32 research outputs found

    Iron Chelation Therapy with Deferasirox Results in Improvement of Liver Enzyme Level in Patients with Iron Overload-Associated Liver Dysfunction

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    Iron chelation therapy (ICT) has been applied for the patients with iron overload-associated liver dysfunction since it is one of the causes of death in patients with intractable hematological diseases requiring multiple red blood cell transfusions. Recently, deferasirox (DSX), a novel, once-daily oral iron chelator, was demonstrated to have similar efficacy to the conventional continuous infusion of deferoxamine on a decrease in serum ferritin (SF) level in heavily transfused patients. We show three cases of transfusion-mediated iron-overloaded patients with an elevated serum alanine aminotransaminase (ALT). All three patients who received the ICT with DSX showed a decrease in ALT level in association with a decrease in SF level. It is suggested that DSX therapy could be considered to expect the improvement of liver damage for iron-overloaded patients with an abnormal ALT level

    Effect of sub- and supercritical water treatments on the physicochemical properties of crab shell chitin and its enzymatic degradation

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    This study examined the effects of sub- and supercritical water pretreatments on the physicochemical properties of crab shell α-chitin and its enzymatic degradation to obtain N,N′-diacetylchitobiose (GlcNAc)2. Following sub- and supercritical water pretreatments, the protein in the crab shell was removed and the residue of crab shell contained α-chitin and CaCO3. Prolonged pretreatment led to α-chitin decomposition. The reaction of pure α-chitin in sub- and supercritical water pretreatments was investigated separately; we observed lower mean molecular weight and weaker hydrogen bonds compared with untreated α-chitin. (GlcNAc)2 yields from enzymatic degradation of subcritical (350 °C, 7 min) and supercritical water (400 °C, 2.5 min) pretreated crab shell were 8% and 6%, compared with 0% without any pretreatment. This study shows that sub- and supercritical water pretreatments of crab shell provide to an alternative method to the use of acid and base for decalcification and deproteinization of crab shell required for (GlcNAc)2 production.ArticleCarbohydrate Polymers. 134:718-725 (2015)journal articl

    The Effect of Praziquantel on Patterns of Schistosoma mansoni Eggshell Hatching Breaks

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    The break of the eggshell formed by water- and praziquantel (PZQ)-induced hatching of Schistosoma mansoni eggs was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The break most frequently formed on the long axis of the eggshell opposite the spine, and less frequently along spine side, parallel or oblique to the long axis of the lateral side of the egg-shell. An outwardly-curled lip of shell lined the external margins of the hatching orifice. The shell itself was of uniform thickness and fairly smooth. No significant difference was observed in the position breaks between water- and PZQ-hatched eggs. However, PZQ hatching produced smaller hatching orifices and the miracidium frequently failed to escape

    Effect of sub- and supercritical water treatments on the physicochemical properties of crab shell chitin and its enzymatic degradation

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    This study examined the effects of sub- and supercritical water pretreatments on the physicochemical properties of crab shell α-chitin and its enzymatic degradation to obtain N,N′-diacetylchitobiose (GlcNAc)2. Following sub- and supercritical water pretreatments, the protein in the crab shell was removed and the residue of crab shell contained α-chitin and CaCO3. Prolonged pretreatment led to α-chitin decomposition. The reaction of pure α-chitin in sub- and supercritical water pretreatments was investigated separately; we observed lower mean molecular weight and weaker hydrogen bonds compared with untreated α-chitin. (GlcNAc)2 yields from enzymatic degradation of subcritical (350 °C, 7 min) and supercritical water (400 °C, 2.5 min) pretreated crab shell were 8% and 6%, compared with 0% without any pretreatment. This study shows that sub- and supercritical water pretreatments of crab shell provide to an alternative method to the use of acid and base for decalcification and deproteinization of crab shell required for (GlcNAc)2 production.ArticleCarbohydrate Polymers. 134:718-725 (2015)journal articl

    Bone graft on the labial symphysis for the skeletal Class III case

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    通常臨床歯科医学における骨移植は,その病理学的形態より3壁性骨欠損を有する歯周病患者に対して広く行われている。今回,下顎前歯部(下顎結合部)唇側面歯槽骨の開窓や限局性穿孔は存在するが,歯肉退縮を生じていない骨格型III級不正咬合患者へ顎矯正手術と同時に自家骨移植を付加的に行った。初診時のセファログラム所見より高く幅の狭い下顎結合部とこの薄い骨に直立している下顎前歯が確認された。また,術前矯正歯科治療中,下顎前歯はその捻転の解消と頬舌的な移動が行われた。手術時には下顎前歯部の開窓や限局性穿孔が確認された。下顎前歯部(下顎結合部)唇側面に自己海面骨を移植することによって歯槽骨の開窓や限局性穿孔は覆われた。結果的にセファログラム上での経過所見より,その後4年10か月間移植骨の残留が認められ,さらに臨床的に咬合が安定し通常後戻りしやすいとされる下顎前歯捻転の後戻りも認められず良好な結果を得たので報告した。Bone graft in clinical dentistry prevails in periodontal patients who have three wall infrabony defect around the tooth because of its pathological morphology. In this case report, bone graft on the labial bone surface of the lower incisors (mandibular symphysis) was applied as an auxiliary procedure at the same time of orthognathic surgery to a patient who had fenestrations and circumscribed holes without gingival recession and skeletal Class III malocclusion. The initial lateral cephalometric radiograph revealed a narrow and high symphysis, with an incisor position straight above the thin bone. During the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment, the incisors had been derotated and moved in the minimal labiolingual direction. Some fenestrations and circumscribed holes were found during orthognathic surgery. Through the bone allograft, the labial bone surface of the lower incisors (mandibular symphysis) with fenestrations and circumscribed holes were covered with the patient\u27s cancellous bone. Consequently, a series of the lateral cephalometric radiographs revealed that the grafted bone was kept for four years and ten months after surgery with stable occlusion and no rotational relapse on the lower incisors where it is usually easy to relapse clinically


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    左右非対称のない下顎前突症患者に対する下顎枝矢状分割術において,ポリ-L-乳酸製(PLLA)ミニプレート固定法による術後の顎態の安定性について検討を行った.両側下顎枝矢状分割術(SSRO)を施行し,下顎骨の後退量に左右差のない患者40名(男性17名,女性23名)を対象とした.これらの骨固定に際し,PLLAミニプレートを使用した患者22名(男性9名,女性13名)をPLLAプレート群とし,チタンミニプレートを使用した患者18名(男性8名,女性10名)をチタンプレート群とした.手術直前,手術後1か月,手術後1年に撮影した側面頭部X線規格写真の分析を行い,顎態の安定性について検討した.その結果,手術後1年ではPLLAプレート群およびチタンプレート群両群の男女ともに著しい後戻り様変化は認めなかった.このことから,SSROを用いた左右差のない下顎後退術に対するPLLAミニプレート固定は,術後顎態の安定性の観点からはチタンミニプレート固定と比較して何ら問題点はなく,プレートの除去手術が回避できる点で有益であると考えられる.アレルギーの有無や,顎骨の移動量等を総合的に判断し,PLLAミニプレートかチタンミニプレートを選択することができると考えられる.We studied the postsurgical stability of the mandible using biodegradable Poly-L-lactide bone mini plate fixation undergone sagittal split ramus osteotomy. The forty patients with mandibular prognathism without facial asymmetry (17 males and 23 females) operated from March 2003 to March 2009, were divided into two groups based on the types of osteosynthesis used. 22 patients (9 males and 13 females) using the PLLA mini-plate (PLLA plate group), and 18 patients (8 males and 10 females) using the titanium mini-plate (titanium plate group) were examined. Lateral cephalograms were taken immediately before the surgery, one month, and one year after surgery. Changes in position of the mandible were examined. As a result of this study, remarkable relapses were not recognized at one year after operation for males and females in both groups. It is thought the PLLA mini-plate fixation to the mandible without facial asymmetry setback doesn\u27t present as many problems from the viewpoint of postsurgical stability compared with the titanium mini-plate fixation, and it is profitable that we avoided the plate removal operation. We can select the PLLA or the titanium mini-plate from a comprehensive standpoint

