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    日本物理学会2015年秋季大会、2015年9月16-19日(関西大学)・2015年9月25-28日(大阪市立大学)。Session ID : 17pPSA-4

    How to construct a coordinate representation of a Hamiltonian operator on a torus

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    The dynamical system of a point particle constrained on a torus is quantized \`a la Dirac with two kinds of coordinate systems respectively; the Cartesian and toric coordinate systems. In the Cartesian coordinate system, it is difficult to express momentum operators in coordinate representation owing to the complication in structure of the commutation relations between canonical variables. In the toric coordinate system, the commutation relations have a simple form and their solutions in coordinate representation are easily obtained with, furthermore, two quantum Hamiltonians turning up. A problem comes out when the coordinate system is transformed, after quantization, from the Cartesian to the toric coordinate system.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 1 Figure included as a compressed uuencoded postscript fil

    Approximability results for stable marriage problems with ties

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    We consider instances of the classical stable marriage problem in which persons may include ties in their preference lists. We show that, in such a setting, strong lower bounds hold for the approximability of each of the problems of finding an egalitarian, minimum regret and sex-equal stable matching. We also consider stable marriage instances in which persons may express unacceptable partners in addition to ties. In this setting, we prove that there are constants delta, delta' such that each of the problems of approximating a maximum and minimum cardinality stable matching within factors of delta, delta' (respectively) is NP-hard, under strong restrictions. We also give an approximation algorithm for both problems that has a performance guarantee expressible in terms of the number of lists with ties. This significantly improves on the best-known previous performance guarantee, for the case that the ties are sparse. Our results have applications to large-scale centralized matching schemes

    Actividad antifúngica de extractos crudos de bacillus subtilis contra fitopatógenos de soja (Glycine max) y efecto de su coinoculación con bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    373-383Fungal species Fusarium solani and Pythium sp. are among the microorganisms causing diseases in pre and post harvest crop soybean (Glycine max). Four strains of the genus Bacillus (B. subtilis ATCC6633, B. amylolyticus, B. subtilis var. natto, B. subtilis var. natto domesticated) were tested to evaluate the inhibitory response of them on the phytopathogenic fungi previously mentioned. The inoculation treatments were 1) seeds inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, and 2) seeds coinoculated with B. japonicum and B. subtilis. Plants were grown in a thermostated culture chamber at 30 more or less 1°C, 60 percent relative humidity and 16/8 light-dark photoperiod for 35 d. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and means were compared by applying the Tukey test (p less or equal to 0.05). The in vitro assays of the strain B. subtilis ATCC6633 reduced the mycelial growth of Fusarium solani (50 percent) and Pythium sp. (47 percent) compared to controls. The coinoculation of B. japonicum and B. subtilis stimulated the growth of the whole plant by 125 percent, 100 percent aerial part, 235 percent root, 20 percent number of leaves, and 88 percent nodule number compared to control. The strain B. subtilis ATCC6633 synthesized metabolites of proteinaceous nature and others with biosurfactant capacity. When the bacteria were grown in minimal saline medium, glycerol 1 percent and concentrations of L-glutamic acid between 40 and 55 mM, the highest concentration of proteinaceous metabolites (35 ug protein mL-1) was obtained and increased biofilm formation. Biofilm formation, the presence of biosurfactants and the release of antifungal metabolites positioned this bacterium in a situation competitively advantageous compared to the rest of the microbiota of the rhizosphere in the soybean plant. Entre los microorganismos causantes de enfermedades pre y post cosecha en los cultivos de soja (Glycine max) están las especies fúngicas Fusarium solani y Pythium sp. Cuatro cepas del género Bacillus (B. subtilis ATCC6633, B. amylolyticus, B. subtilis var. natto, B. subtilis var. natto domesticado) se probaron para evaluar su respuesta inhibitoria en los hongos fitopatógenos mencionados. Los tratamientos de inoculación fueron: 1) semillas inoculadas con Bradyrhizobium japonicum y 2) semillas coinoculadas con B. japonicum y B. subtilis. Las plantas crecieron en cámara de cultivo termostatizada a 30 más o menos 1°C, humedad relativa 60 porciento y fotoperíodo 16/8 luz-oscuridad durante 35 d. Los datos se analizaron mediante ANDEVA y las medias se compararon con la prueba de Tukey (p menor o igual a 0.05). Las pruebas in vitro de la cepa B. subtilis ATCC6633 redujeron el crecimiento micelial de Fusarium solani (50 porciento) y Pythium sp. (47 porciento) respecto a los testigos. La coinoculación de B. japonicum y B. subtilis estimuló el crecimiento de la planta completa en 125 porciento, parte aérea 100 porciento, raíz 235 porciento, número de hojas 20 porciento y número de nódulos 88 porciento respecto al testigo. La cepa de B. subtilis ATCC6633 sintetizó metabolitos de naturaleza proteínica y otros con capacidad biosurfactante. Cuando la bacteria se cultivó en medio mínimo salino, glicerol 1 porciento y concentraciones de ácido L-glutámico entre 40 y 55 mM, se obtuvo la concentración mayor de metabolitos de naturaleza proteínica (35 mg proteína mL-1) y la mayor formación de biopelícula. La formación de la biopelícula, la presencia de biosurfactantes y la liberación de metabolitos antifúngicos, posicionan a esta bacteria en una situación competitivamente ventajosa en relación al resto de la microbiota de la rizósfera en la planta de soja

    A Subaru Weak Lensing Survey I: Cluster Candidates and Spectroscopic Verification

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    We present the results of an ongoing weak lensing survey conducted with the Subaru telescope whose initial goal is to locate and study the distribution of shear-selected structures or halos. Using a Suprime-cam imaging survey spanning 21.82 square degree, we present a catalog of 100 candidate halos located from lensing convergence maps. Our sample is reliably drawn from that subset of our survey area, (totaling 16.72 square degree) uncontaminated by bright stars and edge effects and limited at a convergence signal to noise ratio of 3.69. To validate the sample detailed spectroscopic measures have been made for 26 candidates using the Subaru multi-object spectrograph, FOCAS. All are confirmed as clusters of galaxies but two arise as the superposition of multiple clusters viewed along the line of sight. Including data available in the literature and an ongoing Keck spectroscopic campaign, a total of 41 halos now have reliable redshifts. For one of our survey fields, the XMM LSS (Pierre et al. 2004) field, we compare our lensing-selected halo catalog with its X-ray equivalent. Of 15 halos detected in the XMM-LSS field, 10 match with published X-ray selected clusters and a further 2 are newly-detected and spectroscopically confirmed in this work. Although three halos have not yet been confirmed, the high success rate within the XMM-LSS field (12/15) confirms that weak lensing provides a reliable method for constructing cluster catalogs, irrespective of the nature of the constituent galaxies or the intracluster medium.Comment: To appear in ApJ, High resolution preprint available at http://anela.mtk.nao.ac.jp/suprime33/papers/p1.ps.g

    Actividad antifúngica de extractos crudos de bacillus subtilis contra fitopatógenos de soja (Glycine max) y efecto de su coinoculación con bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    373-383Fungal species Fusarium solani and Pythium sp. are among the microorganisms causing diseases in pre and post harvest crop soybean (Glycine max). Four strains of the genus Bacillus (B. subtilis ATCC6633, B. amylolyticus, B. subtilis var. natto, B. subtilis var. natto domesticated) were tested to evaluate the inhibitory response of them on the phytopathogenic fungi previously mentioned. The inoculation treatments were 1) seeds inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, and 2) seeds coinoculated with B. japonicum and B. subtilis. Plants were grown in a thermostated culture chamber at 30 more or less 1°C, 60 percent relative humidity and 16/8 light-dark photoperiod for 35 d. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and means were compared by applying the Tukey test (p less or equal to 0.05). The in vitro assays of the strain B. subtilis ATCC6633 reduced the mycelial growth of Fusarium solani (50 percent) and Pythium sp. (47 percent) compared to controls. The coinoculation of B. japonicum and B. subtilis stimulated the growth of the whole plant by 125 percent, 100 percent aerial part, 235 percent root, 20 percent number of leaves, and 88 percent nodule number compared to control. The strain B. subtilis ATCC6633 synthesized metabolites of proteinaceous nature and others with biosurfactant capacity. When the bacteria were grown in minimal saline medium, glycerol 1 percent and concentrations of L-glutamic acid between 40 and 55 mM, the highest concentration of proteinaceous metabolites (35 ug protein mL-1) was obtained and increased biofilm formation. Biofilm formation, the presence of biosurfactants and the release of antifungal metabolites positioned this bacterium in a situation competitively advantageous compared to the rest of the microbiota of the rhizosphere in the soybean plant. Entre los microorganismos causantes de enfermedades pre y post cosecha en los cultivos de soja (Glycine max) están las especies fúngicas Fusarium solani y Pythium sp. Cuatro cepas del género Bacillus (B. subtilis ATCC6633, B. amylolyticus, B. subtilis var. natto, B. subtilis var. natto domesticado) se probaron para evaluar su respuesta inhibitoria en los hongos fitopatógenos mencionados. Los tratamientos de inoculación fueron: 1) semillas inoculadas con Bradyrhizobium japonicum y 2) semillas coinoculadas con B. japonicum y B. subtilis. Las plantas crecieron en cámara de cultivo termostatizada a 30 más o menos 1°C, humedad relativa 60 porciento y fotoperíodo 16/8 luz-oscuridad durante 35 d. Los datos se analizaron mediante ANDEVA y las medias se compararon con la prueba de Tukey (p menor o igual a 0.05). Las pruebas in vitro de la cepa B. subtilis ATCC6633 redujeron el crecimiento micelial de Fusarium solani (50 porciento) y Pythium sp. (47 porciento) respecto a los testigos. La coinoculación de B. japonicum y B. subtilis estimuló el crecimiento de la planta completa en 125 porciento, parte aérea 100 porciento, raíz 235 porciento, número de hojas 20 porciento y número de nódulos 88 porciento respecto al testigo. La cepa de B. subtilis ATCC6633 sintetizó metabolitos de naturaleza proteínica y otros con capacidad biosurfactante. Cuando la bacteria se cultivó en medio mínimo salino, glicerol 1 porciento y concentraciones de ácido L-glutámico entre 40 y 55 mM, se obtuvo la concentración mayor de metabolitos de naturaleza proteínica (35 mg proteína mL-1) y la mayor formación de biopelícula. La formación de la biopelícula, la presencia de biosurfactantes y la liberación de metabolitos antifúngicos, posicionan a esta bacteria en una situación competitivamente ventajosa en relación al resto de la microbiota de la rizósfera en la planta de soja