4,589 research outputs found

    Electronic inhomogeneity in EuO: Possibility of magnetic polaron states

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    We have observed the spatial inhomogeneity of the electronic structure of a single-crystalline electron-doped EuO thin film with ferromagnetic ordering by employing infrared magneto-optical imaging with synchrotron radiation. The uniform paramagnetic electronic structure changes to a uniform ferromagnetic structure via an inhomogeneous state with decreasing temperature and increasing magnetic field slightly above the ordering temperature. One possibility of the origin of the inhomogeneity is the appearance of magnetic polaron states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    SiO Maser Survey of the Large-Amplitude Variables in the Galactic Center

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    We have surveyed ~400 known large-amplitude variables within 15' of the galactic center in the SiO J=1--0 v=1 and 2 maser lines at 43 GHz, resulting in 179 detections. SiO lines were also detected from 16 other resulting in 180 detections. SiO lines were also detected from 16 other sources, which are located within 20" (the telescope half beamwidth) of the program objects. The detection rate of 48 percent is comparable to that obtained in Bulge IRAS source surveys. Among the SiO detections, five stars have radial velocities greater than 200 km/s. The SiO detection rate increases steeply with the period of light variation, particularly for stars with P>500 d, where it exceeds 80%. We found that, at a given period, the SiO detection rate is approximately three times that for OH. These facts suggest that the large-amplitude variables in the Nuclear Disk region are AGB stars similar in their overall properties to the inner and outer Bulge IRAS/SiO sources. From the set of radial velocity data, the mass distribution within 30 pc of the galactic center is derived by a new method which is based on the collisionless Boltzmann equation integrated along the line of sight. The mass within 30 pc is about 6.4 [\pm 0.7] \times 10^7 M_{\odot} and the mass of the central black hole is 2.7 [\pm 1.3] \times 10^6 M_{\odot}. Consideration of the line-of-sight velocity of each star and its potential energy leads to the conclusion that the five high-velocity stars come from galactocentric distances as high as 300 pc. The high-velocity subsample of stars with negative radial velocities exhibits a tendency to have brighter K magnitudes than the subsample of stars with positive velocities. The origin of these high-velocity stars is discussed.Comment: Hires. figures are available as No.604 of NRO report at http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/library/report/list.html . PASJ 56 (april 28 issue) in pres

    SiO Maser Survey of IRAS Sources in the Inner Galactic Disk

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    We have surveyed 401 color selected IRAS sources in the Galactic disk in the SiO J=1--0 v= 1 and 2 maser lines at 43 GHz, resulting in 254 (239 new) detections. The observed sources lie mostly in a strip of the inner Galactic disk with boundaries -10<l<40 deg and |b|<3 deg. This survey provides radial velocities of inner-disk stars for which optical measurements cannot be made due to interstellar extinction. The SiO ll--vv diagram in the area −10<l<40degexhibitsfewerobjectscoincidentwiththemolecularringfeaturethantheOH1612MHzsource-10<l<40 deg exhibits fewer objects coincident with the molecular ring feature than the OH 1612 MHz source l−−--v$ map does, indicating a slight difference of stellar type between SiO and OH emitting stars. After identifying all of the SiO detected sources in the 2MASS near-infrared catalog, we computed their luminosity distances based on the infrared fluxes. We then mapped these objects onto the first quadrant of the Galactic plane. Combining the distances with the SiO radial-velocities, we obtained a pattern speed for SiO maser sources, Omega_P=21 (+- 13) km s^{-1} kpc^{-1}, between the distances 1 and 5.5 kpc, without the use of any dynamical models. The increase of the pattern speed toward the Galactic center (up to 60 km s^{-1} kpc^{-1} between the distances, 5.5 and 7 kpc) suggests the presence of two pattern speeds in the Galaxy.Comment: 38 page 9 figures, high res. eps files are available as NRO report No. 608 (http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/library/report/list.html). PASJ 56 No. 4 in pres

    Detections of SiO Masers from the Large-Amplitude Variables in the Galactic Nuclear Disk

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    We have surveyed known large-amplitude variables within 15' of the Galactic center in the SiO J=1-0 v=1 and 2 maser lines at 43 GHz, resulting in 79 detections and 58 non-detections. The detection rate of 58 percent is comparable to that obtained in Bulge IRAS source surveys. SiO lines were also detected from four other sources near the program objects. The SiO detection rate increases steeply with the period, particularly for stars with P>500 d, where it exceeds 80%. We found at a given period that the SiO detection rate is approximately double that for OH. These facts suggest that the large-amplitude variables in the Nuclear Disk region are AGB stars similar in their overall properties to the inner and outer bulge IRAS/SiO sources.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 Table. PASJ 54, No 2 April 25 issue in pres

    DEM Simulation of Soil Loosening Process Caused by a Vibrating Subsoiler

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 9 (2007): DEM Simulation of Soil Loosening Process Caused by a Vibrating Subsoiler. Manuscript PM 05 010. Vol. IX. November, 2007

    Glasslike Arrest in Spinodal Decomposition as a Route to Colloidal Gelation

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    Colloid-polymer mixtures can undergo spinodal decomposition into colloid-rich and colloid-poor regions. Gelation results when interconnected colloid-rich regions solidify. We show that this occurs when these regions undergo a glass transition, leading to dynamic arrest of the spinodal decomposition. The characteristic length scale of the gel decreases with increasing quench depth, and the nonergodicity parameter exhibits a pronounced dependence on scattering vector. Mode coupling theory gives a good description of the dynamics, provided we use the full static structure as input.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; replaced with published versio

    Orbital Order Effect of Two-Dimensional Spin Gap System for CaV4O9

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    Effects of possible orbital order in magnetic properties of two-dimensional spin gap system for CaV4_4O9_9 are investigated theoretically. After analyzing experimental data, we show that single orbital models assumed in the literature are insufficient to reproduce the data. To understand the origin of the discrepancy, we assume that in d1d^1 state of V, dxzd_{xz} and dyzd_{yz} orbitals have substantial contributions in the lowest-energy atomic level which leads to a double-degeneracy. We study possible configurations of the orbital order. By exact diagonalization and perturbation expansion, we calculate the susceptibility, wavenumber dependence of low-lying excitations and equal-time spin-spin correlations which is related to integrated intensity of the neutron inelastic scattering. These quantities sensitively depend on the configuration of the orbital order. The calculated results for some configurations of the orbital order reproduce many experimental results much better than the previous single-orbital models. However some discrepancy still remains to completely reproduce all of the reported experimental results. To understand the origin of these discrepancies, we point out the possible importance of the partially occupied dxyd_{xy} orbital in addition to orbital order of partially filled dxzd_{xz} and dyzd_{yz} orbitals.Comment: 19 pages LATEX, 15 postscript figures, using jpsj.sty,to be published in J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. Vol.67 No.2 (1998

    Temperature Dependence of Zero-Bias Resistances of a Single Resistance-Shunted Josephson Junction

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    Zero-bias resistances of a single resistance-shunted Josephson junction are calculated as a function of the temperature by means of the path-integral Monte Carlo method in case a charging energy ECE_{\rm C} is comparable with a Josephson energy EJE_{\rm J}. The low-temperature behavior of the zero-bias resistance changes around α=RQ/RS=1\alpha=R_{\rm Q}/R_{\rm S}=1, where RSR_{\rm S} is a shunt resistance and RQ=h/(2e)2R_{\rm Q}=h/(2e)^2. The temperature dependence of the zero-bias resistance shows a power-law-like behavior whose exponent depends on EJ/ECE_{\rm J}/E_{\rm C}. These results are compared with the experiments on resistance-shunted Josephson junctions

    Magnetic Susceptibility for CaV4O9CaV_4O_9

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    We examine experimental magnetic susceptibility χtot(T)\chi^{tot}(T) for CaV4_4O9_9 by fitting with fitting function αχmag(T)+c\alpha \chi^{mag}(T) + c. The function χmag(T)\chi^{mag}(T) is a power series of 1/T and the lowest order term is fixed as C/TC/T, where CC is the Curie constant as determined by the experimental gg-value (g=1.96). Fitting parameters are α\alpha, cc and expansion coefficients except for the first one in χmag(T)\chi^{mag}(T). We determine α\alpha and cc as α≃\alpha \simeq 0.73 and c≃c\simeq 0 for an experimental sample. We interpret α\alpha as the volume fraction of CaV4_4O9_9 in the sample and χmag(T)\chi^{mag}(T) as the susceptibility for the pure CaV4_4O9_9. The result of α≠1\alpha \ne 1 means that the sample includes nonmagnetic components. This interpretation consists with the result of a perturbation theory and a neutron scattering experiment.Comment: 4pages, 4figure
