11 research outputs found

    Characterization of Insulin-Responsive GLUT4 Storage Vesicles Isolated from 3T3-L1 Adipocytes

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    Insulin regulates glucose transport in muscle and adipose tissue by triggering the translocation of a facilitative glucose transporter, GLUT4, from an intracellular compartment to the cell surface. It has previously been suggested that GLUT4 is segregated between endosomes, the trans-Golgi network (TGN), and a postendosomal storage compartment. The aim of the present study was to isolate the GLUT4 storage compartment in order to determine the relationship of this compartment to other organelles, its components, and its presence in different cell types. A crude intracellular membrane fraction was prepared from 3T3-L1 adipocytes and subjected to iodixanol equilibrium sedimentation analysis. Two distinct GLUT4-containing vesicle peaks were resolved by this procedure. The lighter of the two peaks (peak 2) was comprised of two overlapping peaks: peak 2b contained recycling endosomal markers such as the transferrin receptor (TfR), cellubrevin, and Rab4, and peak 2a was enriched in TGN markers (syntaxin 6, the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor, sortilin, and sialyltransferase). Peak 1 contained a significant proportion of GLUT4 with a smaller but significant amount of cellubrevin and relatively little TfR. In agreement with these data, internalized transferrin (Tf) accumulated in peak 2 but not peak 1. There was a quantitatively greater loss of GLUT4 from peak 1 than from peak 2 in response to insulin stimulation. These data, combined with the observation that GLUT4 became more sensitive to ablation with Tf-horseradish peroxidase following insulin treatment, suggest that the vesicles enriched in peak 1 are highly insulin responsive. Iodixanol gradient analysis of membranes isolated from other cell types indicated that a substantial proportion of GLUT4 was targeted to peak 1 in skeletal muscle, whereas in CHO cells most of the GLUT4 was targeted to peak 2. These results indicate that in insulin-sensitive cells GLUT4 is targeted to a subpopulation of vesicles that appear, based on their protein composition, to be a derivative of the endosome. We suggest that the biogenesis of this compartment may mediate withdrawal of GLUT4 from the recycling system and provide the basis for the marked insulin responsiveness of GLUT4 that is unique to muscle and adipocytes

    Characterisation of insulinresponsive GLUT4 storage vesicles isolated from 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    Insulin regulates glucose transport in muscle and adipose tissue by triggering the translocation of a facilitative glucose transporter, GLUT4, from an intracellular compartment to the cell surface. It has previously been suggested that GLUT4 is segregated between endosomes, the trans-Golgi network (TGN), and a postendosomal storage compartment. The aim of the present study was to isolate the GLUT4 storage compartment in order to determine the relationship of this compartment to other organelles, its components, and its presence in different cell types. A crude intracellular membrane fraction was prepared from 3T3-L1 adipocytes and subjected to iodixanol equilibrium sedimentation analysis. Two distinct GLUT4-containing vesicle peaks were resolved by this procedure. The lighter of the two peaks (peak 2) was comprised of two overlapping peaks: peak 2b contained recycling endosomal markers such as the transferrin receptor (TfR), cellubrevin, and Rab4, and peak 2a was enriched in TGN markers (syntaxin 6, the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor, sortilin, and sialyltransferase). Peak 1 contained a significant proportion of GLUT4 with a smaller but significant amount of cellubrevin and relatively little TfR. In agreement with these data, internalized transferrin (Tf) accumulated in peak 2 but not peak 1. There was a quantitatively greater loss of GLUT4 from peak 1 than from peak 2 in response to insulin stimulation. These data, combined with the observation that GLUT4 became more sensitive to ablation with Tf-horseradish peroxidase following insulin treatment, suggest that the vesicles enriched in peak 1 are highly insulin responsive. Iodixanol gradient analysis of membranes isolated from other cell types indicated that a substantial proportion of GLUT4 was targeted to peak 1 in skeletal muscle, whereas in CHO cells most of the GLUT4 was targeted to peak 2. These results indicate that in insulin-sensitive cells GLUT4 is targeted to a subpopulation of vesicles that appear, based on their protein composition, to be a derivative of the endosome. We suggest that the biogenesis of this compartment may mediate withdrawal of GLUT4 from the recycling system and provide the basis for the marked insulin responsiveness of GLUT4 that is unique to muscle and adipocytes

    Influencia del agua en mezclas densas en caliente Tipo 2 (MDC-2)

