79 research outputs found

    A Scan-Out Power Reduction Method for Multi-Cycle BIST

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    High test power in logic BIST is a serious problem not only for production test, but also for board test, system debug or field test. Many low power BIST approaches that focus on scan-shift power or capture power have been proposed. However, it is known that a half of scan-shift power is compensated by test responses, which is difficult to control in those approaches. This paper proposes a novel approach that directly reduces scan-out power by modifying some flip-flops\u27 values in scan chains at the last capture. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces scan-out power up to 30% with little loss of test coverage.2012 IEEE 21st Asian Test Symposium, 19-22 Nov. 2012, Niigata, Japa

    A novel scan segmentation design method for avoiding shift timing failure in scan testing

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    ITC : 2011 IEEE International Test Conference , 20-22 Sep. 2011 , Anaheim, CA, USAHigh power consumption in scan testing can cause undue yield loss which has increasingly become a serious problem for deep-submicron VLSI circuits. Growing evidence attributes this problem to shift timing failures, which are primarily caused by excessive switching activity in the proximities of clock paths that tends to introduce severe clock skew due to IR-drop-induced delay increase. This paper is the first of its kind to address this critical issue with a novel layout-aware scheme based on scan segmentation design, called LCTI-SS (Low-Clock-Tree-Impact Scan Segmentation). An optimal combination of scan segments is identified for simultaneous clocking so that the switching activity in the proximities of clock trees is reduced while maintaining the average power reduction effect on conventional scan segmentation. Experimental results on benchmark and industrial circuits have demonstrated the advantage of the LCTI-SS scheme

    Efficient Test Set Modification for Capture Power Reduction

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    The occurrence of high switching activity when the response to a test vector is captured by flipflops in scan testing may cause excessive IR drop, resulting in significant test-induced yield loss. This paper addresses the problem with a novel method based on test set modification, featuring (1) a new constrained X-identification technique that turns a properly selected set of bits in a fullyspecified test set into X-bits without fault coverage loss, and (2) a new LCP (low capture power) X-filling technique that optimally assigns 0’s and 1’s to the X-bits for the purpose of reducing the switching activity of the resulting test set in capture mode. This method can be readily applied in any test generation flow for capture power reduction without any impact on area, timing, test set size, and fault coverage

    A GA-Based Method for High-Quality X-Filling to Reduce Launch Switching Activity in At-speed Scan Testing

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    Power-aware X-filling is a preferable approach to avoiding IR-drop-induced yield loss in at-speed scan testing. However, the quality of previous X-filling methods for reducing launch switching activity may be unsatisfactory, due to low effect (insufficient and global-only reduction) and/or low scalability (long CPU time). This paper addresses this quality problem with a novel, GA (Genetic Algorithm) based X-filling method, called GA-fill. Its goals are (1) to achieve both effectiveness and scalability in a more balanced manner, and (2) to make the reduction effect of launch switching activity more concentrated on critical areas that have higher impact on IR-drop-induced yield loss. Evaluation experiments are being conducted on benchmark and industrial circuits, and initial results have demonstrated the usefulness of GA-fill.2009 15th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, 16-18 November 2009, Shanghai, Chin

    Low Power BIST for Scan-Shift and Capture Power

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    Low-power test technology has been investigated deeply to achieve an accurate and efficient testing. Although many sophisticated methods are proposed for scan-test, there are not so many for logic BIST because of its uncontrollable randomness. However, logic BIST currently becomes vital for system debug or field test. This paper proposes a novel low power BIST technology that reduces shift-power by eliminating the specified high-frequency parts of vectors and also reduces capture power. The authors show that the proposed technology not only reduces test power but also keeps test coverage with little loss.2012 IEEE 21st Asian Test Symposium, 19-22 Nov. 2012, Niigata, Japa

    Scan Chain Grouping for Mitigating IR-Drop-Induced Test Data Corruption

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    Loading and unloading test patterns during scan testing causes many scan flip-flops to trigger simultaneously. This instantaneous switching activity during shift in turn may cause excessive IR-drop that can disrupt the states of some scan flip-flops and corrupt test stimuli or responses. A common design technique to even out these instantaneous power surges is to design multiple scan chains and shift only a group of the scan chains at a same time. This paper introduces a novel algorithm to optimally group scan chains so as to minimize the probability of test data corruption caused by excessive instantaneous IR-drop on scan flip-flops. The experiments show optimal results on all large ITC\u2799 benchmark circuits.2017 IEEE 26th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 27-30 November 2017, Taipei, Taiwa

