4,132 research outputs found

    Titan's transport-driven methane cycle

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    The strength of Titan's methane cycle, as measured by precipitation and evaporation, is key to interpreting fluvial erosion and other indicators of the surface-atmosphere exchange of liquids. But the mechanisms behind the occurrence of large cloud outbursts and precipitation on Titan have been disputed. A gobal- and annual-mean estimate of surface fluxes indicated only 1% of the insolation, or ∼\sim0.04 W/m2^2, is exchanged as sensible and/or latent fluxes. Since these fluxes are responsible for driving atmospheric convection, it has been argued that moist convection should be quite rare and precipitation even rarer, even if evaporation globally dominates the surface-atmosphere energy exchange. In contrast, climate simulations that allow atmospheric motion indicate a robust methane cycle with substantial cloud formation and/or precipitation. We argue the top-of-atmosphere radiative imbalance -- a readily observable quantity -- is diagnostic of horizontal heat transport by Titan's atmosphere, and thus constrains the strength of the methane cycle. Simple calculations show the top-of-atmosphere radiative imbalance is ∼\sim0.5-1 W/m2^2 in Titan's equatorial region, which implies 2-3 MW of latitudinal heat transport by the atmosphere. Our simulation of Titan's climate suggests this transport may occur primarily as latent heat, with net evaporation at the equator and net accumulation at higher latitudes. Thus the methane cycle could be 10-20 times previous estimates. Opposing seasonal transport at solstices, compensation by sensible heat transport, and focusing of precipitation by large-scale dynamics could further enhance the local, instantaneous strength of Titan's methane cycle by a factor of several.Comment: submitted to ApJ Letter

    Elastic ice shells of synchronous moons: Implications for cracks on Europa and non-synchronous rotation of Titan

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    A number of synchronous moons are thought to harbor water oceans beneath their outer ice shells. A subsurface ocean frictionally decouples the shell from the interior. This has led to proposals that a weak tidal or atmospheric torque might cause the shell to rotate differentially with respect to the synchronously rotating interior. As a result of centrifugal and tidal forces, the ocean would assume an ellipsoidal shape with its long axis aligned toward the parent planet. Any displacement of the shell away from its equilibrium position would induce strains thereby increasing its elastic energy and giving rise to an elastic restoring torque. We compare the elastic torque with the tidal torque acting on Europa and the atmospheric torque acting on Titan. For Europa, the tidal torque is far too weak to produce stresses that could fracture the ice shell, thus refuting a widely advocated idea. Instead, we suggest that cracks arise from time-dependent stresses due to non-hydrostatic gravity anomalies from tidally driven, episodic convection in the interior. Two years of Cassini RADAR observations of Titan's surface are interpreted as implying an angular displacement of ~0.24 degrees relative to synchroneity. Compatibility of the amplitude and phase of the observed non-synchronous rotation with estimates of the atmospheric torque requires that Titan's shell be decoupled from its interior. We find that the elastic torque balances the atmospheric torque at an angular displacement <0.05 degrees, thus coupling the shell to the interior. Moreover, if Titan's surface were spinning faster than synchronous, the tidal torque tending to restore synchronous rotation would certainly be larger than the atmospheric torque. There must either be a problem with the interpretation of the radar observations, or with our understanding of Titan's atmosphere and/or interior.Comment: Icarus, in pres

    Coupling convectively driven atmospheric circulation to surface rotation: Evidence for active methane weather in the observed spin rate drift of Titan

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    A large drift in the rotation rate of Titan observed by Cassini provided the first evidence of a subsurface ocean isolating the massive core from the icy crust. Seasonal exchange of angular momentum between the surface and atmosphere accounts for the magnitude of the effect, but observations lag the expected signal by a few years. We argue that this time lag is due to the presence of an active methane weather cycle in the atmosphere. An analytic model of the seasonal cycle of atmospheric angular momentum is developed and compared with time-dependent simulations of Titan's atmosphere with and without methane thermodynamics. The disappearance of clouds at the summer pole suggests the drift rate has already switched direction, signaling the change in season from solstice to equinox.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, published in Ap

    Axisymmetric constraints on cross-equatorial Hadley cell extent

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    We consider the relevance of known constraints from each of Hide's theorem, the angular momentum conserving (AMC) model, and the equal-area model on the extent of cross-equatorial Hadley cells. These theories respectively posit that a Hadley circulation must span: all latitudes where the radiative convective equilibrium (RCE) absolute angular momentum (MrceM_\mathrm{rce}) satisfies Mrce>Ωa2M_\mathrm{rce}>\Omega a^2 or Mrce<0M_\mathrm{rce}<0 or where the RCE absolute vorticity (ηrce\eta_\mathrm{rce}) satisfies fηrce<0f\eta_\mathrm{rce}<0; all latitudes where the RCE zonal wind exceeds the AMC zonal wind; and over a range such that depth-averaged potential temperature is continuous and that energy is conserved. The AMC model requires knowledge of the ascent latitude φa\varphi_\mathrm{a}, which need not equal the RCE forcing maximum latitude φm\varphi_\mathrm{m}. Whatever the value of φa\varphi_\mathrm{a}, we demonstrate that an AMC cell must extend at least as far into the winter hemisphere as the summer hemisphere. The equal-area model predicts φa\varphi_\mathrm{a}, always placing it poleward of φm\varphi_\mathrm{m}. As φm\varphi_\mathrm{m} is moved poleward (at a given thermal Rossby number), the equal-area predicted Hadley circulation becomes implausibly large, while both φm\varphi_\mathrm{m} and φa\varphi_\mathrm{a} become increasingly displaced poleward of the minimal cell extent based on Hide's theorem (i.e. of supercritical forcing). In an idealized dry general circulation model, cross-equatorial Hadley cells are generated, some spanning nearly pole-to-pole. All homogenize angular momentum imperfectly, are roughly symmetric in extent about the equator, and appear in extent controlled by the span of supercritical forcing.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, publishe

    Total syntheses of conformationally-locked difluorinated pentopyranose analogues and a pentopyranosyl phosphate mimetic

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    Trifluoroethanol has been elaborated, via a telescoped sequence involving a metalated difluoroenol, a difluoroallylic alcohol, [2,3]-Wittig rearrangement, and ultimately an RCM reaction and requiring minimal intermediate purification, to a number of cyclooctenone intermediates. Epoxidation of these intermediates followed by transannular ring opening or dihydroxylation, then transannular hemiacetalization delivers novel bicyclic analogues of pentopyranoses, which were elaborated (in one case) to an analogue of a glycosyl phosphate
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