352 research outputs found

    Extensions of the full optimized reaction space model for molecular electronic wavefunctions

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    A Full Optimized Reaction Space (FORS) wavefunction is defined as the optimal configuration interaction wavefunction in a full space of N-electron configurations where all orbitals are optimized. A method is developed for generating configurational basis of such a full reaction space;The results of multi-configuration self-consistent-field (MCSCF) calculations using FORS wavefunctions are discussed for the low-lying electronic states of allene at planar geometries;Two possible augmentations to the FORS model are developed. The first is a semi-empirical correction method, termed the Intra- Atomic Correlation Correction (IACC) model where FORS wave- functions are expressed in terms of configurations, generated from localized molecular orbitals, which have the character of atomic states. With the help of these expansions, correlation corrections, available from atoms, are transferred to the molecular wavefunctions. The second augmentation consists of improving the FORS wave- function by the systematic inclusion of additional configurations involving orbitals outside the valence space. The effectiveness of;both approaches is demonstrated by applications to a series of diatomic molecules; *USDOE Report IS-T 1153. This work was performed under Contract No. W-7405-eng-82 with the U.S. Department of Energy

    An investigation on dysphonic patients' and clinicians' perception of voice-related communication difficulties

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 26-28).Also available in print.Thesis (B.Sc)--University of Hong Kong, 2008.A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Speech and Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong, June 30, 2008.published_or_final_versionSpeech and Hearing SciencesBachelorBachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science

    SonicSpray: a technique to reconfigure permeable mid-air displays

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    Permeable, mid-air displays, such as those using fog or water mist are limited by our ability to shape and control the aerosol and deal with two major issues: (1) the size and complexity of the system, and (2) the creation of laminar flow, to retain display quality. Here we present SonicSpray, a technique using ultrasonic Bessel beams to create reconfigurable mid-air displays. We build a prototype from low-cost, off-the-shelf parts. We explore the potential and limitations of SonicSpray to create and redirect laminar flows of fog. We demonstrate a working prototype that precisely controls laminar aerosols through only 6x6 ultrasound transducers array. We describe the implementation steps to build the device, verify the control and projection algorithm for the display, and evaluate its performance. We finally report our exploration of several useful applications, in learning, entertainment and arts

    Tian Xian Liquid (TXL) induces apoptosis in HT-29 colon cancer cell in vitro and inhibits tumor growth in vivo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tian Xian Liquid (TXL) is a Chinese medicine decoction and has been used as an anticancer dietary supplement. The present study aims to investigate the effects of TXL on the apoptosis of HT-29 cells and tumor growth <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>HT-29 colon cancer cells were treated with gradient dilution of TXL. The mitochondrial membrane potential was measured by JC-1 assay. The release of cytochrome c from mitochondrial and apoptosis-related proteins <it>Bax</it>, <it>Bcl-2</it>, cleaved caspase-3, 9 were examined by Western blot analysis. HT-29 cells were implanted in nude mice to examine the effects of TXL on tumor growth.</p> <p>Result</p> <p>TXL inhibited HT-29 xenografted model and showed a strong and dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the proliferation of HT-29 cells. Mitochondrial membrane potential was reduced by TXL at the concentration of 0.5% above. For Western blot analysis, an increase in <it>Bax </it>expression and a decrease in <it>Bcl-2 </it>expression were observed in TXL-treated cells. TXL treatment increased the protein level of cleaved casepase-3 and caspase-9, and the release of cytochrome c in cytoplasm was up-regulated as well.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TXL significantly inhibits cell proliferation in the HT-29 cells and HT-29 xenografted model via the mitochondrial cell death pathway.</p

    Isolation and characterization of a human heart cDNA encoding a new member of the small heat shock protein family — HSPL27

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    AbstractA novel cDNA clone was isolated from a human adult heart cDNA library. This cDNA clone is similar to the small heat shock protein (smhsp) in both DNA and amino acid sequences, especially in the conserved region. Sequence analysis has shown that the putative novel smhsp, named 27 kDa heat-shock-protein-like protein (HSPL27) is a protein of 241 amino acids with a deduced molecular mass of 26.7 kDa and a deduced pI of 8.0. We have expressed the HSPL27 in E. coli and the expressed protein was found to be present in the soluble fraction of the bacterial cell lysate. Chromosomal mapping data shows that the HSPL27 gene is located at human chromosome 5q11.2