    A Novel Scan Segmentation Design Method for Avoiding Shift Timing Failure in Scan Testing

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    High power consumption in scan testing can cause undue yield loss which has increasingly become a serious problem for deep-submicron VLSI circuits. Growing evidence attributes this problem to shift timing failures, which are primarily caused by excessive switching activity in the proximities of clock paths that tends to introduce severe clock skew due to IR-drop-induced delay increase. This paper is the first of its kind to address this critical issue with a novel layout-aware scheme based on scan segmentation design, called LCTI-SS (Low-Clock-Tree-Impact Scan Segmentation). An optimal combination of scan segments is identified for simultaneous clocking so that the switching activity in the proximities of clock trees is reduced while maintaining the average power reduction effect on conventional scan segmentation. Experimental results on benchmark and industrial circuits have demonstrated the advantage of the LCTI-SS scheme.2011 IEEE International Test Conference, 20-22 September 2011, Anaheim, CA, US

    On Guaranteeing Capture Safety in At-Speed Scan Testing with Broadcast-Scan-Based Test Compression

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    Capture safety has become a major concern in at-speed scan testing since strong power supply noise caused by excessive launch switching activity (LSA) at transition launching in an at-speed test cycle often results in severe timing-failure-induced yield loss. Recently, a basic RM (rescue-&-mask) test generation scheme was proposed for guaranteeing capture safety rather than merely reducing LSA to some extent. This paper extends the basic RM scheme to broadcast-scan-based test compression by uniquely solving two test-compression-induced problems, namely (1) input X-bit insufficiency (i.e., fewer input X-bits are available for LSA reduction due to test compression) and (2) output X-bit impact (i.e., output X-bits may reduce fault coverage due to test response compaction). This leads to the broadcast-RM (broadcast-scan-based rescue-&-mask) test generation scheme. Evaluations on large benchmark circuits and an industrial circuit of about 1M gates clearly demonstrate that this novel scheme can indeed guarantee capture safety in at-speed scan testing with broadcast-scan-based test compression while minimizing its impact on both test quality and test costs.2013 26th International Conference on VLSI Design, 5-10 January 2013, Pune, Indi

    A Novel Scheme to Reduce Power Supply Noise for High-Quality At-Speed Scan Testing

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    High-quality at-speed scan testing, characterized by high small-delay-defect detecting capability, is indispensable to achieve high delay test quality for DSM circuits. However, such testing is susceptible to yield loss due to excessive power supply noise caused by high launch-induced switching activity. This paper addresses this serious problem with a novel and practical post-ATPG X-filling scheme, featuring (1) a test relaxation method, called path keeping X-identification, that finds don\u27t-care bits from a fully-specified transition delay test set while preserving its delay test quality by keeping the longest paths originally sensitized for fault detection, and (2) an X-filling method, called justification-probability-based fill (JP-fill), that is both effective and scalable for reducing launch-induced switching activity. This scheme can be easily implemented into any ATPG flow to effectively reduce power supply noise, without any impact on delay test quality, test data volume, area overhead, and circuit timing.2007 IEEE International Test Conference, 21-26 October 2007, Santa Clara, CA, US

    An Improved Method of Per-Test X-Fault Diagnosis for Deep-Submicron LSI Circuits

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    Per-test diagnosis based on the X-fault model is an effective approach for a circuit with physical defects of nondeterministic logic behavior. However, the extensive use of vias and the unpredictable order relation among threshold voltages at fanout branches, both being typical phenomena in a deep-submicron circuit, have not been fully addressed by conventional per-test X-fault diagnosis. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an improved per-test X-fault diagnosis method, featuring (1) an extended X-fault model to handle vias and (2) occurrence probabilities of logic behavior for a physical defect to handle the unpredictable relation among threshold voltages. Experimental result show the effectiveness of the proposed method.7th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT`06), November 23-24, 2006, Fukuoka, Japa
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