264 research outputs found

    <Poster Presentation 11>Noise-induced Phenomena in Two Strongly Pulse-coupled Spiking Neuron Models

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    [Date] November 28 (Mon) - December 2 (Fri), 2011: [Place] Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto, JAPA

    Institutional Quality and Homogeneity, and Types of International Transactions

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    This paper investigates the conditions under which institutional homogeneities rather than qualities affect international flows. This issue is important for the validity of harmonization, because no matter which direction negotiations over harmonization take, harmonization is an attempt to enhance homogeneity between the institutions of different countries. Estimation results indicate that when the qualities of trading countries are equally high, while improving institutional qualities does not increase international flows, institutional homogeneity increases transactions, suggesting the validity of harmonization of institutions. We also examine whether institutions have a larger effect on foreign direct investment (FDI) than on trade in goods. While previous studies on institutions and trade investigate each transaction separately, our study treats different types of transactions simultaneously. The empirical results on relative effects show that institutional qualities and homogeneities have a larger effect on FDI than on trade in goods, implying that better and similar institutions decrease domestic transaction and production costs more than trade costs

    Institutional Quality and Homogeneity, and Types of International Transactions

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    This paper investigates the conditions under which institutional qualities and homogeneities affect international flows and what type of international transaction is most influenced by institutions. Estimation results indicate that institutional quality matters when trading countries’ qualities are significantly different or equally low. When trading countries’ qualities do not differ, institutional homogeneity increases international transactions, suggesting the validity of harmonization of institutions. The empirical results on relative effects show that institutional qualities and homogeneities have a larger effect on foreign direct investment than on trade in goods, implying that better and similar institutions decrease FDI-related costs more than trade costs

    Competition among Regional Banks in Japan : Evidence from the Boone Indicator

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    In this study, we use the method of Boone et al. (2007, How (not) to measure competition, TILEC Discussion Paper, No. 2007 - 014), known as the Boone indicator, to estimate competition in the banking industry in Japan. Classical methods, for example, market share, price-cost margin, and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, are not monotonically related to competition, so they are inappropriate. On the other hand, as many studies by Boone suggest, the Boone indicator can capture precisely the degree of competition. Our results show that the banking industry in Japan has been more competitive in recent years

    Production of silk sericin/silk fibroin blend nanofibers

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    Gamergate controls dopamine levels of workers in <i>Diacamma</i> sp.

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    Introdução: O climatério representa uma fase de mudança e de transição no ciclo de vida feminino, durante o qual as mulheres experimentam alterações físicas e psicológicas decorrentes do hipoestrogenismo e envelhecimento. O Médico de Família é habitualmente o primeiro profissional de saúde a quem a mulher recorre para esclarecer as suas dúvidas e solicitar o alívio da sintomatologia climatérica, ocupando uma posição privilegiada para promover a capacitação e empowerment das utentes. Métodos: Promoveu-se um estudo observacional transversal, aplicando um questionário de auto-preenchimento a 92 mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 40 e os 60 anos, que frequentam os Centros de Saúde Norton de Matos e S. Martinho do Bispo (USF Mondego), de forma a avaliar a abordagem da menopausa nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. A recolha dos dados decorreu de abril a julho de 2014. O tratamento estatístico foi efetuado através da plataforma estatística IBM SPSS v21.0. Resultados: Mais de metade das mulheres (55,4%) referiu ter conversado com o Médico de Família sobre a menopausa e todos os assuntos relacionados, todavia 19,6% ainda manifestavam dúvidas. O médico foi considerado a principal fonte de informação para 50% das inquiridas. A maioria das mulheres (77,2%) descreveu a presença de sintomas climatéricos, sendo os mais frequentes as dores ósseas (73,2%) e a ansiedade (67,6%). 39,1% das inquiridas indicaram a interferência do climatério na sua vida diária, sendo a vida familiar (69,4%) e a sexual (58,3%) as mais afetadas. Verificou-se uma associação significativa entre a presença de sintomas e a interferência do climatério na vida diária e na qualidade de vida da mulher. As mulheres sintomáticas (OR=12,983 com IC95% [2,808;60,033]) e as que referiram a interferência do climatério no dia a dia (OR=5,965 com IC95% [2,364;15,048]) apresentaram uma probabilidade aumentada de recorrer a consultas de Medicina Geral e Familiar. As infeções urinárias de repetição (91,7%) foram as queixas que mais motivaram a ida ao Médico de Família. Das mulheres sintomáticas, 45,1% referiram ter cuidados adicionais ou fazer algum tratamento. A terapêutica hormonal revelou-se a mais eficaz no alívio das queixas, tendo como prescritor mais frequente o Ginecologista (58,3%). Conclusão: O Médico de Família assume um papel crucial na capacitação e acompanhamento da mulher climatérica. Constatou-se que ainda permanecem dúvidas que necessitam de ser esclarecidas e que são necessárias normas que uniformizem a abordagem da menopausa na prática clínica.Introduction: The climacteric represents a time of change and transition in the female life cycle, during which women experience physical and psychological changes resulting from hypoestrogenism and aging. The general practitioner is usually the first health professional to whom a woman appeals to clarify her doubts and request relief from climacteric symptoms, occupying a privileged position to promote capacity building and empowerment of patients. Methods: It was promoted a cross-sectional observational study, applying a self-completion questionnaire to 92 women, aged between 40 and 60 years, who attend the health centers of Norton de Matos and S. Martinho do Bispo (USF Mondego), in order to evaluate the approach of menopause in Primary Health Care. Data collection took place from April to July 2014. The statistical analysis was performed by the statistical platform IBM SPSS v21.0. Results: More than half of women (55.4%) said they had talked to the general practitioner about menopause and all the related subjects, however 19.6% still had doubts. The doctor was considered the main source of information for 50% of the surveyed women. Most women (77.2%) described the presence of menopausal symptoms, the most common being bone pain (73.2%) and anxiety (67.6%). 39.1% of the surveyed indicated the interference of the climacteric in their everyday life, being the family life (69.4%) and the sexual life (58.3%) the most affected. There was a significant association between the presence of symptoms of menopause and the interference of the climacteric in daily life and quality of life. Symptomatic women (OR = 12.983 with 95% CI [2.808, 60.033]) and those who mentioned the interference of the climacteric in daily life (OR = 5.965 95% CI [2.364, 15.048]) had an increased likelihood of appealing to a general practitioner. Recurrent urinary tract infections (91.7%) were complaints that most commonly lead going to the general practitioner. Of symptomatic women, 45.1% said having additional care or getting some treatment. Hormone therapy proved more effective in relieving complaints, having the gynecologist as the most frequent prescriber (58.3%). Conclusion: The general practitioner plays a key role in the capacity building and monitoring of the climacteric woman. It was found that there are still questions that need to be clarified and that standards are necessary to standardize the approach of menopause in clinical practice