196 research outputs found

    Molekularna karakterizacija i identifikacija gljiva uzročnika raka stabla uljane repice u Srbiji

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    During 2008-2010 the infected Brassica napus plant material was collected from nine localities: Karavukovo, Crvenka, Prigrevica, Subotica, Rimski Å ančevi, Srbobran, BeÅ”ka, Banatsko Karađorđevo, and Srpski Miletić. Infected tissue samples were taken from the root of both upper and basal stems, as well as from the leaf, flower and pods. Two reference isolates from Great Britain were used in these studies for the analysis of 119 isolates from Serbia, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-RFLP. Digestion of PCR products was performed with 5 selected endonucleases: BamHI, HaeIII, Rsal, EcoRII, and AluI. On the basis of PCR analysis, all isolates originating from Serbia belong to L. complex: 111 belong to species Leptosphaeria maculans, and 8 to species Leptosphaeria biglobosa NA1 ('Leptosphaeria biglobosa brassicae), respectively.Kulture gljiva izolovane su iz obolelih biljnih delova uljane repice koji su prikupljeni iz devet lokaliteta (Karavukovo, Crvenka, Prigrevica, Subotica, Rimski Å”ančevi, Srbobran, BeÅ”ka, Banatsko Karađorđevo, Srpski Miletić) u periodu od 2008 do 2010. godine. Uzorci obolelog tkiva su uzeti sa korena, prizemnog stabla, gornjeg dela stabla i grana, kao i sa lista, cveta, ljuski i semena. Molekularna karakterizacija je sprovedena koriŔćenjem lančane reakcije polimeraze PCR i PCR-RFLP, a ukupno je ispitivano 119 izolata poreklom iz Srbije i dva referentna izolata iz Velike Britanije. Digestija PCR produkata je sprovedena sa 5 odabranih endonukleaza: BamHI, HaeIII, RsaI, EcoRII i AluI. Na osnovu PCR analize, svi izolati poreklom iz Srbije pripadaju L. kompleksu: 111 pripada vrsti Leptosphaeria maculans, a 8 vrsti Leptosphaeria biglobosa NA1 (Leptosphaeria biglobosa brassicae)

    Možnosti uporabe protimikrobnih učinkovin pri zdravljenju raka

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    Rak je veliko breme za zdravstvene sisteme in Ŕe vedno drugi najpogostejŔi vzrok smrti v razvitem svetu. Zato se, kljub velikem napredku v zadnjih letih, Ŕe vedno veliko sredstev usmerja v iskanje novih učinkovitejŔih protitumorskih zdravil, ki bi omogočila bolj učinkovito zdravljenje, daljŔe preživetje bolnikov z rakom, preprečila ponovni pojav raka in zmanjŔala stranske učinke, povezane z zdravljenjem raka, s tem pa povečala kakovost življenja bolnikov z rakom. Uvajanje novih zdravil v klinično uporabo pa je hkrati povezano z vse večjimi stroŔki. Zato je zaradi velike potrebe po prepoznavanju novih protitumorskih zdravil iskanje novih indikacij za že obstoječa zdravila na področju onkologije pritegnilo veliko pozornosti. Pri tem se je med drugim protitumorsko delovanje pokazalo tudi za nekatere antibiotike in druge protimikrobne učinkovine. Slednje se je med drugim izkazalo za doksiciklin, klorokin, nitroksolin in nekatere predstavnike fluorokinolonov. V preglednem članku povzemamo različne molekulske mehanizme, uporabljene tumorske modele in raziskave, ki opredeljujejo njihovo protitumorsko delovanje. To so prikazale Ŕtevilne neodvisne Ŕtudije tako in vitro kot in vivo, strukture obstoječih učinkovin pa so se hkrati uporabile kot spojine za razvoj novih derivatov in identificiranje strukturnih elementov, ki izboljŔajo protitumorsko delovanje. Te raziskave tako kažejo na nove možnosti za uporabo že dobro znanih učinkovin, ki bi lahko razŔirile svoj spekter uporabe in samostojno ali v kombinaciji z že obstoječim zdravljenjem izboljŔale uspeŔnost protitumorskega zdravljenja

    Prva pojava raka stabla na uljanoj repici prouzrokovač Leptosphaeria biglobosa u Srbiji

