13 research outputs found

    Perspektiva održivog socijalnog razvoja i razvoja javnih službi opštine Kuršumlija

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    The paper deals with the planning basis, analysis and assessment of developmental status and general trends of Kuršumlija municipality, as well as the status of development planning, resource management and the constraints of social development and public services. Although not considered as a prioritized development and planning choice, the local sustainable social development represents a significant support to long-term development strategies and to demographic stability. This segment of spatial development planning is closely related to social values, political and economic context, which perform a variety of effects on the constitution of its concept. The aim of the paper is to show that different, and sometimes conflicting concepts of the social development that are defined at higher planning levels, need to be checked in relation to local specificities and requirements. Based on that, it is possible to create a concept of public services spatial development that will be applicable and will meet the demands and potentials of the local community.Rad se bavi planskom osnovom, analizom i ocenom stanja i opštih razvojnih kretanja opštine Kuršumlija, kao i stanjem razvijenosti i planiranja, potencijalima i ograničenjima socijalnog razvoja i razvoja javnih službi. Iako se ne smatra prioritetnim razvojnim i planskim opredeljenjem, lokalni održivi socijalni razvoj predstavlja značajnu podršku dugoročnim strategijama razvoja i oslonac za demografsku stabilnost. Ovaj segment planiranja prostornog razvoja u tesnoj je vezi sa društvenim vrednosnim opredeljenjima, političkim i ekonomskim kontekstom koji vrše različite uticaje na konstituisanje njegovog koncepta. Cilj rada je da pokaže da je različite, ponekad i oprečne koncepcije razvoja ovog sektora definisane na višem nivou je potrebno proveriti u odnosu na lokalne specifičnosti i zahteve i u odnosu na to kreirati koncept prostornog razvoja javnih službi koji će biti primenljiv i odgovoriti na zahteve i mogućnosti lokalne sredine

    Konceptualni okvir za lokalno osetljivo planiranje javnih službi na primeru opštine Kuršumlija

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    Locally sensitive urban and spatial planning, especially in the domain of the public sector, has been gaining importance lately, and there is almost no document related to the sustainable development which does not emphasize its importance. The reasons for that are numerous - from the need to better adapt the general concepts to the local needs and potentials, to the higher chances for implementation and inclusion of a wider circle of stakeholders. At the same time, the role of public services as an integrating part of urban functions and domains is increasing, as they have a significant role in achieving social integration in the context of urban and territorial development. In the local strategic plans in Serbia - spatial plans of municipalities - sustainable social development and planning of spatial development of public services represents a significant aspect of planning instruments related to the quality of life, prevention of depopulation, support to the development of the local economy and other. However, the concepts, developmental measures and solutions defined by the spatial and urban plans and strategic documents are often now sufficiently adapted to the appropriate spatial level. In order to contribute to the methodology of planning of social development and public services, this paper presents the approach to the sustainable planning of the spatial development of public services in the framework of the Spatial plan of the local municipality of Kuršumlija, as well as the review of potentials and limitations of implementation of development concept of public services.Lokalno osetljivo urbano i prostorno planiranje, posebno u domenu javnog sektora poslednjih godina dobija na značaju i gotovo da nema dokumenta vezanog za održivi razvoj koji ne naglašava njegov značaj. Razlozi su brojni - od potrebe da se generalni koncepti bolje prilagode lokalnim potrebama i mogućnostima, do veće šanse za implementaciju i za uključivanje šireg kruga aktera. Istovremeno raste i uloga javnih službi kao integrišućeg dela urbanih funkcija i domena koji ima značajnu ulogu u dostizanju socijalne integracije u kontekstu urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja. U lokalnim strateškim planovima u Srbiji - prostornim planovima opština održivi socijalni razvoj i planiranje prostornog razvoja javnih službi predstavlja značajan aspekt planskih mera vezanih za kvalitet života, sprečavanje depopulacije, podršku razvoju lokalne ekonomije i drugo. Međutim, koncepti, razvojne mere i rešenja definisani prostornim i urbanističkim planovima i strateškim dokumentima često nisu dovoljno prilagođeni odgovarajućem prostornom nivou. Sa ciljem doprinosa u domenu metodologije planiranja socijalnog razvoja i javnih službi, u radu je prikazan pristup održivom planiranju prostornog razvoja javnih službi u okviru Prostornog plana jedinice lokalne samouprave Kuršumlija, kao i pregled mogućnosti i ograničenja implementacije koncepta razvoja javnih službi

    Proportional ratios and geometrical setups for achieving the floating effect of architectonic structures

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    Kontinuitet ideje "lebdećih" arhitektonskih objekata, postojao je kroz čitavo razdoblje razvoja civilizacije. U ovom radu istražuje se ideja "lebdećih" prostornih struktura kroz povijesne primjere u različitim arhitektonskim stilovima. Razlozi takvog formalnog oblikovanja su od utilitarnih, do apstraktnih i estetskih. Kroz analizu kontinuiteta ideje i oblikovne pojavnosti spomenutih objekata dolazi se i do načina postizanja efekta i klasifikacije koja iz njih proizlazi. U ovom radu je postizanje efekta lebdenja arhitektonskih objekata analizirano s aspekta proporcijskih odnosa i geometrijskih postavki u procesu projektiranja.In the entire period of development of human civilization, there has been a continuity of the concept of "hovering" architectonic structures. This paper deals with discovering the idea of "hover" structures in numerous historical examples and in various architectural styles. The reasons of such formal shaping are utilitarian, but also conceptual and esthetic. Through an analysis of the continuity of the idea and formal appearance of the mentioned structures, the methods of achieving the effect can be defined and classification resulting from them made. In this paper, the achievement of the floating effect of architectonic structures has been analyzed from the aspect of ratios and geometrical setups in design process


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    Archeological sites, as highly complex parts of the cultural heritage, require special care in all parts of planning, research, conservation and presentation. An archeological site, from the moment of excavation and further on, is permanently exposed to external, potentially harmful conditions: starting from structural problems during excavations, and exposure to atmospherics (rain, frost. . .). Influence of vegetation on site degradation cannot be neglected, as well as influence of people. All the mentioned factors that influence degradation of archeological sites are classified in this paper and presented through an example of the Caričin Grad early Byzantine site located near Leskovac in Serbia

    Current state and perspective of water management policy in terms of climate change: Case study of the Velika Morava River

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    The purpose of this paper is to set out the policy guidelines and recommendations to harmonise the Serbian water legislation with European Union standards in the area of water system management as impacted by climate change. The EU Water Framework Directive is analysed in the context of implementation of the integrated water management policy presented in the Serbian Water Law (2010), as well as the National Water Management Strategy (2016). It has been found that the water management legislation that deals with the impact of climate change on water resources is incomplete. Although there are numerous challenges related to research of climate change and water systems, water policy and legal aspects cannot be neglected. The so-called soft law instruments represented in a form of strategy documents could be a valuable response in terms of an adaptive and integrated water policy approach. The research is applied to a case study of the Velika Morava River Basin, at Ljubicevski Most hydrological station. Long-term projections suggest a decrease in annual precipitation levels and annual flows up to the year 2100 for climatic scenarios A1B and A2, accompanied by a rapid increase in air temperatures. This study proposes a water management policy and provides recommendations for the Velika Morava River Basin as impacted by climate change, according to the European Union legislation

    Current strategies of urban and architectural conversion as a result of increased housing demands

