2 research outputs found

    Unapređenje vijabilnosti i stabilnosti probiotskog proizvoda sa Saccharomyces boulardii DBVPG

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    In recent decades, probiotic products have been increasingly used to prevent certain gastrointestinal and urogenital disorders, to improve the general condition of the body and as a supplement to pharmacological therapy. They are most often registered as dietary supplements, and less often as drugs in the form of capsules, powders, and solutions. Optimization of technological processes of production and packaging of these products aims to maintain probiotic characteristics while adhering to all criteria during production that ensure quality, bioavailability and optimal therapeutic effects. In this paper, the importance of choosing primary and secondary packaging materials was explored with the aim of preserving the viability of probiotic cells in capsules for two years, i.e. during the shelf life. By comparing the applications of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and PVC/polyvinylidene chloride/polyethylene blister foils, better protection of probiotic cells was observed by applying the multilayer foil. In addition, in this research, further improvements of probiotic cell protection were achieved by applying a secondary packing-flow pack bag with inert gas for storing multilayered blisters.Probiotski proizvodi se poslednjih decenija sve viÅ”e koriste za prevenciju određenih gastrointestinalnih i urogenitalnih poremećaja, za poboljÅ”anje opÅ”teg stanja organi-zma i kao dopuna farmakoloÅ”ke terapije. NajčeŔće su registrovani kao dijetetski suple-menti, a ređe kao lekovi u obliku kapsula, praÅ”kova i rastvora. Optimizacija tehnoloÅ”kih procesa proizvodnje i pakovanje ovih proizvoda ima za cilj održavanje probiotskih karakteristika uz istovremeno pridržavanje svih kriterijuma u toku proizvodnje koji osiguravaju kvalitet, bioloÅ”ku raspoloživost i optimalno terapijsko dejstvo U ovom radu razmatran je značaj izbora primarnog i sekundarnog materijala za pakovanje sa ciljem očuvanja vijabilnost probiotskih ćelija u kapsulama tokom dve godine tj. tokom roka upotrebe. Poređenjem primene PVC (polivinil hlorid) i PVC/poliviniliden hlorid/poli-etilen (PVC/PVdC/PE) blister folija uočena je bolja zaÅ”tita probotskih ćelija od kiseonika i vlage primenom viÅ”eslojene folije. Dodatne efekte zaÅ”tite probiotskih ćelija u ovom radu potvrdjene su primenom dodatne zaÅ”tite blistera upotrebom sekundarnog pakovanja (engl. flow pack) kesice sa inertni gasom

    Low moisture starch for improved viability and stability of new Probiotic L. plantarum 299v preparation

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    Probiotic pharmaceutical preparations are more and more popular because of the increasing level of evidence of their beneficial effect on human health. The goal of this study was to determine and develop the encapsulated probiotic formulation with the optimal filling amount of active ingredient - Lactobacillus plantarum that would, in combination with other active ingredients: iron, vitamin C and excipient starch, fulfil requirements for therapeutic action while maintaining process parametersā€™ requirements of manufacturing as well. The optimal formulation of a multicomponent probiotic-based formulation that fulfils requirements for sustaining all active ingredients while respecting technological process requirements, will enable a routine pharmaceutical manufacturing that could yield both efficient and safe dietary products