    Development of a simple and convenient feeding device to infect Aedes aegypti mosquitoes with Brugia pahangi microfilariae derived from the peritoneal cavity of Mongolian jirds

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    It has become difficult in recent years to conduct the direct feeding of mosquitoes on animals because of ethical considerations related to animal experimentation. Thus, the artificial feeding of mosquitoes on blood meals is an important technique in studies on the oral infection of mosquitoes to agents. Since Rutledge et al. (1964) devised the artificial membrane-feeding technique, several artificial membrane-feeding methods have been developed to increase the feeding rates of mosquitoes on blood meals. The purpose of the present study is to develop a simple and convenient device for the artificial feeding of mosquitoes. We designed a device using Kimwipe®, a coverglass, the lid of a plastic dish and a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask. The efficacy was assessed by the infection rate of mosquitoes to Brugia pahangi microfilariae (MF) derived from the peritoneal cavity of Mongolian jirds. Immediately after the feeding of mosquitoes on MF by the new device, the MF infection rate of mosquitoes was 50 - 81%. On day 14 post-feeding, 51 - 94% of mosquitoes harbored third-stage infective larvae. The components needed to construct the device for artificial feeding of mosquitoes are generally available in laboratories. Furthermore, no elaborate modification of materials is necessary in making the feeding device. Therefore, this simple and convenient artificial feeding device promises to be applicable for experimental infection of mosquitoes not only with B. pahangi MF but also with other agents such as malaria and viruses

    In vitro effects of amodiaquine on paired Schistosoma mansoni adult worms at concentrations of less than 5 μg/mL

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    In this study, the in vitro effects of amodiaquine (AQ) monotherapy on the egg output of paired adult Schistosoma mansoni worms and their survival during in vitro culture were assessed. In addition, the gross morphological alterations of male and female worms caused by AQ were visually observed under a dissecting microscope. AQ significantly reduced the daily egg output of paired adult S. mansoni worms following incubation for 14 days at 1-5 μg/ mL, but not at 0.5 μg/mL, compared with the control group. AQ also reduced the survival of male and female worms at concentrations of 2 and 5 μg/mL, respectively. Moreover, exposure to 5 μg/mL AQ caused severe swelling and/or localisation of black content in the body of all male and female worms within one or two days of incubation; subsequently, shrinkage in the male worms and elongation in the female worms were observed. The initial morphological alterations caused by AQ occurred along the intestinal tract of the male and female worms. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report not only the efficacy of AQ at concentrations lower than 5 μg/mL on paired adult S. mansoni worms, but also the effects of AQ on the intestinal tracts of worms in in vitro culture

    In vitro effects of amodiaquine on paired Schistosoma mansoni adult worms at concentrations of less than 5 µg/mL

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    In this study, the in vitro effects of amodiaquine (AQ) monotherapy on the egg output of paired adult Schistosoma mansoni worms and their survival during in vitro culture were assessed. In addition, the gross morphological alterations of male and female worms caused by AQ were visually observed under a dissecting microscope. AQ significantly reduced the daily egg output of paired adult S. mansoni worms following incubation for 14 days at 1-5 µg/mL, but not at 0.5 µg/mL, compared with the control group. AQ also reduced the survival of male and female worms at concentrations of 2 and 5 µg/mL, respectively. Moreover, exposure to 5 µg/mL AQ caused severe swelling and/or localisation of black content in the body of all male and female worms within one or two days of incubation; subsequently, shrinkage in the male worms and elongation in the female worms were observed. The initial morphological alterations caused by AQ occurred along the intestinal tract of the male and female worms. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report not only the efficacy of AQ at concentrations lower than 5 µg/mL on paired adult S. mansoni worms, but also the effects of AQ on the intestinal tracts of worms in in vitro culture