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    U postojećem svijetu društvenih i demografskih promjena koje neprestano mijenjaju i povećavaju potražnju za smještajem, iskorištavanje postojećeg građevinskog fonda za razvoj novih stambenih prostora mogao bi postati održivo rješenje problema prenapućenosti gradova. Konverzija zastarjelih zgrada, koje su izgubile svoju primarnu funkciju, u stambene objekte, jedna je od postojećih metoda za revitalizaciju visoko-urbaniziranih područja. Budući da je konverzija samo jedna od mogućih metoda urbane obnove, jer se vrlo često primijenjuju radikalnije mjere demoliranja zgrada i konverzije zemljišta, potrebno je analizirati i kvalitetu i prikladnost ovoga pristupa. U radu se naglašavaju prednosti implementiranja konverzije zgrada kad se radi o smještaju te se istražuju opće karakteristike postojećih lokalnih i internacionalnih strategija konverzije i urbane regeneracije.In the contemporary world of social and demographic changes that continuously transform and intensify the housing demands, the exploitation of existing building fund for the development of new residential environment could be a sustainable solution to the problem of overcrowding in the cities. Conversion of obsolete buildings that are out of their primary functions to residential facilities is one of the current methods of highly-urbanized areas revitalization. Since the conversion is only one of the possible methods of urban renewal, because more radical measures of building demolition and land conversion are very often applied, it is necessary to analyse the quality and suitability of this approach. The paper points out the advantages of building conversion implementation in the field of housing and explores the general characteristics of the current local and international strategies of conversion and urban regeneration


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    Participation of tenants is an actual and very efficient instrument for revitalizing open spaces in complex with high-rise housing. The share of tenants in joint activities in open spaces and in their improvement contributes to the development of the feeling of pride of the tenant and the responsibility for the housing environment. Therefore, through participation, tenants become motivated to undertake activities that can prevent further devastation of open spaces. Modalities of tenants' participation are diverse and some of the key are: tenants' personalization, learning to improve common spaces (semi-public, semi-private) and collective gardening. The aim of this paper is to affirm the participation of tenants in the programs of revitalization of open spaces and articulation of its significance in complexes with high-rise housing in the context of improvement of quality of life. In these compilations there often occurs alienation, lack of awareness of tenants for the improvement of open space, and encouragement of  participation of tenants is of particular importance. In this context, this paper analyzes an example of good practice of revitalizing open spaces in the residential complex Eriksbo in Gothenburg, where a great diversity of modalities of tenants' participation can be identified


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    Urban green areas have multiple roles in cities and to a large extent they determine the quality and livability of urban space. The process of urbanization has led to an increase in construction in cities and reduction of open public spaces, especially green areas. Planning of urban green areas is an integral part of urban planning, thus changes in planning and development of urban green areas can be observed through urban planning documents. The main question is whether the loss of green areas is a consequence of non-compliance with plans, or the reason for this lies in the method of planning of green areas. In order to answer this question the paper discusses: functions, standards and classification of urban green areas in general, and their use in two successive general urban plans of the city of Niš in the last twenty years, as a prerequisite for the development of green areas in accordance with growing need for green areas in the city.Zelene površine u gradovima imaju višestruku ulogu i u velikoj meri određuju kvalitet gradskog prostora i prijatnost za život. Proces urbanizacije doveo je do povećanja izgrađenosti u gradovima i smanjenja otvorenih javnih površina, naročito zelenih površina. Planiranje zelenih površina je sastavni deo urbanističkog planiranja, tako da se promene u planiranju zelenih površina i razvoj zelenih površina mogu platiti kroz urbanističke planove. Osnovno pitanje je da li je smanjivanje zelenih površina u gradovima posledica nepoštovanja urbanističkih planova ili razlog leži u samom načinu planiranja zelenih površina. Da bi se odgovorilo na to pitanje, rad se bavi funkcijama, normativima i klasifikacijom zelenih površina u gradovma i primenom ovih elemenata u dva generalna urbanistička plana grada Niša u poslednjih dvadeset godina, kao preduslovom za razvoj zelenih površina u skladu sa rastućom potrebom za zelenilom u gradovima.


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    Rural areas represent areas that are different from other areas in terms of economic, social, demographic and cultural development. The differences are determined by multiple factors - geomorphological characteristics, population, economic structure, infrastructure and utilities as well as the developmental potential of certain areas, all of which present the basis for the development of strategic plans. This paper discusses main characteristics of spatial and functional structure of rural areas situated within the municipalities of Niš. Many settlements, even when they stand next to each other, differ in terms of their inner organization and structure. But also, there are many elements that are common for the settlements in a certain area. The aim of this paper is to analyze functional and spatial structure of these settlements and to point out their similarities. Influence of the geographical location and historical background will be also analyzed. Because of their specific terrain conditions and due to the influence of historical events, these settlements had a very strong impact of Ottoman architecture and some of the evidence are present in their structure even today. On the other hand, because of their favorable location, air pollution is lower than in the cities which makes the quality of life better.Ruralne oblasti predstavljaju područja koja se razlikuju od ostalih područja u smislu ekonomskog, socijalnog, demografskog i kulturnog razvoja. Razlike određuje više faktora - geomorfološke karakteristike i populacija, ekonomska struktura, infrastruktura i komunalna opremljenost, kao i razvojni potencijal pojedinih područja koja su osnova za izradu strateških planova. U radu su razmatrane osnovne karakteristike prostorne i funkcionalne strukture u ruralnim područjima koja su u opštinama grada Niš. Mnoga naselja, čak iako su jedna pored drugih, razlikuju se u pogledu njihove unutrašnje organizacije i strukture, ali postoji veliki broj elemenata koji su zajednički za naselja u određenom području. Cilj ovog rada je da analizira funkcionalnu i prostornu strukturu ovih naselja i da ukaže na njihove sličnosti. Uticaj njihovog geografskog položaja kao i istorijska pozadina biće takođe analizirani u radu. Zbog svojih specifičnih uslova terena i zbog uticaja istorijskih događaja, ova naselja su imala vrlo jak uticaj Otomanske arhitekture, a neki od dokaza su i danas prisutni u njihovoj strukturi. S druge strane, zbog povoljnog položaja, nivo zagađenja vazduha je niži nego u gradovima što čini kvalitet života boljim


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    The use of renewable energies is imperative nowadays. One of the ways to use clean technologies is installation of photovoltaic systems which convert solar energy into electricity, through solar plants. The country’s potential for usage of solar energy is determined by the analysis of climatic conditions. The research is conducted on the example of a small-scale solar plant – a pilot project installed in the city of Niš, concerning the analysis of the mounted system and giving the recommendations for their design with the aim of improving efficient energy use. Limitations in the installation of solar plants can occur in the case of an unfavorable position of the building where the installation is planned, and more often, the limitations are related to the investment costs and length of the repayment period of these kinds of technologies. This paper represents a promotion of sustainable electricity supply for our country and it is in correlation with the legal directives of using renewable energies.Korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije je imperativ u današnje vreme. Jedan od načina primene čistih tehnologija je instalacija fotonaponskih sistema koji konvertuju sunčevu energiju u električnu, preko solarnih elektrana. Analizom klimatskih uslova je utvrđen potencijal zemlje za upotrebu solarne energije. Na primeru solarne elektrane malog kapaciteta - pilot projekta izvedenog u gradu Nišu, sprovedeno je istraživanje koje se odnosi na analizu postavljenog sistema uz davanje preporuka za njihovo projektovanje u cilju povećanja energetske efikasnosti. Ograničenja koja se javljaju u vezi sa instalacijom fotonaponskih sistema su nepovoljan položaj objekta na kome je planirana izgradnja, a mnogo češće se odnose na investicione troškove i period otplate ovakvih vrsta tehnologija. Rad predstavlja promociju održivog snabdevanja električnom energijom za našu zemlju, što je u korelaciji sa zakonskim direktivama korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije