3 research outputs found

    The Correlation Between Critical Thinking and The Learning Results of The Senior High School Students in Biology Learning Implementing Group Investigation (GI) Learning in Malang, Indonesia

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    The students’ biology learning results may vary among student, caused by several variables affecting the students’ learning results, such as, learning style, critical thinking, metacognitive skills, learning models and some others. Many researches have investigated the correlation between critical thinking and students’ learning results. However, a research investigating the correlation between critical thinking and learning results in Group Investigation (GI) learning has not been conducted. This research aims at investigating the correlation between the critical thinking and the learning results of senior high school students in Biology learning implementing the Group Investigation (GI) learning in Malang. This research was conducted in 2015 from July until December, using correlational design. The population of this research was all senior high school students in Malang. The subjects of this research were 32 students of class X MIA 2, and 33 students of class X MIA 4 of St Mary senior high school Malang. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. The results of this research showed that there was a correlation between students’ critical thinking and their learning results with the regression equation of the correlation between the two variables Y = 0.988X + 0.095, having a reliability value of 73.9%

    Hubungan antara Gaya Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA Katolik Santa Maria Malang Berbasis Skor Terkoreksi dalam Pembelajaran Biologi melalui Pembelajaran Group Investigation (Gi) Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    This study aims to uncover the correlation between learning styles and learning outcomes, based on the corrected score between posttest scores and pretest score of senior high school students in biology learning implementing Group Investigation (GI) learning strategy in Malang. This study used a descriptive-correlation design. The subject of this research were 32 MIA students of class X and 33 MIA 4 Students of class X of the St Mary Catholic senior high school Malang. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there is no correlation between learning styles and student learning outcomes.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa SMA berbasis skor terkoreksi antara skor pretes dan skor postes dalam pembelajaran biologi melalui pembelajaran Group Investigation (GI) di SMAK St Maria Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif-korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAK St Maria Malang. Subyek penelitian ini ialah siswa kelas X MIA 2 terdiri dari 32 siswa dan kelas X MIA 4 terdiri dari 33 siswa pada SMAK St Maria Malang. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara gaya belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa


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    This study aims to uncover the correlation between learning styles and learning outcomes, based on the corrected score between posttest scores and pretest score of senior high school students in biology learning implementing Group Investigation (GI) learning strategy in Malang. This study used a descriptive-correlation design. The subject of this research were 32 MIA students of class X and 33 MIA 4 Students of class X of the St Mary Catholic senior high school Malang. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there is no correlation between learning styles and student learning outcomes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa SMA berbasis skor terkoreksi antara skor pretes dan skor postes dalam pembelajaran biologi melalui pembelajaran Group Investigation (GI) di SMAK St Maria Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif-korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAK St Maria Malang. Subyek penelitian ini ialah siswa kelas X MIA 2 terdiri dari 32 siswa dan kelas X MIA 4 terdiri dari 33 siswa pada SMAK St Maria Malang. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara gaya belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa