ (Vol. 59, No. 5, October 25, 2007 issue


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