169 research outputs found

    Polymerization Shrinkage of Short Fiber Reinforced Dental Composite Using a Confocal Laser Analysis

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the polymerization shrinkage of short fiber reinforced composite (SFRC) using a multicolor confocal displacement laser that can measure the polymerization shrinkage with high accuracy. The three types of SFRCs used in this study were XD (Ever X Flow Dentin), XB (Ever X Flow Bulk), and XP (EverX Posterior). In addition, CF (Clearfil majesty ES Flow) with hybrid type filler was used as a control. The measured values of the final polymerization shrinkage rate and amount of polymerization shrinkage rate when the polymerization shrinkage rate became constant (less than 0.1 mu m/s) were approximated for all SFRCs. XP had a large aspect ratio of glass fiber filler and showed a significant difference from XD with a small aspect ratio (p 0.05). There was no significant difference in the measured values of polymerization shrinkage rate after the polymerization shrinkage reached a constant rate for all SFRCs (p > 0.05). These results show that glass fiber with large aspect ratio can alleviate polymerization shrinkage stress. The polymerization behavior of SFRC was found to be dependent on the amount of glass fiber filler, aspect ratio, and orientation

    The Effect of Implant Length and Diameter on Stress Distribution around Single Implant Placement in 3D Posterior Mandibular FE Model Directly Constructed Form In Vivo CT

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    A three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) model of the mandibular bone was created from 3D X-ray CT scan images of a live human subject. Simulating the clinical situation of implant therapy at the mandibular first molar, virtual extraction of the tooth was performed at the 3D FE mandibular model, and 12 different implant diameters and lengths were virtually inserted in order to carry out a mechanical analysis. (1) High stress concentration was found at the surfaces of the buccal and lingual peri-implant bone adjacent to the sides of the neck in all the implants. (2) The greatest stress value was approximately 6.0 MPa with implant diameter of 3.8 mm, approx. 4.5 MPa with implant diameter of 4.3 mm, and approx. 3.2 MPa with implant diameter of 6.0 mm. (3) The stress on the peri-implant bone was found to decrease with increasing length and mainly in diameter of the implant

    Dimensional Accuracy of Dental Casting Patterns Fabricated Using Consumer 3D Printers

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    Consumer 3D printers have improved considerably due to the evolution of additive manufacturing. This study aimed to examine the accuracy of consumer printers in dental restoration. Cylindrical patterns mimicking a full crown were created and enlarged from 100% to 105% of the original size. Two types of consumer 3D printers, including a fused deposition modeling (FDM) device and a stereolithography (SLA) device, and two types of dental 3D printers, including a multi-jet device and an SLA device, were used to fabricate the patterns. Then, the outer and inner diameters and depths, and surface roughness of the patterns were measured. The changing rates of the outer diameter of models created using dental printers were significantly smaller than those of the models created using consumer printers (p 0.05). However, FDM showed larger surface roughness than dental devices in both axes (p < 0.05). Thus, the SLA consumer printer can be applied to fabricate resin patterns with enlargement editing of 1-3% along the horizontal axis

    Endogenization and excision of human herpesvirus 6 in human genomes

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    Sequences homologous to human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) are integrated within the nuclear genome of about 1% of humans, but it is not clear how this came about. It is also uncertain whether integrated HHV-6 can reactive into an infectious virus. HHV-6 integrates into telomeres, and this has recently been associated with polymorphisms affecting MOV10L1. MOV10L1 is located on the subtelomere of chromosome 22q (chr22q) and is required to make PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). As piRNAs block germline integration of transposons, piRNA-mediated repression of HHV-6 integration has been proposed to explain this association.In vitro, recombination of the HHV-6 genome along its terminal direct repeats (DRs) leads to excision from the telomere and viral reactivation, but the expected "solo-DR scar" has not been describedin vivo. Here we screened for integrated HHV-6 in 7,485 Japanese subjects using whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Integrated HHV-6 was associated with polymorphisms on chr22q. However, in contrast to prior work, we find that the reported MOV10L1 polymorphism is physically linked to an ancient endogenous HHV-6A variant integrated into the telomere of chr22q in East Asians. Unexpectedly, an HHV-6B variant has also endogenized in chr22q; two endogenous HHV-6 variants at this locus thus account for 72% of all integrated HHV-6 in Japan. We also report human genomes carrying only one portion of the HHV-6B genome, a solo-DR, supporting in vivo excision and possible viral reactivation. Together these results explain the recently-reported association between integrated HHV-6 and MOV10L1/piRNAs, suggest potential exaptation of HHV-6 in its coevolution with human chr22q, and clarify the evolution and risk of reactivation of the only intact (non-retro)viral genome known to be present in human germlines

    The Effect of Praziquantel on Patterns of Schistosoma mansoni Eggshell Hatching Breaks

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    The break of the eggshell formed by water- and praziquantel (PZQ)-induced hatching of Schistosoma mansoni eggs was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The break most frequently formed on the long axis of the eggshell opposite the spine, and less frequently along spine side, parallel or oblique to the long axis of the lateral side of the egg-shell. An outwardly-curled lip of shell lined the external margins of the hatching orifice. The shell itself was of uniform thickness and fairly smooth. No significant difference was observed in the position breaks between water- and PZQ-hatched eggs. However, PZQ hatching produced smaller hatching orifices and the miracidium frequently failed to escape

    Effects of Removal Conditions on Mercury Amount Remaining in the Oral Cavity and inside Drainage System after Removing Dental Amalgams

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    Mercury is produced and drained into the environment by removing dental amalgams, which may cause mercury pollution. This study aimed to clarify the mercury amount remaining in the oral cavity and inside the drain system after removal. The effects of the removal conditions and differences in drainage systems were also investigated. Dental amalgams filled in the tooth and placed in a phantom head were removed using an air turbine under several conditions (two removal methods, absence of cooling water, and intraoral suction). Then, the oral cavity was rinsed with 100 mL of water (oral rinse water), and 500 mL of water was suctioned to wash the inside of the drainage system (system rinse water). Both water samples were collected in two ways (amalgam separator and gas-liquid separator), and their mercury amounts were measured. It was found that the amount of mercury left in the oral cavity and drainage system after dental amalgams removal could be reduced when the amalgams were removed by being cut into fragments as well as using cooling water and intraoral suction. In addition, using amalgam separators can significantly reduce the amount of mercury in the discharge water and prevent the draining of mercury into the environment