189 research outputs found

    Increased Internet use and poorer ability to manage emotions in youth at high-risk for psychosis

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    AbstractThe relationship between Internet use and social behavior remains unknown. However, research indicates that Internet use (IU) may have some causal role in certain types of psychopathology and overall functioning. In contrast, other work suggests that IU may be protective and buffer against social isolation. Poorer emotional processing (EP) is characteristic of schizophrenia, and these deficits are present prior to illness onset (the ultra high-risk period (UHR)). UHR adolescents/young adults also fall within an age demographic characterized by extensive IU, which suggests that evaluating a link between IU and social behavior in this population may be especially informative. The present study examined the relationship between IU and emotional processing in 98 adolescents/young adults (52 UHR youth and 46 controls). UHR youth exhibited greater problematic IU (β=−6.49, F(1,95)=8.79, p=0.002) and social withdrawal/problems resulting from this use (β=−3.23, F(1,95)=11.43, p<0.001), as well deficits in emotional processing in comparison to healthy peers (β=4.59, F(1,94)=5.52, p=0.011). Furthermore, the social problems resulting from IU were significantly related to the ability to process emotional information in the UHR group (β=−0.51, t(1,48)=−2.10, p=0.021). UHR youth showed evidence of problematic IU relative to controls, and the social problems resulting from IU related to poorer EP. Findings replicate extant research involving other psychosis risk populations, while adding information regarding how social processes may relate to IU

    Emotional tone in clinical high risk for psychosis: novel insights from a natural language analysis approach

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    BackgroundIndividuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis experience subtle emotional disturbances that are traditionally difficult to assess, but natural language processing (NLP) methods may provide novel insight into these symptoms. We predicted that CHR individuals would express more negative emotionality and less emotional language when compared to controls. We also examined associations with symptomatology.MethodsParticipants included 49 CHR individuals and 42 healthy controls who completed a semi-structured narrative interview. Interview transcripts were analyzed using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) to assess the emotional tone of the language (tone -the ratio of negative to positive language) and count positive/negative words used. Participants also completed clinical symptom assessments to determine CHR status and characterize symptoms (i.e., positive and negative symptom domains).ResultsThe CHR group had more negative emotional tone compared to healthy controls (t=2.676, p=.009), which related to more severe positive symptoms (r2=.323, p=.013). The percentages of positive and negative words did not differ between groups (p’s&gt;.05).ConclusionsLanguage analyses provided accessible, ecologically valid insight into affective dysfunction and psychosis risk symptoms. Natural language processing analyses unmasked differences in language for CHR that captured language tendencies that were more nuanced than the words that are chosen

    Individual Differences and Psychosis-Risk Screening: Practical Suggestions to Improve the Scope and Quality of Early Identification

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    Approaches to identifying individuals at clinical high-risk (CHR) for psychosis currently do not carefully weigh considerations around individual differences. Effective identification depends on awareness of factors beyond psychopathology as it is reflected in the current literature, such as sensitivity to idiographic circumstances and individual differences. The inability to address contextual factors when employing the status quo method of identification likely contributes to the unacceptably poor accuracy when identifying people at CHR. Individual differences related to factors such as culture, race, comorbidity, and development likely play an important role in accurate identification, and have the potential to improve the validity of approaches intended to identify this population. Tailored approaches to assessment based on an awareness of context, identity, setting, and preferences of clients are possible, and customizing assessment efforts accordingly may be useful for accurate identification of people at CHR. Highlighting the potential for the existing early identification paradigm to marginalize or misunderstand certain groups, we describe how effective identification and ethical diagnosis require sensitivity to individual differences writ large. We suggest that recognizing the importance of these factors advances a more inclusive and accurate approach to identification

    Motor abnormalities, depression risk, and clinical course in adolescence.

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    Background Motor abnormalities, such as psychomotor agitation and retardation, are widely recognized as core features of depression. However, it is not currently known if motor abnormalities connote risk for depression. Methods Using data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study, a nationally representative sample of youth (n=10,835, 9-11 years old), the present paper examines whether motor abnormalities are associated with (a) depression symptoms in early adolescence, (b) familial risk for depression (familial risk loading), and (c) future depression symptoms. Motor abnormalities measures included traditional (DSM) motor signs such as psychomotor agitation and retardation as well as other motor domains such as developmental motor delays and dyscoordination. Results Traditional motor abnormalities were less prevalent (agitation=3.2%, retardation=0.3%) than non-traditional domains (delays=13.79%, coordination=35.5%) among adolescents. Motor dysfunction was associated with depression symptoms (Cohen's ds=0.02 to 0.12). Familial risk for depression was related to motor abnormalities (Cohen's ds=0.08 to 0.27), with the exception of motor retardation. Family vulnerability varied in sensitivity to depression risk (e.g., retardation: .53%; dyscoordination: 32.05%). Baseline endorsement of motor abnormalities predicted future depression symptoms at one-year follow-up. Conclusions These findings suggest that motor signs reflect a novel, promising future direction for examining vulnerability to depression risk in early adolescence

    Hand gesture performance is impaired in major depressive disorder: A matter of working memory performance?

