70 research outputs found

    Effects of Morphometric Indicators on Incubation Values of Eggs and Sex of the Chicks of the Light Hen Hybrids

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    The aim of this study was to establish incubation values of eggs (egg fertilization, absolute and relative embryo mortality, and hatchability of male and female chicks), morphometric indicators (preincubation egg mass; length, width, and egg shape index; hatched female and male chicken mass and their relative share in the egg mass before incubation), and the phenotype correlation between some traits in the younger parent flock (YF33ā€”33 weeks) and the older flock (OF49ā€”49 weeks) of the light Institut de SĆ©lection Animale (ISA) Brown hybrid. With regard to incubation values, the younger flock (YF33) demonstrated better incubation results than the older flock (OF49). The egg fertilization rate was 95.24 and 94.22%, respectively, chick hatchability as the percentage of the total of incubated eggs was 86.51 and 84.89%, respectively, and chick hatchability as the percentage of the total of fertilized eggs was 90.83 and 90.09%, respectively. Embryo mortality rate was 8.73 and 9.17% (YF33), and 9.33 and 9.91% (OF49). Regardless of the parent flock age, eggs that hatched female chicks had lower values of observed morphometric traits than those that hatched male chicks, except for the egg shape index (77.49ā€“77.47%, respectively) which was higher by 0.02% in eggs which hatched female chicks, but this difference was not statistically significant (PĀ >Ā 0.05). Contrary to effects of the chick sex, the parent flock age had considerably larger effect on observed morphometric traits, as all morphometric indicators of eggs and hatched chicks of both sexes in the older flock (OF59) had statistically significantly higher values (PĀ Ā 0.05). The phenotype correlation coefficients determined (rp) between the egg mass before the incubation period and the egg shape index were statistically significant (PĀ Ā 0.05). Furthermore, the egg mass and hatched chicken mass of both sexes increased with the age of the parent flock, and statistically significant absolute phenotype correlation (PĀ <Ā 0.001) was determined between these two indicators

    The influence of age on the exploitation period in broiler reproduction of parents in Ross hybrid 308

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    These investigations were intended to identify the influence of parental flock age at heavy hybrid Ross 308 (usage period) on more important reproductive capabilities (carrying eggs intensity of brood eggs, egg mass, one day old chick mass, relative chick mass share in complete egg mass) and consumption of food per processed - hatched chicken (final product of production cycle). Flock usage period lasted for 40 weeks (all eggs), respectively, 38 (brood eggs) weeks and there was possibility, based on achieved results, with evaluation of phenotype correlation, to get some concrete conclusions about the age influence on analyzed parameters during mentioned flock rising period. Phenotype correlation among investigated characteristics has been identified since second half of parental flock using period, since 41(st) week age (20(th) carrying eggs week) up to the end of production process when parental flock was 61 week old (41(st) egg production week). Flock age has statistically important positive (P lt 0.05) influence on carrying eggs intensity of brood eggs until 49(st) week (r(p) = 0.391) and on percentage of chicken feasibility regard the complete number of inputted eggs until 50(th) week (r(p) = 0.434). There was statistically significantly increasing of egg mass and one-day old incubated chicken mass (P lt 0.001) as parental flock was older. Complete correlation connectivity has been identified between egg mass and absolute chick mass (P lt 0.001), while very strong (P lt 0.001) or strong (P lt 0.01) correlative connectivity between egg mass and relative chick share [(chicken mass/egg mass) x 100]. Further more, we determined negative correlation between eggs age and food consumption per hatched chicken for all time of breeding broiler parents, except 61(st) week when we determined positive coefficient of phenotype correlation (r(p) = 0.062), but statistically inconsequent