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    In October 2010 the occurrence of the stem canker symptoms in rapeseed was observed at the locality Rimski Å ančevi in Serbia. Several strains of fungi were isolated from the stem. Morphological characteristics of the isolates were studied on a PDA medium at 25Ā±1oC: growth rate, colour, shape and appearance of colonies and the edge of the colony, the pigment, size, colour and shape of pycnidiospores and pycnidia in 10 isolates (isolated in Serbia K-111, IK-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-116, IK-117, K-118, K-119, and K-120). All tested strains had fast growth, the regular form of colonies and poor sporulation on nutrient medium. Pycnidiospores are unicellular, hyaline, and mostly straight, with or without a drop of oil. Molecular identification was performed by the application the PCR technique using primers PN3/PN10. In addition to these 10 isolates, two reference strains obtained from the Centre for Agricultural Studies, Rothamsted, UK, which are marked with L. m (Leptosphaena maculanS), L. b (Leptosphaeria biglobosa) and 7 reference isolates originating from Serbia, which are marked K-7, St-16, GS-25, L-5, C-3, LJ-2, S-1 were used. On the basis of DNA amplification with primers PN3 and PN10 tape length was about 580 bp for isolates (L.b, IK-111, K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-116, K-117, K-118, K-119, K-120) while that was 560 bp for other group of isolates (L.m, K-7, St-16, GS-25, L-5, C-3, LJ- 2, S-1).This study showed that 10 isolates (K-111, K-112, K-113, IK- 114, K-115, K-116, K-117, K-118, K-119, K-120) isolated from the stem of rapeseed belong to the species Leptosphaeria biglobosa.U oktobru 2010. pojava simptoma raka stabla na uljanoj repici je uočena na lokalitetu Rimski Å”ančevi u Srbiji. Nekoliko izolata gljive je izolovano iz stabla. MorfoloÅ”ke karakteristike 10 izolata izolovanih u Srbiji su proučene na PDA podlozi, na temperaturi 25Ā±1 oC : rast, boja, oblik, izgled kolonija ivice kolonije, lučenje pigmenta, veličina, boja i oblik piknospora i piknida K-111, K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-116, K-117, K-118, K-119, K-120. Svi testirani izolati imaju brz porast, pravilan oblik kolonija i slabu sporulaciju na hranljivoj podlozi. Piknospore su jednoćelijske, hijalne, uglavnom prave, sa ili bez kapi ulja. Molekularna identifikadja je urađena upotrebom PCR tehnike koriŔćenjem prajmera PN3/PN10. Pored ovih izolata, dva referentna soja su dobijena iz Centra za poljoprivredna istraživanja Rothamsted, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, i označeni sa L. m {Leptosphaeria maculans), L. b (Leptosphaeria biglobosa) i 7 izolata poreklom iz Srbije, označenih sa K-7, St-16, GS-25, L-5, C-3, LJ-2, S-1. Na osnovu DNK amplifikacije sa prajmerima PN3 i PN10 dužina je oko 580 bp (L.b, K-111, K-112, K-113, K-114, K- 115, K-116, K-117, K-118, K-119, K-120) dok kod drugih izolata (L.m, K-7, St-16, GS-25, L-5, C-3, LJ- 2, S-1) je 560 bp. Ova proučavanja su pokazala da svi ispitivani izolati (K-111, K-112, K-113, K-114, K-115, K-116, K-117, K- 118, K-119, K-120) izolovani iz prizemnog dela stabla uljane repice pripadaju vrsti Leptosphaeria biglobosa

    Identification of Two Cryptic Species within the Praon abjectum Group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) Using Molecular Markers and Geometric Morphometrics

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    The genus Praon represents a large group of aphid endoparasitoids and is exemplary for the problems encountered in their taxonomy because of a great variability of morphological characters. To investigate the intraspecific variability and to ascertain cryptic speciation within the Praon abjectum Haliday group, biotypes in association with the aphid hosts Aphis sambuci L., Longicaudus trirhodus Walker, and Rhopalosiphum spp. were examined. We combined molecular and geometric morphometric analyses, that is, partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I and nuclear 28SD2 genes and the shape of the forewing. Low variation of 28SD2 sequences confirmed the close relatedness of species from the genus Praon. Analysis of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences however identified three separate taxa within the P. abjectum group with substantial genetic divergence. The biotype of P. abjectum associated with L. trirhodus differed from those associated with Rhopalosiphum sp. and A. sambuci by 5.4-6.5% and 7.7% sequence divergence, respectively, while the genetic distance between the latter two biotypes ranged from 9.5 to 10%. The main changes in the forewing shape that discriminate these three biotypes as revealed by geometric morphometrics are related to the stigma shape and the position of the radial nerve. Based on the differences determined in mitochondrial sequences and in the shape of the wing, we describe two new cryptic species within the P. abjectum group as follows: P. sambuci sp. n. in association with A. sambuci/S. nigra and P. longicaudus sp. n. in association with L. trirhodus/T. aquilegifoliu

    Elemental composition of moss and lichen species in eastern Serbia

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    Instrumental neutron activation analysis is used to determine a content of 47 elements (Na, Mg, Al, Cl, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, I, Ba, Cs, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Au, Hg, Th, and U) in mosses (Homolothecium sp., Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw., and Brachythecium mildeanum (Schimp.) Schimp.) and lichen (Cladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr.) collected in three locations in Eastern Serbia over years 2006-2010. Concentrations of six elements (Zr, Nd, Gd, Tm, Yb, and Lu) in mosses in Serbia are measured for the first time. For other elements, the obtained concentrations fall within the ranges reported for mosses and lichens in Europe, but no declining trend in concentrations of V, Cd, Cr, Zn, Ni, Fe, and Cu, that has been described in the literature, can be inferred from our results. Factor analysis shows that terrigenous and industrial components are the highest contributing factors to the elemental composition and that the most polluted measurement site is in the vicinity of a copper mining and smelting complex