    Relationship between blood pressure measurements recorded on patients' charts in family physicians' offices and subsequent 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

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    BACKGROUND: In most western countries 20% of adults have hypertension. Reports in the literature suggest that from 31 to 86% of treated patients are not at recommended target levels. However it is important to consider how we are determining whether targets are unmet and the degree to which they are unmet. Our underlying hypothesis is that white coat effect is partially responsible for the reported low rates of control of hypertension by primary care practitioners. METHODS: The study population consists of 1142 patients who are being assessed for enrolment in two community-based randomized controlled trials. Patients must have essential hypertension, be on antihypertensive medication, and must not have met their blood pressure targets. We are reporting on the proportion of patients who have not achieved target, and the degree to which they have not achieved their target. We also report on the mean daytime blood pressures on 24 hour ABPM and compare these to mean blood pressures found on the patients' charts. RESULTS: We identified 3284 patient charts of patients with hypertension. Of these, 1142 were determined to be "out of control" (did not achieve target) and 436 agreed to undergo 24 hour ABPM for final determination of eligibility. Overwhelmingly (95.8% of the time) it was the systolic blood pressure that was not under control. However, most of the patients who had not achieved target according to our criteria were within 10 mmHg of the recommended targets. Isolated systolic blood pressure was the best predictor of elevated mean daytime blood pressure on 24 hour ABPM. CONCLUSIONS: At least 35% of patients had not achieved target blood pressure levels and this is primarily due to lack of control of systolic blood pressure. The best predictor of continuing hypertension on 24 hour ABPM was the mean systolic blood pressure on the patients chart. However, only 69% of patients who were uncontrolled according blood pressures recorded in the chart were uncontrolled according to 24 hour ABPM criteria. This suggests that the white coat effect makes blood pressure measurements in the doctor's offices, at least as currently done, not sufficiently accurate for determining treatment endpoint

    Transmission dynamics, serial interval and epidemiology of COVID-19 diseases in Hong Kong under different control measures

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    Background: The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) started in Wuhan, China in late December 2019, and subsequently became a pandemic. Hong Kong had implemented a series of control measures since January 2020, including enhanced surveillance, isolation and quarantine, border control and social distancing. Hong Kong recorded its first case on 23 January 2020, who was a visitor from Wuahn. We analysed the surveillance data of COVID-19 to understand the transmission dynamics and epidemiology in Hong Kong. Methods: Based on cases recorded from 23 January to 6 April 2020, we constructed the epidemic curve of daily COVID-19 incidence and used this data to estimate the time-varying reproduction number ( R t ) with the R package EpiEstim, with serial interval computed from local data. We described the demographic and epidemiological characteristics of reported cases. We computed weekly incidence by age and residential district to understand the spatial and temporal transmission of the disease. Results: COVID-19 disease in Hong Kong was characterised with local cases and clusters detected after two waves of importations, first in late January and the second one in early March. The R t increased to approximately 2 and approximately 1, respectively, following these importations; it decreased to below 1 afterwards, which coincided with the implementation, modification and intensification of different control measures. Compared to local cases, imported cases were younger (mean age: 52 years among local cases vs 35 years among imported cases), had a lower proportion of underlying disease (9% vs 5%) and severe outcome (13% vs 5%). Cases were recorded in all districts but the incidence was highest in those in the Hong Kong Island region. Conclusions: Stringent and sustained public health measures at population level could contain the COVID-19 disease at a relatively low level

    Pragmatic controlled clinical trials in primary care: the struggle between external and internal validity