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    OBJECTIVE Individuals with depression exhibit numerous interpersonal deficits. As effective use of gestures is critical for social communication, it is possible that depressed individuals' interpersonal deficits may be due to deficits in gesture performance. The present study thus compared gesture performance of depressed patients and controls and examined whether these deficits relate to cognitive and other domains of dysfunction. METHODS Gesture performance was evaluated in 30 depressed patients and 30 controls using the Test of Upper Limb Apraxia (TULIA). Clinical rating scales were assessed to determine if gesture deficits were associated with motor, cognitive or functional outcomes. RESULTS Compared to controls, depressed patients exhibited impaired gesture performance with 2/3 of the patients demonstrating gesture deficits. Within depressed patients, gesture performance was highly correlated with working memory abilities. In contrast, no association between gesture performance and gestural knowledge, psychomotor retardation, depression severity, or frontal dysfunction was observed in patients. LIMITATIONS This is a cross-sectional study and a larger size would have allowed for confident detection of more subtle, but potentially relevant effects. CONCLUSION Gesture performance is impaired in depressed patients, and appears to be related to poor working memory abilities, suggesting a disruption in the retrieval of gestural cues indicative of a distinct clinical phenomenon that might be related to social functioning

    Review of factors resulting in systemic biases in the screening, assessment, and treatment of individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Since its inception, research in the clinical high-risk (CHR) phase of psychosis has included identifying and exploring the impact of relevant socio-demographic factors. Employing a narrative review approach and highlighting work from the United States, sociocultural and contextual factors potentially affecting the screening, assessment, and service utilization of youth at CHR were reviewed from the current literature. RESULTS: Existing literature suggests that contextual factors impact the predictive performance of widely used psychosis-risk screening tools and may introduce systemic bias and challenges to differential diagnosis in clinical assessment. Factors reviewed include racialized identity, discrimination, neighborhood context, trauma, immigration status, gender identity, sexual orientation, and age. Furthermore, racialized identity and traumatic experiences appear related to symptom severity and service utilization among this population. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, a growing body of research from the United States and beyond suggests that considering context in psychosis-risk assessment can provide a more accurate appraisal of the nature of risk for psychosis, render more accurate results improving the field\u27s prediction of conversion to psychosis, and enhance our understanding of psychosis-risk trajectories. More work is needed in the U.S. and across the globe to uncover how structural racism and systemic biases impact screening, assessment, treatment, and clinical and functional outcomes for those at CHR

    Genome Sequence of Peacock Reveals the Peculiar Case of a Glittering Bird

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    The unique ornamental features and extreme sexual traits of Peacock have always intrigued scientists and naturalists for centuries. However, the genomic basis of these phenotypes are yet unknown. Here, we report the first genome sequence and comparative analysis of peacock with the high quality genomes of chicken, turkey, duck, flycatcher and zebra finch. Genes involved in early developmental pathways including TGF-β, BMP, and Wnt signaling, which have been shown to be involved in feather patterning, bone morphogenesis, and skeletal muscle development, revealed signs of adaptive evolution and provided useful clues on the phenotypes of peacock. Innate and adaptive immune genes involved in complement system and T-cell response also showed signs of adaptive evolution in peacock suggesting their possible role in building a robust immune system which is consistent with the predictions of the Hamilton–Zuk hypothesis. This study provides novel genomic and evolutionary insights into the molecular understanding toward the phenotypic evolution of Indian peacock

    The neural signature of psychomotor disturbance in depression.

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    Up to 70% of patients with major depressive disorder present with psychomotor disturbance (PmD), but at the present time understanding of its pathophysiology is limited. In this study, we capitalized on a large sample of patients to examine the neural correlates of PmD in depression. This study included 820 healthy participants and 699 patients with remitted (n = 402) or current (n = 297) depression. Patients were further categorized as having psychomotor retardation, agitation, or no PmD. We compared resting-state functional connectivity (ROI-to-ROI) between nodes of the cerebral motor network between the groups, including primary motor cortex, supplementary motor area, sensory cortex, superior parietal lobe, caudate, putamen, pallidum, thalamus, and cerebellum. Additionally, we examined network topology of the motor network using graph theory. Among the currently depressed 55% had PmD (15% agitation, 29% retardation, and 11% concurrent agitation and retardation), while 16% of the remitted patients had PmD (8% retardation and 8% agitation). When compared with controls, currently depressed patients with PmD showed higher thalamo-cortical and pallido-cortical connectivity, but no network topology alterations. Currently depressed patients with retardation only had higher thalamo-cortical connectivity, while those with agitation had predominant higher pallido-cortical connectivity. Currently depressed patients without PmD showed higher thalamo-cortical, pallido-cortical, and cortico-cortical connectivity, as well as altered network topology compared to healthy controls. Remitted patients with PmD showed no differences in single connections but altered network topology, while remitted patients without PmD did not differ from healthy controls in any measure. We found evidence for compensatory increased cortico-cortical resting-state functional connectivity that may prevent psychomotor disturbance in current depression, but may perturb network topology. Agitation and retardation show specific connectivity signatures. Motor network topology is slightly altered in remitted patients arguing for persistent changes in depression. These alterations in functional connectivity may be addressed with non-invasive brain stimulation
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