10 research outputs found

    Prevalence and determinants of unintended pregnancies amongst women attending antenatal clinics in Pakistan

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    Background: Unintended pregnancies are a global public health concern and contribute significantly to adverse maternal and neonatal health, social and economic outcomes and increase the risks of maternal deaths and neonatal mortality. In countries like Pakistan where data for the unintended pregnancies is scarce, studies are required to estimate its accurate prevalence and predictors using more specific tools such as the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancies (LMUP). Methods: We conducted a hospital based cross sectional survey in two tertiary care hospitals in Pakistan. We used a pre tested structured questionnaire to collect the data on socio-demographic characteristics, reproductive history, awareness and past experience with contraceptives and unintended pregnancies using six item the LMUP. We used Univariate and multivariate analysis to explore the association between unintended pregnancies and predictor variables and presented the association as adjusted odds ratios. We also evaluated the psychometric properties of the Urdu version of the LMUP. Results: Amongst 3010 pregnant women, 1150 (38.2%) pregnancies were reported as unintended. In the multivariate analysis age \u3c 20 years (AOR 3.5 1.1-6.5), being illiterate (AOR 1.9 1.1-3.4), living in a rural setting (1.7 1.2-2.3), having a pregnancy interval of = \u3c 12 months (AOR 1.7 1.4-2.2), having a parity of \u3e2 (AOR 1.4 1.2-1.8), having no knowledge about contraceptive methods (AOR 3.0 1.7-5.4) and never use of contraceptive methods (AOR 2.3 1.4-5.1) remained significantly associated with unintended pregnancy. The Urdu version of the LMUP scale was found to be acceptable, valid and reliable with the Cronbach\u27s alpha of 0.85. Conclusions: This study explores a high prevalence of unintended pregnancies and important factors especially those related to family planning. Integrated national family program that provides contraceptive services especially the modern methods to women during pre-conception and post-partum would be beneficial in averting unintended pregnancies and their related adverse outcomes in Pakistan

    MultiCens: Multilayer network centrality measures to uncover molecular mediators of tissue-tissue communication.

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    With the evolution of multicellularity, communication among cells in different tissues and organs became pivotal to life. Molecular basis of such communication has long been studied, but genome-wide screens for genes and other biomolecules mediating tissue-tissue signaling are lacking. To systematically identify inter-tissue mediators, we present a novel computational approach MultiCens (Multilayer/Multi-tissue network Centrality measures). Unlike single-layer network methods, MultiCens can distinguish within- vs. across-layer connectivity to quantify the "influence" of any gene in a tissue on a query set of genes of interest in another tissue. MultiCens enjoys theoretical guarantees on convergence and decomposability, and performs well on synthetic benchmarks. On human multi-tissue datasets, MultiCens predicts known and novel genes linked to hormones. MultiCens further reveals shifts in gene network architecture among four brain regions in Alzheimer's disease. MultiCens-prioritized hypotheses from these two diverse applications, and potential future ones like "Multi-tissue-expanded Gene Ontology" analysis, can enable whole-body yet molecular-level systems investigations in humans

    Eukaryotic tRNAs fingerprint invertebrates vis-àvis vertebrates

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    During translation, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases recognize the identities of the tRNAs to charge them with their respective amino acids. The conserved identities of 58,244 eukaryotic tRNAs of 24 invertebrates and 45 vertebrates in genomic tRNA database were analyzed and their novel features extracted. The internal promoter sequences, namely, A-Box and B-Box, were investigated and evidence gathered that the intervention of optional nucleotides at 17a and 17b correlated with the optimal length of the A-Box. The presence of canonical transcription terminator sequences at the immediate vicinity of tRNA genes was ventured. Even though non-canonical introns had been reported in red alga, green alga, and nucleomorph so far, fairly motivating evidence of their existence emerged in tRNA genes of other eukaryotes. Noncanonical introns were seen to interfere with the internal promoters in two cases, questioning their transcription fidelity. In a first of its kind, phylogenetic constructs based on tRNA molecules delineated and built the trees of the vast and diverse invertebrates and vertebrates. Finally, two tRNA models representing the invertebrates and the vertebrates were drawn, by isolating the dominant consensus in the positional fluctuations of nucleotide composition

