4 research outputs found

    Application of Lean Methods into the Customised Product Development Process of Large Power Transformers

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    The study conducts research on lean product development (PD) methodology and presents a case study of its practical application into a specific one-of-a-kind development of large power transformers. The demonstrated framework is the result of a 5-year intensive research that led to an extensive transformation of a traditional PD environment into a highly efficient process according to lean principles. Paper explains how lean PD integrates with robust, concurrent and smart design strategies in highly individualized PD business. A generalized framework of PD and design process renovation is presented, comprising three main fields of interest: Process & Tools, People, and Knowledge. A direct consequence of implied renovation are significant savings. Case-study company cut down engineering changes by 32 % in three year test period and experienced performance improvement between 25 % and 83 % across designated process indicators

    Method for increasing of robustness of the engineering design process in individual production

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    Ohranjanje konkurenčnosti zahteva širitev palete izdelkov, s čimer zadovoljimo spreminjajoče se potrebe in zahteve kupcev. Učinkovitost in robustnost konstrukcijskega procesa individualnega proizvoda mora biti zagotovljena z ustreznim sistemom informacijske in metodološke podpore ter reorganizacijo procesnih aktivnosti. Strategija razvoja izdelkov mora temeljiti na identifikaciji zahtev kupcev, vgrajeni v koncept modularnosti fizikalnih funkcij, kar omogoča izvedbo individualiziranega izdelka. To neizogibno narekuje prehod v razvoj prilagodljivih, modularnih izdelkov. Modularnost izdelka je dosežena s kombiniranjem različnih modulov, robustno povezanih preko skupne platforme. To je osnova za vzpostavitev pametne tovarne, znotraj katere dinamični poslovni in inženirski procesi omogočajo spremembe v dizajnu in proizvodnji v zadnjem trenutku, kar omogoča agilen odziv v primeru kakršnih koli sprememb. V pričujočem delu je predstavljen model za preobrazbo razvojno-konstrukcijskega procesa v individualni proizvodnji v skladu z agilnimi in vitkimi načeli. Povečanje robustnosti procesa je bilo doseženo z uvedbo povečane spremenljivosti procesa in izdelka ter prehodom v pametno strategijo načrtovanja, ki temelji na agilnem izvajanju načrtovalnih ciklov. Predstavljeni model je bil potrjen z obsežno študijo v realnem industrijskem okolju. Izkazani učinki so potrdili praktično uporabnost modela, njegova posplošena oblika pa omogoča njegovo neposredno implementacijo v podobna industrijska okolja, znotraj katerih individualiziranim izdelkom povečamo dobičkonosnost zaradi dviga kakovosti in krajših razvojnih časov.Increasing competition has forced companies to expand their product range to meet changing customer needs and requirements. The efficiency and robustness of the design process of an individual product must be ensured by an appropriate system of information and methodological support and the reorganization of process activities. The product development strategy must be based on the identification of customer requirements, embedded in the concept of modularity of physical functions, which enables individual product realization. This inevitably requires a transition to development of adaptable, modular products. Product modularity is achieved by combining different modules robustly connected through a common platform. This is the basis for setting up a smart factory, within which dynamic business and engineering processes enable last-minute design and manufacturing changes, allowing for an agile response in the event of any changes. This thesis presents a framework for transforming the development and design process within highly individualized business environment in accordance with agile and lean principles. Process robustness has been increased through the introduction of enhanced process and product variability and through the implementation of concurrent and smart design strategies. The presented framework has been validated by an extensive case study in a real industrial environment. The significant effects have confirmed the practical applicability of the proposed framework, while its generalized form allows its direct implementation into similar industrial environments, within which individualized products maximize their profitability due to their higher quality and shorter lead times

    Agile product development process transformation to support advanced one-of-a-kind manufacturing

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    Increased competition in the global market has forced companies to diversify their product ranges to meet the customers\u27 changing needs and adopt product development strategies for mass customization or even one-of-a-kind production, which inevitably requires designing modular products. Product modularity is achieved via platform-based systems, in which various combinations of different modules are assembled within a common platform. The smart factories that are already beginning to appear to employ a completely new approach to product creation. In smart industry, dynamic business and engineering processes enable last-minute changes to design and production, delivering the ability to respond flexibly to disruptions and failures on behalf of suppliers. This paper presents a case study of product development and design process renovation according to agile and lean principles in one-of-a-kind industrial environments. It defines how changeability integrates with robust, concurrent and smart design strategies. Introduction of agility to highly individualized production environments is mostly about enhancing the robustness of new product development processes. Product development and manufacturing processes are interconnected therefore they need to be re-engineered together. The presented work aims to deliver a generalized conceptual framework that demonstrates how companies in such specific environments can improve smartness and profitability through the utilization of agility concepts

    Customized Product Development Supported by Integrated Information

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    Information systems are key enablers for the integration and reliable management of the product development process. Fast, robust, and cost-efficient product adaptation is especially important in one-of-a-kind production. This paper presents an implementation of information supported tools of the product development (PD) design process for large power transformers. One-of-a-kind production is specific, as each product must be customized, wherefore a robust design process well supported by information technologies (IT) plays a key role in creating a digital twin and the product's final value. Goal of this research was to develop the product information model and smart supporting tools for customization and integrate them into the design process. Based on a systematic analysis of the sample company, this paper proposes a model for the complete renewal of information systems and of working methodology, where reorganization is demonstrated in an increase of overall effectiveness. The results clearly show a considerable drop in engineering changes, increased productivity and improved business competitiveness. The proposed framework is generalized, which makes it directly applicable in similar business environments and thus helpful for establishing the best-practice guidelines for promoting competitiveness in one-of-a-kind PD processes