52 research outputs found

    Development of a Combined Real Time Monitoring and Integration Analysis System for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

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    A combined integration analysis and real time monitoring (Peak Capture System) system was developed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Individual integration analysis and real time monitoring can be used to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze VOCs in the atmosphere and in indoor environments and determine the variation in total VOC (TVOC) concentration with time, respectively. In the Peak Capture System, real time monitoring was used to predict future elevations in the TVOC concentration (peak), and this was used an indicator of when to collect (capture) ambient air samples for integration analysis. This enabled qualitative and quantitative analysis of VOCs when the TVOC concentration was high. We developed an algorithm to predict variation in the TVOC concentration, and constructed an automatic system to initiate air sampling for integration analysis. With the system, auto-sampling and analysis of VOCs in a conventional house were conducted. In comparison with background concentrations, the results of peak analysis enabled identification of compounds whose concentration rose. This also enabled an evaluation of possible VOC emission sources

    Kcnab1 Is Expressed in Subplate Neurons With Unilateral Long-Range Inter-Areal Projections

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    Subplate (SP) neurons are among the earliest-born neurons in the cerebral cortex and heterogeneous in terms of gene expression. SP neurons consist mainly of projection neurons, which begin to extend their axons to specific target areas very early during development. However, the relationships between axon projection and gene expression patterns of the SP neurons, and their remnant layer 6b (L6b) neurons, are largely unknown. In this study, we analyzed the corticocortical projections of L6b/SP neurons in the mouse cortex and searched for a marker gene expressed in L6b/SP neurons that have ipsilateral inter-areal projections. Retrograde tracing experiments demonstrated that L6b/SP neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) projected to the primary motor cortex (M1) within the same cortical hemisphere at postnatal day (PD) 2 but did not show any callosal projection. This unilateral projection pattern persisted into adulthood. Our microarray analysis identified the gene encoding a β subunit of voltage-gated potassium channel (Kcnab1) as being expressed in L6b/SP. Double labeling with retrograde tracing and in situ hybridization demonstrated that Kcnab1 was expressed in the unilaterally-projecting neurons in L6b/SP. Embryonic expression was specifically detected in the SP as early as embryonic day (E) 14.5, shortly after the emergence of SP. Double immunostaining experiments revealed different degrees of co-expression of the protein product Kvβ1 with L6b/SP markers Ctgf (88%), Cplx3 (79%), and Nurr1 (58%), suggesting molecular subdivision of unilaterally-projecting L6b/SP neurons. In addition to expression in L6b/SP, scattered expression of Kcnab1 was observed during postnatal stages without layer specificity. Among splicing variants with three alternative first exons, the variant 1.1 explained all the cortical expression mentioned in this study. Together, our data suggest that L6b/SP neurons have corticocortical projections and Kcnab1 expression defines a subpopulation of L6b/SP neurons with a unilateral inter-areal projection

    A Novel Methodology to Evaluate Health Impacts Caused by VOC Exposures Using Real-Time VOC and Holter Monitors

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    While various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are known to show neurotoxic effects, the detailed mechanisms of the action of VOCs on the autonomic nervous system are not fully understood, partially because objective and quantitative measures to indicate neural abnormalities are still under development. Nevertheless, heart rate variability (HRV) has been recently proposed as an indicative measure of the autonomic effects. In this study, we used HRV as an indicative measure of the autonomic effrects to relate their values to the personal concentrations of VOCs measured by a real-time VOC monitor. The measurements were conducted for 24 hours on seven healthy subjects under usual daily life conditions. The results showed HF powers were significantly decreased for six subjects when the changes of total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentrations were large, indicating a suppression of parasympathetic nervous activity induced by the exposure to VOCs. The present study indicated these real-time monitoring was useful to characterize the trends of VOC exposures and their effects on autonomic nervous system

    Effects of the prenatal and postnatal nurturing environment on the phenotype and gut microbiota of mice with polycystic ovary syndrome induced by prenatal androgen exposure: a cross-fostering study

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    The gut microbiome is implicated in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and prenatal androgen exposure is involved in the development of PCOS in later life. Our previous study of a mouse model of PCOS induced by prenatal dihydrotestosterone (DHT) exposure showed that the reproductive phenotype of PCOS appears from puberty, followed by the appearance of the metabolic phenotype after young adulthood, while changes in the gut microbiota was already apparent before puberty. To determine whether the prenatal or postnatal nurturing environment primarily contributes to these changes that characterize prenatally androgenized (PNA) offspring, we used a cross-fostering model to evaluate the effects of changes in the postnatal early-life environment of PNA offspring on the development of PCOS-like phenotypes and alterations in the gut microbiota in later life. Female PNA offspring fostered by normal dams (exposed to an abnormal prenatal environment only, fostered PNA) exhibited less marked PCOS-like phenotypes than PNA offspring, especially with respect to the metabolic phenotype. The gut microbiota of the fostered PNA offspring was similar to that of controls before adolescence, but differences between the fostered PNA and control groups became apparent after young adulthood. In conclusion, both prenatal androgen exposure and the postnatal early-life environment created by the DHT injection of mothers contribute to the development of PCOS-like phenotypes and the alterations in the gut microbiota that characterize PNA offspring. Thus, both the pre- and postnatal environments represent targets for the prevention of PCOS and the associated alteration in the gut microbiota in later life

    Development of New Oral Health Program for Elementary School Students which Collaborates to International Communications : Through the Exchange Program with International Dental Course Students

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    本研究では, 児童と国際歯学コースを開始した広島大学歯学部学部生および外国人留学生との食事や口腔保健を織り交ぜた継続的な交流を通して,児童の「伝えたい」というモチベーションを向上させること,異なる文化を理解するきっかけを与えること,自己理解を深めることを目的とした。初めての交流会であった第1回国際交流会は,自分たちで何かを伝えることと相手の国についての理解のきっかけづくりとして有意義なものであった。特に,英語や外国語を学ぶ必要性のみならず,児童が語学だけではないコミュニケーションの方法や自分から積極的に働きかけること,自国や他国の理解の重要性に気づきが得られることが示唆された。現在,国際歯学コースが開始されている学年は歯学部の低学年である。第1回交流会を糸口として児童,学生の学年進行に伴い日本人学生および外国人留学生が協同した口腔衛生活動を絡めた継続的な交流を通し,国際交流と連携した児童の口腔衛生への気づきを生むプログラムの開発につなげていきたい

    Effects of a job aid-supported intervention during antenatal care visit in rural Tanzania

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    Background: In developing countries, nurses’ counseling during antenatal care (ANC) visits remains insufficient. We examined the effects of a job aid-supported intervention on understanding the danger signs and improving the caring behaviors of nurses to women in rural Tanzania. Methods: This was a hospital-based research using a quasi-experimental pre-post study design. All nurses engaged in ANC counseling participated in a three-hour training covering counseling skills, pregnancy danger signs, use of a job aid, and quality of caring behaviors. The sample consisted of women who attended the ANC clinic and had no intrauterine fetal death. The primary outcome was perception of receiving information on the danger signs by women. The secondary outcome was impressions of women regarding the caring behaviors of nurses. Women answered questionnaires following ANC counseling (baseline) and two weeks postintervention (endline). Results: Of 318 women, 148 participated at baseline and 170 at endline. Regarding receiving information on danger signs, the mean baseline score of 4.92 (SD = 2.99) and the mean endline score of 6.66 (SD = 2.38) were significantly different (t = 5.646, p < .01). Regarding impressions of the nurses’ caring behavior, the mean total baseline score of 26.17 (range, 6–30; SD = 11.19) and the mean total endline score of 27.63 (SD = 6.81) were significantly different (t = 4.299, p < .01). Conclusion: The job aid-supported intervention during ANC counseling found differences in the responses to receiving information on the danger signs of pregnancy and in identifying the caring behaviors of nurses to women. Keywords: Pre-post study design, Pregnancy, Teaching materials, Antenatal care, Health knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Tanzani