9 research outputs found
Stability of bocaiuva (Acrocomia spp.) mass candy stored in different packages.
Bocaiuva (Acrocomia spp.) is a fruit native to areas of Cerrado and Pantanal that stands out for its nutritional value, presence of bioactive substances, and high pulp yield. The aim of this study was to develop a mass candy of bocaiuva, characterize it physicochemically, quantify the retention of bioactive substances, evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological stability and sensorial acceptance for up to 120 days, and verify the effect of different types of packages and storage time on the developed product quality. The prepared mass candy was stored in plastic packages of terephthalate polyethene that were transparent and metallized. We have characterized its centesimal composition and microbiological and sensorial stability, evaluating its color, moisture, pH, soluble solids, titrable acidity, retention of ascorbic acid, carotenoids, total phenolics, and antioxidant capacity. The results indicated that the bocaiuva mass candy stays stable for physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory parameters over storage and that the metallized polyethene terephthalate package best conserves the bioactive substances.</jats:p
Solid phase microextraction for the analysis of irradiated raw chicken thigh
Volatile compounds of irradiated raw chicken thighs were extracted by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-O. The olfactometry experiments correlated characteristic sensory descriptors of raw chicken thighs to volatile compounds identified by GC-MS. Hexanal, octanal, nonanal, 2,4-decadienal, and gamma-butyrolactone were the main volatile compounds produced by the oxidation of the lipids in the raw chicken thighs. Other non-identified volatile compounds were detected as the gamma radiation dosage increased. There was a clear sigmoidal relationship between the gamma radiation dosage and volatile hexanal.18332933
Qualidade microbiologica da carne de frango irradiada em embalagem convencional e a vácuo Microbiological evaluation of chicken breast meat irradiated in conventional and vacuum package
Foram avaliados os efeitos da radiação gama nas doses de 1,5 e 3,0kGy, em peitos de frango embalados em embalagem convencional e a vácuo. As amostras embaladas foram submetidas à irradiação e estocadas sob refrigeração (4ºC) por 30 dias. A radiação mostrou-se eficiente na redução de mesófilos aeróbios estritos e facultativos viáveis, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, com destaque para Salmonella spp. Os bolores e leveduras mostraram-se bastante resistentes à radiação. Os resultados sugerem que a dose de 3,0kGy pode ser utilizada no controle da microbiota do peito de frango armazenado sob refrigeração, sendo uma alternativa para o aumento da vida de prateleira por até 10 dias, ao garantir a segurança do consumidor pela eliminação de possíveis patógenos.<br>The effects of gamma radiation doses of 1.5 and 3.0kGy on chicken breasts packed under conventional or vacuum atmosphere were evaluated. The packed samples were subjected to irradiation and stored under refrigeration (4°C) for 30 days. The radiation was efficient in reducing strict and facultative aerobic mesophiles, total and fecal coliforms, and mainly Salmonella spp. The molds and yeasts were very resistant to radiation. The results suggest that gamma radiation at 3.0kGy can be used to control the microbiota in chicken breast stored under refrigeration, as an alternative to extend the shelf-life for more than ten days and ensure the food safety by eliminating potential pathogens