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    BACKGROUND: Controlled clinical trials of health care interventions are either explanatory or pragmatic. Explanatory trials test whether an intervention is efficacious; that is, whether it can have a beneficial effect in an ideal situation. Pragmatic trials measure effectiveness; they measure the degree of beneficial effect in real clinical practice. In pragmatic trials, a balance between external validity (generalizability of the results) and internal validity (reliability or accuracy of the results) needs to be achieved. The explanatory trial seeks to maximize the internal validity by assuring rigorous control of all variables other than the intervention. The pragmatic trial seeks to maximize external validity to ensure that the results can be generalized. However the danger of pragmatic trials is that internal validity may be overly compromised in the effort to ensure generalizability. We are conducting two pragmatic randomized controlled trials on interventions in the management of hypertension in primary care. We describe the design of the trials and the steps taken to deal with the competing demands of external and internal validity. DISCUSSION: External validity is maximized by having few exclusion criteria and by allowing flexibility in the interpretation of the intervention and in management decisions. Internal validity is maximized by decreasing contamination bias through cluster randomization, and decreasing observer and assessment bias, in these non-blinded trials, through baseline data collection prior to randomization, automating the outcomes assessment with 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitors, and blinding the data analysis. SUMMARY: Clinical trials conducted in community practices present investigators with difficult methodological choices related to maintaining a balance between internal validity (reliability of the results) and external validity (generalizability). The attempt to achieve methodological purity can result in clinically meaningless results, while attempting to achieve full generalizability can result in invalid and unreliable results. Achieving a creative tension between the two is crucial

    Varicella vaccine dose depended effectiveness and waning among preschool children in Hong Kong.

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    In Hong Kong, universal varicella vaccination was introduced in July 2014 with a two-dose schedule but the vaccines had been available in the private market since 1996. With data from varicella notification and surveys on immunization coverage, we used the screening method to estimate dose-specific varicella vaccine effectiveness (VE) among preschool children in Hong Kong before universal vaccination. We estimated the VE of one- and two-dose varicella vaccination against all notified varicella as 69.4% (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 69.5-71.2) and 93.4% (95% CI 91.7-94.7), respectively. We found that VE did not decrease with time since receipt. Varicella vaccine was more effective against complications (85.4% [95% CI 48.8-95.8] for one dose and 100% [95% CI -Inf to 100] for two doses) and against hospital admission (75.2% [95% CI 53.4-86.8] for one dose and 93.1% [95% CI 47.1-99.1] for two doses). Lower protection of one-dose varicella vaccine resulted in breakthrough varicella. Under universal vaccination, second-dose varicella vaccine (given as combined measles, mumps, rubella and varicella vaccine) was first scheduled for children when they reach primary one (about 6 years of age) and was recently advanced to 18 months of age. Shortening the interval between the first dose and second dose of varicella vaccination should reduce breakthrough varicella and outbreaks in preschool

    Pre-dialysis clinic attendance improves quality of life among hemodialysis patients

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    BACKGROUND: Although previous research has demonstrated that referral to pre-dialysis clinics is associated with favourable objective outcomes, the benefit of a pre-dialysis clinic from the perspective of patient-perceived subjective outcomes, such as quality of life (QOL), is less well defined. METHODS: A retrospective incident cohort study was conducted to determine if pre-dialysis clinic attendance was a predictor of better QOL scores measured within the first six months of hemodialysis (HD) initiation. Inclusion criteria were HD initiation from January 1 1998 to January 1 2000, diagnosis of chronic renal failure, and completion of the QOL questionnaire within six months of HD initiation. Patients receiving HD for less than four weeks were excluded. An incident cohort of 120 dialysis patients was identified, including 74 patients who attended at least one pre-dialysis clinic and 46 patients who did not. QOL was measured using the SF 36-Item Health Survey. Independent variables included age, sex, diabetes, pre-dialysis clinic attendance and length of attendance, history of ischemic heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, heart failure, malignancy, and chronic lung disease, residual creatinine clearance at dialysis initiation, and kt/v, albumin and hemoglobin at the time of QOL assessment. Bivariate and multivariate linear regression analyses were used to identify predictors of QOL scores. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis suggested that pre-dialysis clinic attendance was an independent predictor of higher QOL scores in four of eight health domains (physical function, p < 0.01; emotional role limitation, p = 0.01; social function, p = 0.01; and general health, p = 0.03), even after statistical adjustment for age, sex, residual renal function, kt/v, albumin, and co-morbid disease. Pre-dialysis clinic attendance was also an independent predictor of the physical component summary score (p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that pre-dialysis clinic attendance favourably influences patient-perceived quality of life within six months of dialysis initiation