    Uticaj telesne težine nosilja i proizvodnih osobina brojlerskih roditelja

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    Certain investigations have been conducted in two broiler breeder flocks of Ross 308 and Cobb 500 hybrids. At the beginning of the production cycle (24 weeks of age), an average laying hens' body weight of 2680.40 g was found in the case of Ross 308 hybrid, and 2697.80 g in the case of Cobb 500 hybrid. During 42nd week of age (the middle of the production cycle), the body weight of laying hens was 3565.10 g (Ross 308) and 3599.05 g (Cobb 500), while at the end of the production cycle (61 weeks of age) the body weight of laying hens of Ross 308 hybrid was 3841.50 g, and 3850.00 g of Cobb 500. Identified differences in body weight of laying hens (17.40 g, 33.95 g, 8.50 g) in certain periods of the production cycle, as well as the difference in body weight of laying hens for the entire production cycle (23.26 g) were not statistically significant (P>0.05). More specific observation of the effect of body weight of laying hens on productive capacity of broiler breeders was determined by calculating the coefficients of phenotype correlation between the indicators studied. Thus, statistically significant (P lt 0.001, P lt 0.01, P lt 0.05) coefficients of phenotype correlation between the body weight of laying hens and the majority of production indicators have been determined, while statistically significant (P lt 0.001, P lt 0.01, P lt 0.05) correlation coefficients between the body weight of laying hens and the intensity of laying capacity for hatching and fertilized eggs have been determined, but for a shorter period of the production cycle.Ispitivanja su sprovedena na dva jata brojlerskih roditelja hibrida Ross 308 i Cobb 500. Na početku proizvodnog ciklusa (24. nedelja starosti) kod hibrida Ross 308 utvrđena je prosečna telesna težina nosilja 2680.40 g, a hibrida Cobb 500 2697.80 g. U 42. nedelji starosti (sredina proizvodnog ciklusa) telesna težina nosilja iznosila je 3565.10 g (Ross 308) i 3599.05 g (Cobb 500), dok je na kraju proizvodnog ciklusa (61. nedelja starosti) telesna težina nosilja hibrida Ross 308 iznosila 3841.50 g, a Cobb 500 3850.00 g. Utvrđene razlike telesne težine nosillja (17.40 g, 33.95 g i 8.50 g) u određenim periodima proizvodnog ciklusa, kao i razlika u telesnoj težini nosilja za ceo proizvodni ciklus (23.26 g) nisu bile statistički signifikantne (P>0.05). Konkretnije sagledavanje uticaja telesne težine nosilja na proizvodne sposobnosti brojlerskih roditelja utvrđeno je izračunavanjem koeficijenata fenotipske korelacije između ispitivanih pokazatelja. Tako su između telesne težine nosilja i većine proizvodnih pokazatelja utvrđeni statistički signifikantni (P lt 0,001; P lt 0,01; P lt 0,05) koeficijenti fenotipske korelacione povezanosti, dok su između telesne težine nosilja i intenziteta nosivosti priplodnih i oplođenih jaja utvrđeni statistički signifikantni (P lt 0,001; P lt 0,01; P lt 0,05) koeficijenti korelacije, ali za neÅ”to kraći period proizvodnog ciklusa

    Fenotipska povezanost telesne težine nosilja i reproduktivnih osobina brojlerskih roditelja

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    Examinations were conducted in two flocks of broiler parents' hybrids Ross 308 and Cobb 500. At the beginning of the production cycle (24th weeks of age) was determined that the average hens body weight of hybrid Ross 308 was 2680.40 g, and to hybrid Cobb 500 was 2697.80 g. At 42nd weeks of age (middle of the production cycle) hens body weight was 3565.10 g (Ross 308) and 3599.05 g (Cobb 500), while at the end of the production cycle (61st weeks of age) hens body weight of hybrid Ross 308 was 3841.50 g, and to the Cobb 500 was 3850.00 g. Determined differences of hens body weight (17.40 g, 33.95 g and 8.50 g) in specific periods of the production cycle, and the difference in hens body weight for the entire cycle (23.26 g) weren't statistically significant (P>0.05). Specific consideration of the impact of hens' body weight on reproductive performances of broiler parents was determined by calculating the coefficients of phenotypic correlation among the tested indicators. Thus, between hens body weight and most reproductive indicators of broiler parents were determined statistically very significant (P lt 0.001) coefficients of phenotypic correlation, while between hens body weight and the percentages of chickens feasibility from fertilized eggs were determined significant (P lt 0.001; P lt 0.01; P lt 0.05) correlation coefficients for a slightly shorter period than anticipated production cycle.Ispitivanja su sprovedena na dva jata brojlerskih roditelja hibrida Ross 308 i Cobb 500. Na početku proizvodnog ciklusa (24. nedelja starosti) kod hibrida Ross 308 utvrđena je prosečna telesna težina nosilja 2680,40 g, a hibrida Cobb 500 2697,80 g. U 42. nedelji starosti (sredina proizvodnog ciklusa) telesna težina nosilja iznosila je 3565,10 g (Ross 308) i 3599,05 g (Cobb 500), dok je na kraju proizvodnog ciklusa (61. nedelja starosti) telesna težina nosilja hibrida Ross 308 iznosila 3841,50 g, a Cobb 500 3850,00 g. Utvrđene razlike telesne težine nosilja (17,40 g, 33,95 g i 8,50 g) u određenim periodima proizvodnog ciklusa, kao i razlika u telesnoj težini nosilja za ceo proizvodni ciklus (23,26 g) nisu bile statistički signifikantne (P>0,05). Konkretnije sagledavanje uticaja telesne težine nosilja na reproduktivne performanse brojlerskih roditelja utvrđeno je izračunavanjem koeficijenata fenotipske korelacije između ispitivanih pokazatelja. Tako su između telesne težine nosilja i većine reproduktivnih pokazatelja brojlerskih roditelja utvrđeni statistički vrlo signifikantni (P lt 0,001) koeficijenti fenotipske korelacione povezanosti, dok su između telesne težine nosilja i procenta izvodljivosti pilića od oplođenih jaja utvrđeni statistički signifikantni (P lt 0,001; P lt 0,01; P lt 0,05) koeficijenti korelacije za neÅ”to kraći period (55. nedelja starosti) od predviđenog proizvodnog ciklusa

    Ocena kvaliteta priplodnih jaja Leghorn rase kokoŔi gajene u poluekstenzivnom sistemu

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    Analysis results regarding the external traits of breeding eggs quality originating from Leghorn breed reared in semi extensive system are given in this research. Research was done on the 55 egg sample, divided in to two categories according to weight: I group - eggs weighing up to 60 g (ā‰¤ 60 g) and II group - eggs weighing over 60 g (> 60 g). Aim of this research was to analyze the influence of weight group to base quality traits of eggs, such as weight, length, width, shape index in above mentioned breeding system. Obtained results point the fact that Leghorn breed in semi extensive breeding system achieves very satisfying results in terms of the base external quality characteristics of the eggs. Results of conducted research show that more attention should be given to the quality of eggs for planting, especially for pure breeds, then towards breeding goals with aim to improve their productive - reproductive traits, therefore preserving genetic potential of different breeds, species and races of poultry.U radu su izloženi rezultati ispitivanja spoljaÅ”njih osobina kvaliteta priplodnih jaja poreklom od Leghorn rase kokoÅ”i gajene u poluekstenzivnom sistemu držanja. Ispitivanja su izvrÅ”ena na uzorku od po 55 jaja, podeljenih u dve težinske grupe i to: I grupa - jaja mase do 60 g (ā‰¤ 60 g) i II grupa - jaja mase preko 60 g (> 60 g). Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj težinske grupe na osnovne pokazatelje kvaliteta jaja, kao Å”to su masa, dužina, Å”irina i indeks oblika jaja u navedenom sistemu držanja. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na činjenicu da leghorn rasa kokoÅ”i u poluekstenzivnom sistemu gajenja ostvaruje zadovoljavajuće rezultate u pogledu osnovnih karakteristika spoljaÅ”njeg kvaliteta jaja. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja ukazuju na to da je potrebno posvetiti veću pažnju ispitivanju kvaliteta jaja za nasad, naročito kod čistih rasa kokoÅ”i, zatim pravcu odgajivanja u cilju poboljÅ”anja njihovih proizvodno ā€“ reproduktivnih sposobnosti, a samim tim i očuvanja genetskog potencijala različitih vrsta, rasa i sojeva živine

    Analiza rezultata u daljinskom jahanju (endurance) u naŔoj zemlji

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    Endurance riding is a relatively young discipline in our country. Only by following our racing results, the results of the neighboring countries and the results achieved at the world races, as well as comparing these results and analyzing them it is possible to ensure advancement in this sport. Above all, this refers to the breathing frequency, pulse rate and the average speed of a horse, measured over a certain distance or the whole path. Only then is it possible to give the right breeding and upbringing evaluation of a horse and start with the proper selection and upbringing. In endurance riding, horses should be ridden with reserve in order to save their strength. A few minutes after a race, a horseā€™s pulse should be 64 per minute, and after half an hour the horse should be capable of continuing the race at the same tempo. Proper approximate speed of a horse is between 12-22 km per hour depending on the terrain, the riding conditions and the shape the horse is in. Only if these parameters are fulfilled, the progress of horses, this sport and ourselves is possible. .Nedovoljan broj radova iz ove oblasti, odnosno gotovo potpuni nedostatak, ozbiljan je problem vezan za napredovanje ove divne discipline. Analiza rezultata koji bi pomogli, pre svega, su pravilna merenja pulsa i ograničavanje prosečne brzine konja u trkama. Osim toga, od velikog značaja je i određeni rasni sastav grla koja učestvuju, ali i povećavanje distanci ka prepoznatljivim svetskim normama. Sistemi za ocenu takmičarske i priplodne vrednosti grla koja se takmiče u ovoj disciplini već postoje. Ipak, da bi se uradila prava uporedna analiza domaćih i rezultata iz inostranstva, morali bi održavati trke sa istim distancama u Evropi i drugim delovima sveta. To su već prepoznatljive dužine staze (120 - 160 km). Merenje pulsa, frekvencije disanja i prosečne brzine kretanja i poređenje tih rezultata može jasno da nam pokaže gde trenutno stojimo u pogledu kvaliteta grla i u kom pravcu treba dalje ići sa odgajivačko selekcijskim radom.

    Prva pojava raka stabla na uljanoj repici prouzrokovač Leptosphaeria biglobosa u Srbiji

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    In October 2010 the occurrence of the stem canker symptoms in rapeseed was observed at the locality Rimski Å ančevi in Serbia. Several strains of fungi were isolated from the stem. Morphological characteristics of the isolates were studied on a PDA medium at 25Ā±1oC: growth rate, colour, shape and appearance of colonies and the edge of the colony, the pigment, size, colour and shape of pycnidiospores and pycnidia in 10 isolates (isolated in Serbia K-111, IK-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-116, IK-117, K-118, K-119, and K-120). All tested strains had fast growth, the regular form of colonies and poor sporulation on nutrient medium. Pycnidiospores are unicellular, hyaline, and mostly straight, with or without a drop of oil. Molecular identification was performed by the application the PCR technique using primers PN3/PN10. In addition to these 10 isolates, two reference strains obtained from the Centre for Agricultural Studies, Rothamsted, UK, which are marked with L. m (Leptosphaena maculanS), L. b (Leptosphaeria biglobosa) and 7 reference isolates originating from Serbia, which are marked K-7, St-16, GS-25, L-5, C-3, LJ-2, S-1 were used. On the basis of DNA amplification with primers PN3 and PN10 tape length was about 580 bp for isolates (L.b, IK-111, K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-116, K-117, K-118, K-119, K-120) while that was 560 bp for other group of isolates (L.m, K-7, St-16, GS-25, L-5, C-3, LJ- 2, S-1).This study showed that 10 isolates (K-111, K-112, K-113, IK- 114, K-115, K-116, K-117, K-118, K-119, K-120) isolated from the stem of rapeseed belong to the species Leptosphaeria biglobosa.U oktobru 2010. pojava simptoma raka stabla na uljanoj repici je uočena na lokalitetu Rimski Å”ančevi u Srbiji. Nekoliko izolata gljive je izolovano iz stabla. MorfoloÅ”ke karakteristike 10 izolata izolovanih u Srbiji su proučene na PDA podlozi, na temperaturi 25Ā±1 oC : rast, boja, oblik, izgled kolonija ivice kolonije, lučenje pigmenta, veličina, boja i oblik piknospora i piknida K-111, K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-116, K-117, K-118, K-119, K-120. Svi testirani izolati imaju brz porast, pravilan oblik kolonija i slabu sporulaciju na hranljivoj podlozi. Piknospore su jednoćelijske, hijalne, uglavnom prave, sa ili bez kapi ulja. Molekularna identifikadja je urađena upotrebom PCR tehnike koriŔćenjem prajmera PN3/PN10. Pored ovih izolata, dva referentna soja su dobijena iz Centra za poljoprivredna istraživanja Rothamsted, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, i označeni sa L. m {Leptosphaeria maculans), L. b (Leptosphaeria biglobosa) i 7 izolata poreklom iz Srbije, označenih sa K-7, St-16, GS-25, L-5, C-3, LJ-2, S-1. Na osnovu DNK amplifikacije sa prajmerima PN3 i PN10 dužina je oko 580 bp (L.b, K-111, K-112, K-113, K-114, K- 115, K-116, K-117, K-118, K-119, K-120) dok kod drugih izolata (L.m, K-7, St-16, GS-25, L-5, C-3, LJ- 2, S-1) je 560 bp. Ova proučavanja su pokazala da svi ispitivani izolati (K-111, K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-116, K-117, K- 118, K-119, K-120) izolovani iz prizemnog dela stabla uljane repice pripadaju vrsti Leptosphaeria biglobosa

    Uticaj genotipa, pola i trajanja tova na efikasnost proizvodnje ćurećeg mesa

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    The main goal of this work was comparative testing of fattening (body weight - gain, consumption - feed conversion and mortality) and classical (meat yield, warm and chilled carcasses, classical carcass yield - ā€œprepared for the grillā€) characteristics of two line hybrids of turkey (Hybrid Converter and Nicholas) fattened up to ten weeks (male and female specimens), i.e. up to 12, 14, 16 and 18 weeks of age (male specimens). Male specimens in relation to females had a higher growth, so that at the end of the tenth week of age average weight of male broilers was 5.22 kg (Hybrid Converter) and 4.64 kg (Nicholas). With eighteen weeks, average weight of males was 12.80 kg (Hybrid Converter) and 13.44 kg (Nicholas). Mortality till the tenth week of age (both genders of turkeys) was 5.07% (Hybrid Converter) and 4.17% (Nicholas). From the tenth to the eighteenth week of age mortality of males was 9.02% (Hybrid Converter) and 12.31% (Nicholas). Feed conversion to the tenth week of age to turkeys of the both genders was 2.47 kg (Hybrid Converter) and 2.49 kg (Nicholas). From the tenth to the eighteenth week of age feed conversion to the males was 3.72 kg (Hybrid Converter) and 3.82 kg (Nicholas). To the both hybrids of turkey, male specimens had statistically significant (P lt 0.05) lower yield of meat of warm and chilled carcasses, (carcass yield) at the age of ten weeks. Then, carcasses yield of the both sexes Hybrid Converter in relation to Nicholas was statistically significant lower (P lt 0.05). Therewith, yield of warm carcasses of males was statistically significant (P lt 0.05) lower to the hybrid Hybrid Converter in relation to the Nicholas at each age (12th, 16th, and 18th week), except 14th week because determined difference (-0.63%) wasnā€™t statistically confirmed (P>0.05). Similar statistical significance had been determined to the yield of chilled carcasses.Osnovni cilj ovog rada je bio uporedno ispitivanje tovnih (telesna masa - prirast, utroÅ”ak - konverzija hrane i mortalitet) i klaničnih (prinos mesa toplih i ohlađenih trupova - klanicni randman ā€œspremno za roÅ”tiljā€) osobina dva linijska hibrida ćuraka (Hybrid Converter i Nicholas) tovljenih do 10 nedelja (muÅ”ka i ženska grla), odnosno 12, 14, 16 i 18 nedelja starosti (muÅ”ka grla). MuÅ”ka grla, u odnosu na ženska, su imala veći prirast, tako da je na kraju 10. nedelje starosti prosecna masa muÅ”kih brojlera iznosila 5,22 kg (Hybrid Converter) i 5,75 kg (Nicholas), a ženskih 4,67 kg (Hybrid Converter) i 4,64 kg (Nicholas). Sa 18 nedelja prosecna masa muÅ”kih grla iznosila je 12,80 kg (Hybrid Converter) i 13,44 kg (Nicholas). Mortalitet do 10. nedelje starosti (oba pola ćuraka) iznosio je 5,07% (Hybrid Converter) i 4,17% (Nicholas). Od 10. do 18. nedelje starosti mortalitet muÅ”kih grla iznosio je 9,02%o (Hybrid Converter) i 12,31%o (Nicholas). Konverzija hrane do 10. nedelje starosti brojlera oba pola iznosila je 2,47 kg (Hybrid Converter) i 2,49 kg (Nicholas). Od 10. do 18. nedelje konverzija hrane kod muÅ”kih grla iznosila je 3,72 kg (Hybrid Converter) i 3,82 kg (Nicholas). Kod oba hibrida ćuraka muÅ”ka grla su imala statistički značajno (P lt 0,05) manji prinos mesa toplih i ohlađenih trupova (klanični randman) pri starosti 10 nedelja. Prinos trupova oba pola brojlera Hybrid Converter u odnosu na Nicholas je bio statistički signifikantno manji (P lt 0,05). Pored toga, prinos toplih trupova muÅ”kih grla je bio statistički signifikantno (P lt 0,05) manji kod hibrida Hybrid Converter, u odnosu na Nicholas, pri svakoj starosti (12., 16. i 18. nedelji), osim 14. nedelje, jer utvrđena razlika (-0,63%o) nije statistički potvrđena (P>0,05). Slična statistička značajnost utvrđena je i kod prinosa ohlađenih trupova

    Uporedni prikaz rezultata daljinskog jahanja u Srbiji i Novom Zelandu

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    Endurance riding is a relatively young discipline in our country. Only by following our racing results, the results of the neighboring countries and the results achieved at the world races, as well as comparing these results and analyzing them is it possible to ensure advancement in this sport. Above all, this refers to the breathing frequency, pulse rate and the average speed of a horse, measured over a certain distance or the whole path. Only then is it possible to give the right breeding and upbringing evaluation of a horse and start with the proper selection and upbringing. In endurance riding, horses should be ridden with reserve in order to save their strength. A few minutes after a race, a horse's pulse should be 64 per minute, and after half an hour the horse should be capable of continuing the race at the same tempo. Proper approximate speed of a horse is between 12-22 km per hour depending on the terrain, the riding conditions and the shape the horse is in. Only if these parameters are fulfilled, the progress of horses, this sport and ourselves is possible.Analiza rezultata takmičenja u daljinskom jahanju (Endurance), bez sumnje, doprinosi unapređenju ove mlade discipline konjičkog sporta u naÅ”oj zemlji. Posebno važni parametri, na koje treba obratiti pažnju pri pomenutim analizama, su pre svega, pravilna merenja pulsa i ograničavanje prosečne brzine konja u trkama. Pored toga, od velikog značaja je i rasni sastav grla koja učestvuju u trkama, ali i povećavanje distanci ka prepoznatljivim svetskim normama, odnosno organizovanju takmičenja na distancama od 120-160 km. Posmatrano u celini, merenje pulsa, frekvencije disanja, kao i prosečne brzine kretanja grla, pored detaljnije analize ostvarenih rezultata, doprinosi popularizaciji navedene discipline i oceni kvaliteta sportskih konja, ali i uspostavljanju pravilnog odgajivačko-selekcijskog rada u sportskom konjarstvu

    Effect of egg mass of the white Italian goose on fertilisation, loss of weight during the incubation period, hatchability and gosling quality

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    The main purpose of the study was to determine the effect of egg mass and egg weight groups (group I eggs under 160 g, group II egg mass 160 g to 180 g and group III eggs over 180 g) on incubation results, loss of egg weight (moist) during incubation, gosling hatchability and the relative share of the gosling in the egg mass. Eggs with mass between 160 g and 180 g (group II) demonstrated the highest fertilisation rate (91.28 %) and the highest hatchability out of the number of incubated eggs (83.14 %), while the eggs from the group I (lighter than 160 g) showed the highest number of gosling hatchability out of the number of fertilised eggs (91.08 %). The lowest embryo mortality was that of the group I (5.17 % and 6.06 %), while the highest is reported for the group III (14.29 % and 16.67 %). The lowest relative loss of egg mass (moist) by day 25 of the incubation period was established for the group I eggs (10.98 %), and the highest for the group III (11.71 %), with a statistically significant (P lt 0.01) difference of -0.73 %. Other differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Gosling percentage in the egg mass was significantly higher (P lt 0.001) in the group III of incubated eggs (67.81 %) than in the group II (66.61 %) and the group I (65.24 %)
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