    Alzheimer’s disease rewires gene coexpression networks coupling different brain regions

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    Abstract Connectome studies have shown how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) disrupts functional and structural connectivity among brain regions. But the molecular basis of such disruptions is less studied, with most genomic/transcriptomic studies performing within-brain-region analyses. To inspect how AD rewires the correlation structure among genes in different brain regions, we performed an Inter-brain-region Differential Correlation (Inter-DC) analysis of RNA-seq data from Mount Sinai Brain Bank on four brain regions (frontal pole, superior temporal gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus, comprising 264 AD and 372 control human post-mortem samples). An Inter-DC network was assembled from all pairs of genes across two brain regions that gained (or lost) correlation strength in the AD group relative to controls at FDR 1%. The differentially correlated (DC) genes in this network complemented known differentially expressed genes in AD, and likely reflects cell-intrinsic changes since we adjusted for cell compositional effects. Each brain region used a distinctive set of DC genes when coupling with other regions, with parahippocampal gyrus showing the most rewiring, consistent with its known vulnerability to AD. The Inter-DC network revealed master dysregulation hubs in AD (at genes ZKSCAN1, SLC5A3, RCC1, IL17RB, PLK4, etc.), inter-region gene modules enriched for known AD pathways (synaptic signaling, endocytosis, etc.), and candidate signaling molecules that could mediate region-region communication. The Inter-DC network generated in this study is a valuable resource of gene pairs, pathways and signaling molecules whose inter-brain-region functional coupling is disrupted in AD, thereby offering a new perspective of AD etiology

    Anomalous altered expressions of downstream gene-targets in TP53-miRNA pathways in head and neck cancer

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    The prevalence of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, HNSCC, continues to grow. Change in the expression of TP53 in HNSCC affects its downstream miRNAs and their gene targets, anomalously altering the expressions of the five genes, MEIS1, AGTR1, DTL, TYMS and BAK1. These expression alterations follow the repression of TP53 that upregulates miRNA-107, miRNA- 215, miRNA-34 b/c and miRNA-125b, but downregulates miRNA-155. The above five so far unreported genes are the targets of these miRNAs. Meta-analyses of microarray and RNA-Seq data followed by qRT-PCR validation unravel these new ones in HNSCC. The regulatory roles of TP53 on miRNA-155 and miRNA-125b differentiate the expressions of AGTR1 and BAK1in HNSCC vis-a`-vis other carcinogenesis. Expression changes alter cell cycle regulation, angiogenic and blood cell formation, and apoptotic modes in affliction. Pathway analyses establish the resulting systems-level functional and mechanistic insights into the etiology of HNSCC

    Decrypting ENCODEd epigenetic marks of human tRN-A-RS genes in normal, stem and cancer cell lines

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    <p>Screening large-scale ENCODE data of 625 cytoplasmic transfer RNA (tRNAs) and 37 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase (AARSs) human genes, we deconstruct the array of relations between 10 histone marks affecting 15 chromatin states; their tissue specificity and variations and interchange amongst normal, cancerous and stem cells. The histone marks of RNA Pol II transcribed AARS genes share, but also contrast with that on RNA Pol III transcribed tRNA genes. tRNAs with identical/similar sequences may be in significantly varying states even within the same cell line; the chromatin scaffold, where the tRNA gene resides, is the key determinant. Hepatocellular carcinoma cell line has dominant H3K27me3, and singular clustering of other marks. Leukaemic cell line has hyperactive genes. The quiescence of the stem cells is encoded in the markers. Leaving aside the important exceptions in stem cells and elsewhere, tRNAs with cove scores above 50 have active markers and precise sets of transcription factors, and are usually well conserved compared to the low-scoring ones. Pseudo tRNAs are in heterochromatin/repressed state with anomalous exceptions in cancer cells. We motivate that Epigenetic-Phishing hacks the translation apparatus through the chromatin states governed by the histone marks of tRNA and AARS genes, and speculate on their therapeutic implications in cancer and on stem cells.</p

    Recent Advancement of Biopolymers and Their Potential Biomedical Applications

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