4 research outputs found

    Acute pyelonephritis in urological practice - etiology, diagnosis and treatment

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    Catedra Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală, USMF„Nicolae Testemiţanu", Secţia Urologie, IMSP SCR, Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Rezumat Infecţia tractului urinar (ITU) reprezintă una dintre cele mai frecvente infecţii bacteriene în ţările industrializate, fiind o infecţie bacteriană nespecifică, ce poate fi cauzată de către o varietate de agenţi patogeni.Actualmente diagnosticul acestei patologii s-a îmbunătăţit graţie prezenţei metodelor moderne de diagnostic.ln lucrare sunt expuse rezultatele studiului literaturii de specialitate referitoare la diagnostic, evoluţie şi tratament a Pielonefritei acute şi Pielonefritei acute la gravide.Summary Urinary tract infection is one of the most frequent bacterial infection in the development countries.Crrently,the diagnosis of this pathology was significantly improved due to the varios methods of diagnosis and treatment.This scientific work analyses data available in specialized literature,evolution and treatment of acute pyelonephritis and acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy

    Manangementul în diagnosticul şl tratamentul formelor grave de pielonefrită acută

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    Summary In o group of 212 patients we analyzed the causes of the increasing incidence of purulent acute pielonephritis in the last 3 years. We discovered that the incidence increased as a result of a dilated addressing to the specialist and the treatment before the appreciation of the final diagnosis was ineffective. A new schedule of antibacterial treatment was implemented for the attention of urological service in R. Moldova