    Urgent hybrid approach in treatment of the acute myocardial infarction complicated by the ventricular septal rupture

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    Introduction. Ventricular septal rupture (VSR) in the acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a rare but very serious complication, still associated with high mortality, despite significant improvements in pharmacological and surgical treatment. Therefore, hybrid approaches are introduced as new therapeutical options. Case Outline. We present an urgent hybrid approach, consisting of the initial percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the infarct-related artery, followed by immediate surgical closure of the ventricular septal rupture, for treatment of high risk, hemodynamically unstable female patient with AMI caused by one-vessel disease and complicated by VSR and cardiogenic shock. Since the operative risk was also very high (EUROSCORE II 37%), this therapeutic decision was based on the assumption that preoperative PCI could promptly establish blood flow and thereby lessen the risks, duration and complexity of urgent cardiosurgical intervention, performed on the same day. This approach proved to be successful and the patient was discharged from the hospital on the fifteenth postoperative day in stable condition. Conclusion. In selected cases, with high operative risk and unstable hemodynamic state due to AMI complicated by VSR, urgent hybrid approach consisting of the initial PCI followed by surgical closure of VSR may represent an acceptable treatment option and contribute to the treatment of this complex group of patients

    Somatosenzorni evocirani potencijali pobuđeni vibracijskom stimulacijom: parametri stimulacije

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    In a clinical application, a method for an examination of a vibratory sense is not very objective and it depends on an active cooperation of a patient, which cannot be achieved in every situation. The aim of this research is to deļ¬ne parameters of an evoked potentials method with a vibratory stimulation technique which would establish reliable and repeatable results applicable in a clinical usage. During the research, different experimental conditions were performed (different methods of stimulation, different stimulation frequencies, different stimulus durations, different areas of stimulation). Presented results conļ¬rm the initial assumption that it is possible to detect reliable and repeatable cortical potentials evoked by the vibratory stimulation. Characteristic shapes and spatiotemporal distributions of evoked responses are established. Optimal stimulation parameters are deļ¬ned as a prelude for a future research.U kliničkoj uporabi, metoda ispitivanja dubokog osjeta pomoću vibracija nije objektivna i zahtijeva aktivnu suradnju pacijenta Å”to u brojnim situacijama nije moguće. Svrha ovog istraživanja je deļ¬nirati parametre metode evociranih po-tencijala pobuđenih vibracijskom stimulacijom primjenjive u kliničkoj uporabi, koja će davati pouzdane i ponovljive rezultate. Tijekom ispitivanja, primijenjeni su različiti eksperimentalni uvjeti (različite tehnike stimulacije, različite frekvencije stimulacije, različita trajanja stimulacije, različita područja stimuliranja). Rezultati potvrđuju početnu pretpostavku da je moguće detektirati pouzdane i ponovljive kortikalne potencijale pobuđene vibracijskom stimulacijom. Utvrđeni su karakteristični valni oblici evociranih odgovora i njihove prostorno-vremenske karakteristike. Optimalni stimulacijski parametri su deļ¬niriani kao podloga za buduća istraživanj

    Osobenosti proizvodnje ozime uljane repice (Brassica napus L.)

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    The importance of rapeseed as a crop is increasing both in the world and in Serbia. Rapeseed is used as oil and protein source in different branches of processing industry. Different forms (winter and spring) enable rapeseed cultivation in different environmental conditions. Soil cultivation, sowing and harvesting time as well as fertilization should be adjusted to the soil type and climatic conditions of each region. It is necessary to follow the basic rules of crop cultivation such as crop rotation and optimal time for each cultivation operation in order to achieve high seed yields. Varieties in '00' type - without erucic acid and with low glucozinolate content are the most commonly grown. Spring forms of rapeseed have lower yield and mature later than winter forms, but they can be grown in areas with less favorable climate.Uljana repica ima sve veći značaj u svetu i u Republici Srbiji. Kao izvor ulja i proteina, koristi se u različitim granama prerađivačke industrije. Raznolikost formi (ozime i jare) i sortimenta, omogućava joj gajenje u različitim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima. Način obrade zemljiÅ”ta, vremena setve i žetve i đubrenje treba prilagoditi kvalitetu zemljiÅ”ta i klimatskim uslovima svakog regiona. Neophodno je poÅ”tovati osnovna agrotehnička pravila, kao Å”to su plodored i optimalno vreme za izvođenje svih agrotehničkih operacija, za postizanje visokih prinosa semena. NajčeŔće se gaje sorte koje pripadaju tipu kvaliteta '00' - bez eruka kiseline i sa niskim sadržajem glukozinolata. Jare forme uljane repice imaju niži prinos od ozimih i sazrevaju neÅ”to kasnije, ali se mogu gajiti u područjima nepovoljnije klime
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