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    Las principales causas del deterioro de mezclas asfálticas en una estructura de pavimento flexible son originadas por las cargas impuestas por el tráfico y los agentes ambientales. Con respecto a los agentes ambientales, uno de los principales modos de daño de mezclas asfálticas in situ ocurre cuando se separa el ligante asfáltico del agregado pétreo debido a la presencia de agua. El estado del conocimiento en esta área es que a pesar del alto número de investigaciones realizadas, este modo de daño y las causas que lo generan no han sido totalmente entendidas e identificadas. En este artículo se presenta la evolución en laboratorio del cambio en las propiedades mecánicas que experimenta una mezcla asfáltica densa en caliente tipo 2 (MDC-2) (de acuerdo con las especificaciones del Instituto nacional de Vías - INVIAS, 2007) y los cementos asfalticos (CA) CA 80-100 y CA 60-70 cuando son sumergidos en el agua durante un periodo de tiempo de cinco meses. La propiedad evaluada es la resistencia mecánica bajo carga monotónica de tracción indirecta mediante el ensayo Marshall. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que esta resistencia disminuye cuando las mezclas asfálticas son sumergidas, mientras que las mezclas que son fabricadas con los cementos asfalticos sumergidos aumentan los parámetros de estabilidad y rigidez

    Cleavage of vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)-2 and cellubrevin on GLUT4-containing vesicles inhibits the translocation of GLUT4 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    We have identified VAMP isoforms, VAMP-2 and cellubrevin, on GLUT4-containing vesicle membranes isolated from 3T3-L1 adipocytes. These proteins translocate from a low density microsomal fraction to the plasma membrane upon insulin stimulation in a fashion similar to GLUT4. VAMP-1 was not detected in this low density microsomal fraction nor on purified GLUT4-containing vesicles. In streptolysin-O permeabilized 3T3-L1 adipocytes, both VAMP-2 and cellubrevin were cleaved with botulinum neurotoxin isoform B, BoNTx/B. In addition, BoNTx/B partially inhibited insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation and glucose transport activity. We conclude that the synaptobrevin isoforms are important components of the insulin-dependent translocation of GLUT4 to the cell surface in adipocytes

    Molecular mechanism by which pioglitazone preserves pancreatic β-cells in obese diabetic mice: evidence for acute and chronic actions as a PPARγ agonist

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    Pioglitazone preserves pancreatic β-cell morphology and function in diabetic animal models. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms by which pioglitazone protects β-cells in diabetic db/db mice. In addition to the morphological analysis of the islets, gene expression profiles of the pancreatic islet were analyzed using laser capture microdissection and were compared with real-time RT-PCR of db/db and nondiabetic m/m mice treated with or without pioglitazone for 2 wk or 2 days. Pioglitazone treatment (2 wk) ameliorated dysmetabolism, increased islet insulin content, restored glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, and preserved β-cell mass in db/db mice but had no significant effects in m/m mice. Pioglitazone upregulated genes that promote cell differentiation/proliferation in diabetic and nondiabetic mice. In db/db mice, pioglitazone downregulated the apoptosis-promoting caspase-activated DNase gene and upregulated anti-apoptosis-related genes. The above-mentioned effects of pioglitazone treatment were also observed after 2 days of treatment. By contrast, the oxidative stress-promoting NADPH oxidase gene was downregulated, and antioxidative stress-related genes were upregulated, in db/db mice treated with pioglitazone for 2 wk, rather than 2 days. Morphometric results for proliferative cell number antigen and 4-hydroxy-2-noneal modified protein were consistent with the results of gene expression analysis. The present results strongly suggest that pioglitazone preserves β-cell mass in diabetic mice mostly by two ways; directly, by acceleration of cell differentiation/proliferation and suppression of apoptosis (acute effect); and indirectly, by deceleration of oxidative stress because of amelioration of the underlying metabolic disorder (chronic effect)

    The G/G Genotype of a Resistin Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism at −420 Increases Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Susceptibility by Inducing Promoter Activity through Specific Binding of Sp1/3

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    Insulin resistance is a major cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Resistin, an adipocyte-secreted hormone, antagonizes insulin. Transgenic mice that overexpress the resistin gene (Retn) in adipose tissue are insulin-resistant, whereas Retn (−/−) mice show lower fasting blood glucose, suggesting that the altered Retn promoter function could cause diabetes. To determine the role of RETN in human T2DM, we analyzed polymorphisms in its 5′ flanking region. We found that the −420G/G genotype was associated with T2DM (397 cases and 406 controls) (P=.008; adjusted odds ratio = 1.97 [by logistic regression analysis]) and could accelerate the onset of disease by 4.9 years (P=.006 [by multiple regression analysis]). Meta-analysis of 1,888 cases and 1,648 controls confirmed this association (P=.013). Linkage disequilibrium analysis revealed that the −420G/G genotype itself was a primary variant determining T2DM susceptibility. Functionally, Sp1 and Sp3 transcription factors bound specifically to the susceptible DNA element that included −420G. Overexpression of Sp1 or Sp3 enhanced RETN promoter activity with −420G in Drosophila Schneider line 2 cells that lacked endogenous Sp family members. Consistent with these findings, fasting serum resistin levels were higher in subjects with T2DM who carried the −420G/G genotype. Therefore, the specific recognition of −420G by Sp1/3 increases RETN promoter activity, leading to enhanced serum resistin levels, thereby inducing human T2DM